257699 ORIOINAL TO CITY C.�RK 25`7s99 � CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENC�� NO. LICENSE COMMITT�;E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ma.TCY1 ],L�.� ].9�2 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLV�s Tha,t �pplications for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor Licenses made by the followin.g applicants who �,re holders of On Sale Liquor Licens�s at the addresses shown� be and the same are hereby granted and in compliance with C. F. No� 235531, Ordinance No. 13735, whiah amends Chap�er No„ 308.00 of the Saint Paul Legislativ� Code and Ordin�nces. Da,lko� Inc. 616 Como Ave. App. 13815 Renewal Gary L., Inc. & Edwaxd E. �urner 160 W. Larpenteur Ave, App. 14127 " Belisle, Inc. 949 E. 7th St. " 1463� " Entertainment Enterpries, Inc. 1183 University Ave. " 14636 " Perdue's, Inc. 572 N. D ale St. " 14662' " Larry Brennan�s Liquors, Ine. 13 Leech St. " 14674 n MAR 14 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � MAK 14 197�2 � CONWAY A 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gAiIISt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED MAR 18-i97� ��