257696 ontotNw�To c�rr c�s�eK � /��j� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N� �o�a�� ►���� ' LzcnvsE corn�z�r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ma,reh 14# 1q72 COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS: The Mi.nnesota Organization of Blind� Inc. has made gpplicwtion f0r permission to conduet Tag Days on Thursday from 7s00 a.m. to 9s00 p,,m, and F`riday� from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p,m. June 22� and 23, 1972, on the streets of the City of Saint Paul� therefore, be it R�OLVED: That permission be and the �ame is hereby granted to the Minnesota Organization of Blind, Inc. to conduct such solieitations on the days� dates, a.nd between the hours requested. RENE'WAI, In.�°ormall�pproved by Council Maxch 7, 197�. MpR 14 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y� xa�s 14 1972 �-. MAR � CONWAY / App 19— Levine ri _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka � y� A gainst Tedesco 4 � • �' PlleUSHED MAR 18 1�72 I�Ir, es��c�ty �� CITY O�SAIN� PAUL ' � ' Capital of Minnesota � � � • c� / . ���� / � e1Je aHtn2e�t o ub�c �a et p � ADMINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PROTECTION ror.[cg DEAN MER.EDITH,Commisaianer HEALTH BALPH G.MERRILL,Dspnty Commissloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Iaspeetor March 7, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: The Minnesota OrganiZation of Blind, Inc. makes application for permission to conduct"Ga� Days on Thursday and Friday� June 22nd and 23rd, 1972 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m, on Thursday, and 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Friday. They have complied with Ordinance No. 1333e, amending Chapter No. 450.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances which deals with the sol3citation of funds. The application is made by Archie B. Erickson, President; and Rosemaxy Varey, Secretary. Atta.ched is a copy of their application. Very �Cruly yours, ������ � Licen.se Inspector 0 _ ' CTTY OF STo PAUL Of'fice of License Inspe:,tor 2oz Public sarQty Builain� S�o FAUl, r:iinr�osota 55101 Application for por.mission t� solicit funds9 or to conduct tag days, upon the streets of the City o�' St. Paul, P�Iinnoso�ao Date of Application 3-2-72 19 ls Name of or�anization 2•'Iinnesota Organization of Bland, Inc. � Address of organization 1.605 Eustis, St� Pa�l.., I�'Iinxiesota 5510� 2s Chief officer of organization Archie B. i,rickson, Px�esident 3. Secretar;� of organization Roseanary Varey, Secret,ary 4e Nane of person or persons rosponsible for the distribution of collected fundse Board of Directors 1�Sembership at large 5. Purpose or ob 'sct for B,�nich solicitation is to be made I'��tenance of Home and Center for ?_� blind and visual�y handicapped resident�c u a i , scholarships for si�hted chil�ren of blind �rents, printing oi bi--monthl.y publication in braille and inkprint, 2�.inn. State Fair booth 6e Uae to be n�,de of i'unds collec�tvd ���,��� �bpv� ?a Solicitation rrill be made on Thursday & Friday, June 22 �. 23, ig7z dates, be�veen tha hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. on Thuxs. 8o Location �rhere solicitati�n v�'ill takcj place City of St. Paul 9e List the amounts oi any rra�;esa fees, commissions, cos�Ls or ex}�nses paid or v�nich are expected to be p�id in connect-.iorn vra.th solicitation, Also list names �i` parsons -co ti�rr.oz,i ��,;�nentis Fia4r� b�en r.;�,da �r ti:�'�11 b� .�k��o und �ho amounts oi such pt�ym�ntso (A financial state�:�nt �.ncluding this infor�tion tna,V be attachod,� No yr�Qes. fees� co.*�issions�etc. 2�;eals and transportation will be pro•rided . solicitors upon request. (Over� . I0. Attach a copy of bttid�ot shozyin� solic�.tations for this fiscal or calendar yearo I1« �irxve �Tou read Cllap�or 450 or tlio St. �,u1 Le�;islatice Code, ti�sh�_ch provides i�or tho socurin� of psrr�ission to conduct the solici�tation of fimds , ar ta� days � upon i;he streo�E;s of tlie City of S�c o Paul and do you �'ully understand tho regulat;ions al,o provicled in said ordirkznce? Yes 12o Applicntion r.�ade in behalf uf the above. organization bys TJane Arch�e B. �ric�son Ti�;le or Office President I:a��Rose^�axy Varev Ti�le or Oif'ice Secretary STATE UF RiIi�?"ESCiA) �SS COUI��TY OF RAP�.ISEY � Ar�h-'��_ ??_ Erir- r esir�ent _&nd Rase�rv_ Varet�, Secretary beir.� du"ly sz•rorn say tha they are {;he petitioncrs in tho auove application; that they have read the foreroin�; petition and l�oti�r contQnts and purposes thereof; that sar.ie is true of the zr oi�t�i �o�rledge o �,a '� � � a� �.J�.�.r G�,.� ��.`. rlJi'L��;,,�.��,�.«�,- rr.,�_.�� /C,��,—.�2 Subscribed �nd sz�rorn to before �e this �_ }, � ���t-'�,�day o� �''��.,i���..� 19�� ,,���-�.�� :<�",�''_� ..��.��..c�.�.-� 1 Notar�ublic, ,J iassy County, F�innesota 2:'y coi:imission expires `��.,� (_'{��� 11.�.'� J . DOROTHY HAIDER Notary Puhlic, Ramsey Cour,iy, t�tinn. My Comrnission Expires July 18, 1975 IKarch 7, 1972 �. I�au ?�re0lth, Ca�st'. o?' 1'�u�bx.ie Seofg��Y, 101 S. lOth. St.� �t. �'apa1., ltism. Attat lsr. Daniel P. I�cLeo�ghLin Dsar �91r s � TLe Cit�r Coaawwcil tc�d�y 6xa,nt+�d intax�l. spprwal o� t2�e �pl�.ct�t3�a ot' tbe Minnasots Organi�atio� of 81i�ui, Inc., ib� pex�as.itai.on to c:c�n�du�t T�g Day�e ou Thursday aad �`rid+�y, J�e 22nd. aad 23rd. 1972 betxa�u t�e bc�urs of ?:00 a, m. �td 9tOA p. �. aa �1�urs�L4Y, �nd 7t00 a. �. and �t3a p• i• oa !'r'l.dtl�. itl11 �osa plaerae� px'a�'are t►�rs avtstar�s=y rt+�altxt�an? v'erY t�C�►' Yv�'e� City Clark �P