257687 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � l,5 16/�"� , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r— � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN L FORM �ESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, Dennis Kessler and George S. Jurgensen, employees of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau o� Fire Protection, were injured in a third party accident on August 30, 1971, while engaged in the performance of their duties; and WHEREAS, the CityYas incurred medical expense in the amount of �20.00 therefor; and WHEREAS, a compromise settlement has been negotiated between said employee;sand the other party involved in said accident, which provides for a net settlement to the City in the amount of �20.00; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to accept the sum of �20.00 in full , final and complete settlement of its claim herein, and that said sum is thereby credited to the Workmen' s Compensation Fund. � V psst. Cor oration �ounse�� MAR 14 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �, MAR 14 1912 �Ce��� � Appr 19— Levine ��n Favor MprP�i+1+ Sprafka J Maqor A gainat Tedesco Mr. Wice President Meredith �11�WSHED MAR 18 1��� � . . DUPLICAT6 TO HtIMRR , CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNCIL NO. 25,�5� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�.OMIr11�SSIONER ^A� t�1AERFAB, Dennls He�sler and Geor�s S. Jurgonren, seplor�es o! tbe Depsrtoent o? Public Ssiet�, I�uread ot F1rs Proteotion, Msrs in�ured ia a third party aQeident on August 30„ 1971, whfls u�a��d in ths pert"oroan�e oi their dutie�; and WBEABA3, t,�t� Clty�a� inQnrr�rd ��ioul ezpen�• in t,Le earoant a=���> � oi �tt0.00 ther�tor= aY►d ��� 1iH�R�, a co�pro�ise eettl8ment has b�es ee�otiate�i betMeen said eeployes and the oth�er party ierol��d ia �uaid aoeidant �fiiah providea tor a net �ettlement to tbe City in ths a�wunt ot �St4.00i noM, thereiore, be it o . .� RESOLYED, that the prop�r City oiiics�r• �ur� h�r��► sutbori�ced �o aeoept the su� oi �Rt3.00 ia iu21, iit�al �tnA 0o�pl�te s�t�lea•nt oi it� clalm herein, and that said � i• thereb� or�dit�d to tgs Worlu�en'• Co�pe�oation FtnW. ^:'f:'�5 MAR 14 1972 COtTNCILMEN Adopted by the Co��c�l 19— � Yesa Naya .�er. � A�o�� MAR 14 1972 19_ Levine ��n Favor Meredit3�- May�or Sprafka � Against Tedesco Mr. Vice Prpsident Mered�th ��