257668 . Or[sinsi to City Clerk ' • � ORDINANCE 25'7668 , COUNCIL FILE NO • PRESENTED BY G� ORDINANCE NO �✓ � �o�- An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: �'An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the mini.mum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1g35, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title for the specifications for Project Social Worker, and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof the title Project Social Worker I. Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby fu�ther amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the followi.ng title, and specifieations for Project Social Worker II -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. Pres_ident (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk � r �� , r Form approved Corporation Counael By r� =-�, i , . � ' 25'7668 - " �i itle oi ;11s�; i'�.C):��'CT S^(',�',:�,.�� V.r���:�Z�:�'� II %u1:i;:� arici res;�onsii�il.itie� . ��i�c':er su.�crvisir;�l, to i;c :��s�;cn.�ib;e f:or t��e �rQI'�v�sional soci�7 v�ork t:::�•L-z�;c;��, ;��.�videc; tc� r��t��i�,nn�: �f ��,,;9,�ia1 ��i•c���.;t;= Xn vn� .L't.��eau CF aTL?�_�.'�'!�; �i:C� i:o j')C:ifQi:77 Ir=�.•:t�'tJ�v '4�%OI'�C c L'-, a.ti�i�rE'�„ E:s�?117�LP.. C:f WC�i s: �'sC'It6�3'I1:GC�° TO :�U�s"1C'. :'V'15C' �u.'.Z'.i �:�f:'1�:� �il:: iJO��� O� 5C3Clr'�.,� �JCi�'l�(�iSy C�J?71TY]Laril�':j ��;2'�":i d�' ,..!fU t.^ �:311�� i;1?�i'c'l.��� ti-:;�2 1:�:_ �� 10 ]Y'i4:i:1'V1�:V f���2!�I�.Z:�, �C''l' �a7i; �3'.i.I�3C3�L" (iY� ?;.`�i`.`�l?.171.i1rG_-' c1�'l�'SiO�?I'La.��' 11�F01 2'il�$lL�T1. 7.0 pTCV'7.J.�0 1.'�:t� ��121!,i:cl� ��cl�A: W�1,:i� k:+°I'F127L'I]t :;O�Ic1Z �J.Tlf� C�Zl�(II'(J11:'Y1C-'Y1�cZ1 C?��. i?;.3�:FOt� �O �I'c:c3.'�:��':!:.;I`aa'�. aY1� �:�Tt}... �O �OUT?SC�� Ii1C�LtTIC�L1�l::i� +�C)?l�Z�:i J.P7C� I�YY11�.7.��� Zf7 �.111C�:JiJ:r1I1G211r�' i�:}.[; I'G�Li]iE;r'1Ca.114S� 1'�Sf3lli'CC�SJ ?:7Ci �.:�,?2�1,''L:;�"L�'JY7:� C� �1'OyC�.?' 22?ef�le:;c�1} �c.Y'C.'� �O .i't�1C'I �c�lt;t?�f.�' "wCJ A3�:�1�'3' �OK"r3;T]'�,li1i('�' 7'C;:'(�±`.;'CC�S �1I7�. �.�/LyZG°ai=°u: To or�ai7ize an� �u�r,L vi.•e tiie 7r:ainven�.n�c: �f record€ �ont��xn,i.n; � t?CI'�1i1��T7C 50C1�.1 1Y1�0iXY.1`4:i0Y1 C�17 G'�C�a �+"3it1L'P1�� 'Z'o prc;�;cbc inicrm�ttic�:� a�r,u` },.i�lie an:7 ��-ivwt� sa��a�.I a;,�nci:�s �u xh� pro;e�t stafi fol �1-:.�:i�• i:nfc�:�n��t:io�� arid u:�: 3�Q lI1fOT'37Z C40YYl�'i-,L�Ill�'yT <1�t:Ri:°G'� l��r. 1:1",i� ^zCC)T,':; ci11� OaCt�:;�^.`YV!.'S O� �T�.t? p2'tl�E`C'i;a ��O trGPIC �,�%1:.�"1 t'lr COt777X?L!ili�:�� ii} �:1tj: lOTCL �*PGzi'�F fc".,�' �:.ni_21�1�.i:1�:�T � �:,�.�.I1 Y11.1 Z< .�o �'i!�'c `ta,1k5 ii7 �c%-t�Ja1_:� �t�:"?.`.i]tani��„ _ ! ^ , ' 1 n-,. U , , �i;12'� 1.� i7t7 `SO ^�Dt��Ad ��-OLl�S tu exE�?.z::� ai�� �j�or:ote �rojt�ca aG��i.-��i�ies� To assisc; t�.e ���o,-"��ct dir. n��cc�2� r:� ��.•�>�,.�e:�-: n�ai�rzi.nr; a�cl d�wr-c�lapmenr� f• Y o advisC. txic �-�calfi�z O�fix�:�r or� the �v�i�' wa�-?c com�on�w>:3�:.� of -�.;_ • � V"u2'LO�S �i�ii:�.c Ll �:JI'C)�Q�I c�..X17�^-„ _ ?:b'iinii��a�n ;��alyfi��t;oiZ: ; � �t�1161 tll(�il�(hi!Lk � • ORDINANCE 25`766�3 . . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO � � Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. i �3 MAR 2 8 197.Z� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paased by the Council But�ler �y � �E��C.'c'�lLfiL�- Tn Favor � Levine Meredith � � Against spra�lca $ 1�72 Tedeaco ��, Mr. President Mc rty) Approve : t ty Clerk ayor �� : F�orm approved Corporation Counsel By •► pUBLISHED (�(�R J. 1972 ► � lfii�a��ts rr�ataz ' • � . ���� '- ORDINAIIT � E . . � COtiNCIL �LE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO� ��� Aa�:prdinanee amendiag Ordiaanc� Aio. 760?, +attitled: E r'Aa� ordinsnce fixiag the du�es aad re�poasibilities and the min�num qnaiificatione for the varions classes af posi�ons in the Clss sified Ssrvite of the City, " spproved Febrasry 13. 1935. u sm�ded. THE COUI�tCI� C1F ?HE CTTY �l�' SA�NT PAUL DOES OItDAI��1: Sectic� 1. Thst Or�iiasmae No. 7607, sppro�v�d Fsbsnsry 13, 1935, u smeaded, be aad the same �s hereb� fsztti�r sm�ded b� striking c�et the title for the speciSeatio�s �or Projact Soafsl Worl��s, snd b�r s�atita#ing ia lies thez+�c�f the title Psojsct �ia1 Worke= I. Saction 2. Thst ssid ordiasnca, u sma�led, bs and the ssmr is hereb� further ame�rded by inserting ia its gsoper a�pbsbetical ord�r the follawiis+� title� �d spec3ficstio�• for Project Soeisl �iTorker II .l_ Ye�s Councilnaten Nays Passed bq the Counci� Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith . Sprafka 4�inat Tedeeco Mr. Pre�ident (McCarty) AAProved: Attest: _._ CiLy Clerk ^ Mayor �� Form s�prnved Corporat3oi� �ounsel B� -- 1� � � , Dqlksb to PeLter " ORDINANCE 2�`�6�8 ,� . • r VVVI\V'� I�ILG ND . . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- �� �� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effeet aad be ia iv�ree os the fisst day of the first paproll period followiag thirty ds�a slter �ts psssage. approva�l, and publicatioa. _3_ Yeas Councilmen Na3►s Pa+�aed by the Counci� MA� Z 8 �� Butler Levine _In Favor MPxedith � A vninat � �.. T��t �� MAR 2 8 1972 ( C�Y) Approved: Atteet: City Clerk ayor �� : Form approved Corporation `�*c�unael B ♦ r � 25"7668 ' � � Title of' �1ar�: �'�':C��'�'C;T SOt�.T!�L �"vC�c Z<:�R T.I :�t�tiLs and x�es�onsibiliti:.•s: Under su�ervi�ion, tc bc res�;on�i�Je for t�ie profe�sional so�aal wc�rk servz�.c-� provided to paiti�in�n�� of s�eciai pra,�e;.tc in 'che Bureau of Healti:; 1nd to p��Aform -rel�t�c worlc as a��cigned, Ex�,mple:� ef wnrk �erfori7:�ed� To supc?•vise �.nd as:>i��i th� �vor.'.c oi social ��u�'ICE.'TSi comanuni�y servi�e uic'c.s, �n�3 outreach tivorl:��-so To ir�e3•view p�tier_ts fv:� tb7� �Sa.iz•?�o�� c�f cl�ta�ni.ng appro;3ri3�e information_ 'To prov�qc�a ri.e c�.inzcal sta'ff w'stl� ��erti►-�r-:nt social a.zd environznental cla�a �e1a'tetl to tre;at:z�er.� zi�;l ��re.. To couns-L1 i�:�aiv�dva;�, coupl�s and f�n�ili�s in undexs��nc;in€ �I�c I'C'.�lllY'�3Yx7t?ri�5� i'L':�Q�1I'CG1;, 1ri�� 1AIYl'lA'�c�ZOriS of pro3e�*.. medi�al Cc1Z'2o `To re��es �a�ient� �o otn�r �o:?-;vnufzz�fy r�sottrces anel ag�n�ies> To or�`n�ze and supe:rv3�e Zhe r:�a�n'��na?.zcc of re�eord� containin� j�ez•ti;l��nt soci�l iriform���ion on e�c!� �aatier.t. To proa;cle i.�formation a,t�ou'� ni�blze: and privat� so��al a�eneies �o �h�� �ro�ect staff fo�• �t�.�ir inica-•mati.�n. and u�e, To inforn� eommunit�r a��n���:� c��f �I:� scope an� �abj�titive� of �i�.e pro�ee•t,: T� E�vor.: ��ai�:h the commti�zixy i.n t�►si� to7•ce �;rou�� for �or�inZt�r..i�-y �Iay�rin�a r0 �7�'e L'.311{5 2I1 3C�!00�8� COIY]i'Y]LYri2'�;� CG'T1��.i$ c2F1C3 '�J G1�3��).cZ� �7'0�1�J5 to expla�,n ':nd r�comote j�roTce� �S:yi.�,�ifiie:< `Iu a�sis`� t.�e pro,�ect ci�rect�r =en progra3:� nlanning a�d dc.��lopment� `�o auvise ti�e Healfie� Offi.��r ari the sa�iai wo�?c componE��a�� �: var�.o�.s BuE eau oro�;ram�., �viinimum ;�ualifi�c�tions; C�ll�be �raduatian G�itiy a �ajor in :,o�:olo�y, ps}�chology, oi• on� of Gtze rel.at�d �oci.al s�icnces, �n�] '�w� y�c T'9e e3�pErience as a �-'ro3ecfi Social LLrorlcer k, ar eqcii�r.3'en* in a c�t�blic hc;alth a�er�y. �2_ 2=�•ch 1.�' 19rT2 �:r�, Jca'u�. Iiui:i.e:c _ __:,.'�?':"%.,�':° cs`bF' ���"SL�12tdttG� !;J'..�1..1i. ,,,.�`y'R�s.C:? rL1Y'G''�1.�. %��c..J, c:•.a.��"« ."4f:' r.:1.�"ei' ,��flll�i.+.�.�. "ti{✓ c�:�g;„ �ta.v£: a':�.i�t. ..�.�'? 'X�.Ci:t:� �iiS) �i�A� �`ol.�.��;ri.zx��; �� c.rci�a�ar.c�s wTx�.cka ��i1.1 ��f.�,: ;.z�,� ��z �"'e:�r.c� "?�r:�c`t�.zY<: �x�. Z�Iva.;.'�c,'z `_'.1_s a�.�?'�r't U,)1.1,��:�...f. r.�,b�.�.' C_����'(`(�`7 "' a�.t'a2�'�'I.S, ',J.+r�r`�' „ 'a?"z:'."�.�E.`�� :;or�i�I t•I�r�:es, �o�ect SociaZ vda.rl�e� :C �.r°�ci l'a���c� �oci.al Wc�rker TI. C�ur�cil �'il.e 2576F�8 — �r�ne� f�7��7 �e Fra�ect So�ial «orker� Prv;��c� Sr�cial Warker I, Prca�ect Soc�til. Wnrker II. Very tx�1y yours, C:l.{'s�r �,�2'� �� 25��j 68 This ordinance changes the title for the specifications for Project Socia-1 Worker to the title of Project Social Worker I. It also creates the tYtle of, and speeifications for, Project Social Worker II. } ; o� I st �' ' 2nd � '� Laid over to � 3rd and app —Adopted �� O Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson � -. , Levine 2��ss�+ Levine r� Meredith Meredi+h /1 V $prafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCariy Mr. President McCarty O