257653 ' ' ' d�p ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK . + CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FIOENCIL N0, '� ��)5t� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK : �� CO I ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRFSENTED BY COMMISSIONE 0 DATF WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the JEFFERSON-SARATOGA SEWER SYSTEM, Comptroller's Contract L-7375, City Project No. 71-S-0990, Arcon Construction Company, Inc., Contractor, have been provided f or in the Specif ications, and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the f ollowing Additions: ADDITIONS As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 3 and as per attached Itemization $8,111.95 ������ and r WHEREAS, The total addition is $8,111.95, and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $8,111.95 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Pau1 through its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $8,111.95, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller�s Contract L-7375, and which amount is to be = �inanced f rom 1971 Local Improvement Funds 0920-701. T��R� �1' OV � - �,,.,,. �. � 1iOrr oUi!�el � 9 19T2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Naye ,�u#�e�- ���° ro �� 19� Levine `" Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �! or A gainst Tedesco �1� Mr. President, McCarty ����p MA � _ __ �°.�_,_;,� , � "" .., ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WiORKS 'G� ���z� •. • CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 3 � PRQJECT N0. 71-S-0990 CONTRACT N0. L-7375 CONTRACTOR Arcon Const. Co. . Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION .IEFFERSOPd-S p,A'rOGA .;7E� S S'r�i In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the Cfty of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. r1DDIT IONS Items A Total amount, see attachment $ 607.50 B " " " " 1 950.00 � C " " �' �� 680.00 D " " " �' 850.00 E " " " �� 1 050.00 � F " " " " 50.00 G " " " " 300.00 H " " " " 825.00 � I " " " " 80.00 J " " " �' 464.43 K " " " " 194.51 L " " " " 441.24 M " " " �� 305.91 N " " " " 313.36 Total Items A throu�h N - $8,111.95 ° �� / This additional amount is to be f inanced from 1971 Local Improvement Funds 0920-�--. T'�Yrt C � � . . '-��� � o— 19�� Arcon Construction Company, Inc. s�n?ction Eng'�.%n�er Contractor � c �=„ '� `/ r� � p �w ;` �� 4; 'j/ 19,�(! By ..[ /1Cc t, 3 - / - 19 7'z- hief Engine r 3 19ZZ- f.ZL-C.��3 - � 19� � ommissioner � ,Comptroller :�'h Original (White) Dnplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer , ' � , '. ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTTiENT UF PlJ3LIC WORKS � , . � CONSTRUCTION DIVISION • � . . �• , CUNTRACT CHANGE AGRE�IENT � PROJECT N0. 71-S-0990 COtrTRACT N0. L-7375 CONTRACTOR Arcon Construction Co. , Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION JEFF�RSON-SaRATOG� SES�IER SYSTEfi � ADDITIONS A. 24" Arch �pipe, class II 45 lin. ft. @ $13.50 $ 607.50 B. Construct catch basin, design 1B 6 catch basins @ $325.00 1,950.00 C. Construct catch basin, design 3C 4 catch basins C� $170.00 680.00 - D. Furnish & install precast concrete section 4 ft. long with 24 inch curb opening 17 curb sections @ $50.00 850.00 E. Construct'�catch basin, design 2B 3 catch basins @ $350.00 1,050.00 F. Construct 24 inch side inlet hole 2 side inlet holes @ $25.00 50.00 G. Construct side inlet (without curb opening) 6 side inlets @ $50.00 300.00 H. Construct side inlet (�vith curb opening) 11 side inlets @ $75.00 825.00 I. Adjust manhole f rame castfng 2 adjust casting @ $40.00 80.00 • J. Seal up cstch basin openings in� curb and pave depression in gutter with 2361 wearing course at four locations Cost of labor, .-naterial �nd equipment rental 464.43 � K. Construct 4 concrete piers to support reinf orced concrete sewer pipes .crossing a water main and a sanitary sewer Cost of labor and material . � 194.51 L. Remove and relay 30 lin. ft. of 15 inch R.C.P. catch basin lead at Palace Ave. and Hamline Ave. because of utility . conflict Cost of labor, r.iaterial and equipment rental 441.24 M. Remove and relay 107 lin. ft. of 15 inch R.C.P. sewer on - Albert St. south of Randolph Ave. because of utility conflict _ ' Cost of labor, mnterial and equipment rental 305.91 N. Remove and relay 32 lin, ft. of 36 inch P..C.P. sewer on � Hamline Ave. south of Jefferson Ave. because of utility conflict Cost of labor and equipment rental 313.36 � Total Cost of Items A through N = $8,111.95 This additional amount is to be f inanced from 1971 Local Improvement Funds 0920-701. . � _ ���n�� CITY OF ST. PAUL oouNCa �c�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p� NO • ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CAMM�NEQ �,��� Cd{'�r DA� ii6EltEes. �ddietau �6ieh s�t ps�e�nr to 1� wav�ary in tL� Iapro�rwar d�aa�ib�d �s !�t �N-�RK'1'06A � �IBTI@l. Ca4tsolLar�s Co�atraat L-737S, Cit� pro��t Mo. 71•3•0'!l10, Asao�+ Coasts�ue.tiop Caipsu�„ Inc.. Coatrsc�tar� haw b�a px�rid�d fv�r in tlr Sp�ai!`iatttens, �nd illQlt�S. It h�s baa� #onad arataasr�r to �sk�r I�r tol lori� Additiaa s ADDI?Ip� A� prs aetaal�rd Caats+�at cbau� ��nt lto. 3 ra�d u p�r �ttae�sd �trisati�aa f i,111.9s �ud W�B, T!N total �dditi�o i� $a,111.95. and t6� Ca�l,�+rioe�s o!� $ublic Morks 1uu� asrMd Mith tlr Caotrsator tlytt tlwt �at a�E �6.111.9� i� th� coxt�at aus to b� �del�d to aaLd co�tr�ak, �r�i�n b� it 1tE80LVED. Tbat t1� City o! �E. Y�1 � ita Cit�► Cow�ail appt�o�n�1► t� f�aoi� additioas a� in aaaosdsno� Kt�► t1a Sp�eit3a�ttioas ia t� au� v� �8,111.95. �ai�d �at to b� add�ad to t� lnrrp au� ooas3��ratiaa nprd in th� oanttaat, �va as �o�ptroll�ar's Cootsaat L-7�7S� aad �tia� a�at i�t to b� �iwacrd ltaa 1971 Lo�al Ia�pro�t lnoda 09�0-�01. W�R g �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.—. Yeas Naya �- MAR 91972 �� Appmved 19_. �°�e Favor Meredit�h Sprafka C� �� ro�inst Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCartq . . ^�� _ _ _ �•�"• - t"-, ' CITY OF SAIA'T PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WbRKS �����5,`� •, . � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT Np. 3 � PROJECT IV�. 71-S-0990 CONTRACT N0. L-7375 CONTRACTOR Arcon Const. Co. , Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION .7F'FFERSOi1-SARATCGA SEG1�P. SYSTII�S In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ADDITIO�JS Items A Total amount, see attachment $ 607.50 B " " '� " 1 950.00 � C " " " " 680.00 • D " " " " 850.00 E " " " " 1 050.00 � F " " " " 50.00 G " " " " 300.00 H n �� r� �� 825.Q0 I " " " " 80.00 J " " " " 464.43 K " '� " " 194.51 L " " " �' 441.24 M " " " " 305.91 N �� " �� �� 313.36 Total Items A through N - $8,111.95 ��� � This additional amount is to be f inanced from 1971 Local Improvement Funds 0920-�. T'�t � "� ,` -' � �-- 19 ,�� Arcon Construction Company, Inc. F� ''si�ttion Eng' er Contractor ��\ii ``+� � J i`,��? �� � s���/ 19,��/ s ..c 2 ''" -•'" y ���, 3 - � - i97 �* 2 R. hief Engine r �— � � / 19 Z— G�3 — � � � Z f'L 19 ommissioner � Comptroller :7'h 0 riginal (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer . � • , ; . " CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DF1'ARTTSENT UF PU3LIC WORKS . � CONSTRUCTION DIVISION • . .; CUNTRACT CHANGE AGRE�IENT � � PROJECT N0. 71-5-0990 COPJTRACT N0. L-7375 CON'TRACTOR Arcon Construction Co. , Inc. YROJECT DESCRIPTION JEFF�RSON-SARATOG�1 SESI�R SYSTII; � ADDITIONS A. 24" Arch �pipe, class IZ 45 lin. ft. @ $13.50 $ 607.50 B. Construct catch basin, design 1B 6 catch basins @ $325.00 1,950.00 C. Construct catch basin, design 3C 4 catch basins @ $170.00 680.00 � D. Furnish & install precast concrete section 4 f t. long with 24 inch curb opening 17 curb sections @ $50.00 850.00 E. Construct'�catch basin, design 2B 3 catch basins @ $350.00 1,050.00 F. Construct 24 inch side inlet hole 2 side inlet holes @ $25.00 50.00 G. Construct side inlet (without curb opening) 6 side inlets @ $50.00 300:00 H. Construct side inlet (with curb openin�) � 11 side inlets @ $75.00 825.00 I. Adjust manhole frame casting 2 adjust casting @ $40.00 80.00 • J. Seal up cstch basin openin�s in� curb and pave depression � in gutter with 2361 wearin� course at four locations Cost of labor, �aterial �d equipment rental 464.43 � K. Construct 4 concrete piers to support reinforced concrete sewer pi.pes crossing a water main and a sanitary sewer Cost of labor and material 194.5.1 L. Remove and relay 30 lin. f t. of 15 inch R.C.P. catch basin lead at Palace Ave. and Hamline Ave. because of utility . conflict Cost of labor, material and equipment rental 441.24 M. Remove and relay 107 lin. ft. of 15 inch R.C.P. sewer on � Albert St. south of Randolph Ave. because of utility conflict ' Cost of labor, material and equipment rental 305.91 N. Remove and relay 32 lin, ft. of 36 inch P..C.P. sewer on � Hamline Ave. south ot Jefferson Ave. because of utility conflict Cost of labor and equipment rental 313.36 � Total Cost of Items A through N = $8,111.95 This additional amount is to be f inanced from 1971 Local Improvement Funds 0920-701.