257645 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK �5 �f 45 � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� N O. . FICE OF THE CITY CLERK � r � -� L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund weekly compensation of �80.00 be pai�d Robert J. Greer, Jr. , while he is temporarily totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on February 11 , 1972, while employed by the Department of Public Works and that �160.00-=in final settlement, to and including February 25, 1972, is now due and payable. FOR � Asst. Cor oratio n el �,R a 1'9T"L COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays �, MAR a �9��� ��sL�-_ (�.r,.�,2. ve 19— Levine n Favor � Meredith Sprafka ✓ -" � Tedesco A gainet Mr. President, McCarty p�JgL�SHEA MAR ��� �� DYrLtCA'R TO PRIN7=R cmr oF s�. PAUL ��Nq� No 25`�f 45 , . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � - COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM ���� COMMISSIONR� DATE ftESOLVID, tha� out oi the Workmen's Co'pen�ation Aeooqat oi tha aeseral l�md �eekly ooepeasatioa oi �80.00 be paid Aobert �� J. Greer, Jr. , uhile he is tesporarily totally dissbi�d by reason oi in�uries he received c ,. Fsbrnary ll� 1972, while eoploqed by the Department oi Pu�bl�.e i�orkr and t�at �160.00 �i�_<;iinal �sttlement, to an� including� February 2y, 19']2, is now du� a�ad payable. M�AR i � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co��c�� 18_. Yeas �. Nays �IIAR S 19T�1 ��_ (° Approv� 18_ �°�e Favar Meredith Sprafka � ��r Tedeaco A 8'�inst Mr. President, McCarty ��