257638 _ _ _ _ . 1.�'� �.�r "� . � � � ��'�I���(J+.J����. ' �r COUNeII, FILE NO. CITY O�F ST. PAUL �� R�so�hution Ratifying Assessmeat B�— File No. �� In the matter of the assessment of MwIM�l�� +�# a�►i���iM �s � #� N�l"�3� �ri�i �lww�Li�MM� �t�Ci �rr M�l?u�► !a� �'l�iak t* �1�'t �i#��SL�► �I � 4, �Itits,�rt'• �t�isl�r lye�t �� � Ip� �t � ��il�3, under Preliminary Order ��� ,approve�l 1�� �- �'� � Intermediary Order �� , approvpd����' + �� -� Final 4rder �'� ,approve� ���� . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment havin,g been further conaidered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESO!LVF�D, That the said assessrnent be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distriat Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVFll, That the said assesament be and it is hereby determined to be pa,yable in ��equal installments. � ��� COUNCILMEN 3 � ° � V y '```"� . MAR 8 19� Yeas �,r Na s Adopted by the Counci G;�' ' a' ,7A2, M�'R g 1 . ��_��.. _ �� ��--- I1"Ci���..:i !H \ S t'RA�i�a �' Approv TEDESCO � McCARTY � � -� rn Favor ' I Yo�' v Againat PUBUSH�D 1� Fo� x-z z� io-sa a�� �� , � ,.. � ^ � , CITY OF ST. PAUL ,2���'�(� '�v���� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' �� Rep�rt of Gompletion of Ass�ssment File No � In the matter o# the assessme�t of �N, M�t �+i+�� � � �i M1M'fi�t� r1� 1�li�r�r�MMr� ��� !eM �i� !�a � �. �Ibtw��•�r ���ts#+�► r� ��� 1►, �'"� �i�s� � � M��t 1�r �rt � ��I!l��� � under Preliminary Order �� ,approved �� �a �'� , Intermediary Order � ,apprnve� +�1 L�. �+�1 , Finari prder � ,approved �' � �� . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commiasioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement o�the ex- penditures necessaxily incurred for and in connection with th�e making of the above imprnvement, viz: Tota1 construction costa . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . 2,749 88 � Engineering .��a. �g�R�4��AR .. . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 475 �i_ 1�� .K�it�B��a�t .81a�.���$�m�mx. S.�ficic�s. . $ 54 64 Postalcaxda . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. ... . . .. .. .. .. . $ � 115-- Publications . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ... . . $ �.0 Sp— Collection coats . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . $ 81 �.Q_ Court coats for canfirmation . .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. . � � �Li— Ccmptroller's Costs 40 50 TOTAL EXP�ND'ITURES . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . $ 3,440 �,L. Chargeto . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . $ . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . $ NetAssessment . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . $ ��45� �7 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assess�d and leyied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit• the aum of $ 3,450.37 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited by the aaid improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefita conferred thereon; that the a�id asa�sament has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the sa.id assesament as comcpleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the ci such action th may be conaidered proper. .�Date� �cember 7, 1971 ommisaioner of,Fi�e Form R-s 2M lo-ss 8�� Jr�n. �� 1972. Nir. J, Wm. Donovaxt' Yaluatiar� & Aass��nt P�ineer. Dear Sir: For ycyur 3r�tQZm�tion, the City Council tod�ay la.i.cL ovar �aur �eks to �'ebr►�ary 3�• '�h� Reaolutian RatiPying Asseamnent in th� mswtter of the aseesement of benet'ita, coat aund expsnses 2'or greding and surf'$cing �rith bittmoinous material t2�e alley in Hlxk 2, N�.chel's Subdvn, of Block 4, St��con's Divi�ion fro� De1e St. t�o Kent Street, under P. 0. 242618, a�prc�v�ad r�urch 14, 1969. VerY tru]-Y Y'�, City Clerk hP Feb. 3, 19,^2 i�Sr. J. �a7m. Ik�novan, V�1uat3on r�;lx�ee�'. I.)ear Sir: li�e i:X-�y ���,sa�cxl �;�i�y �.�:.d over to :rltarc� uth. th� F�e�olu�iors ��a4i:Pyin�,, Assessr�il�t in �1�e a��.tter ef �he as�ess��:n�: s��' �aeriefits, co$� ruid expenses �ar ;�ra�inf; anci �u.�iaciai� �the al.�.�y i:r I31oc1� �, ��.ichel': S��udvrY. c��' s':a�.o�;°r: '�, ��inso.�'s Uivi�iar� Arc�m �3�.1.e ��. to i:e�zt �;�. iG-�.��5i, 'anciex :'. 0. ;'4261v, approvee� �Iax'cl:� J.�, 1��9. Very truly yours, City Clerk �