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257634 , OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 25'���4 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE�ENTED BY �a� COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, he Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursua.nt to Resolution, C. F. No. 231870, approved Februa.ry 7, 1967, auth- orized and directed the proper City officers to enter into and execute, on beha.lf of the City, an agreement for the development of a new Zoning Ordina.nce for the City of Saint Paul, with Vilican-Lema.n & Associates, Inc. , a Michigan corporation; and WHEREASa Such an agreement was duly entered into and executed on Ma.rch 1, 1967, by the proper City officers and representatives of Vilican-Leman & Associates, Inc. , a copy of which is attached hereto; and WHEREAS� The ma.ximum sum of $15,800.00 allotted for payment to Vilican-Lema.n & Associates, pursua.nt to the aforementioned agreement, ha.s been expended; and WHEREAS, It is hereby determined that the continued service� of Vilican-Lema.n & Associates� Inc. � is necessary to complete the development and implementation of the proposed new Zoning Ordinance for the City of Saint Paul; noc�r, therefore, be it RESOLVED� Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute Ac�dendum A to that ag�eement dated Ma.rch 1� 1967, by and between the City of Saint Paul and Vilican-Leman & Associates, Inc. , authorizing the expenditure of an additiona.l ma.ximum sum of $6,000.00 pursua.nt to the terms of said Addendum A, a copy of which is attached hereto. Said expenditure to be cha.rged to the New Zoning Ordinance Fund, Code No. 0023. FO A�P D: �� Asst. Corpora ' ounsel � �R ? 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �� AR ? 1972 � Conway Appro R"'� 19— Levine � _In Favor Meredith ! Sprafka or '�J y A gainst � Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBL�SHED MAR 1 ��� , �� . . . , ��� 6 3 ;�-__�:�---_ � ,TRIPLICATE Ta•i THfi GOM?7RULLER GTY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �o� FILE• - ' . - C�FFICE OF THE CITY Cl.ERK _ ,CnUNC(L RESOt�UTION--GENERAL FORM PBESENiF.D BY DATE ' -- COMAAISSIONEfL — — 1.�a��i�.s..;AS, th� City a� S�,int F�.cal 1s �u�a�wd fn. thQ c�Lvelo��i:i^at a� a �xo�ra:� �or eity–i�ide: re�3.tali�r�tion ���'rz�.ch ��i2�. ��rc�v��c�e � �l�keprint for a coxatin�in� fir ht a�.;�.in�� i��i�,ht �.?�c� 1�3.i�;:i-Liii��; in�'lue�ieo�, anL �or ttic gen�ra�. �:nProver�on� c�� t•�x� urU<aaz c�.v�.r�r:�ent; and `.;'?I��-4L}'.Ra:9� �1ie t;ity o� S�int I'�u7, is eQr�irnittec� �tc� �;hc E�e�•�:�o�a����nt c�f �. sou�.�i' �ocic�-_� rs�,�ia:z3 ordin��.c;c� in orcicr t� Ra�4�ln c�r��.�:�.€:�,��.r.�ai �E�.der t;#�e i�'e�.er�.l. k3au�;f.��; �.z�ci �'x�l���. 1�c����.o}�I�era� I,c�as�.rt;;<c���i� � l:ar�c�:�rle I'x°c,ux��::�k <:��: t°:�i��R.�AS= the nre�ent �c�n3.n�; Urd3.zx�nce of .�h� Ci�� a� ��iut :'atzl r��s a�r�.gin�iliy �ra�ted iri 1��� �nc� rir�xt.y �Sra����:���s A�P �;�.� �ar�.e tzre no Ion�or i� kee�3�n� wit�-g ��odern zoning provis�.oa��� ti�erafc►re, �ie it �.�St?L'VLi)� �hat t,ie ;;�ra;,�e� City of�icer:� I�o anc� $�zE,y ara h�;��'�y �ut�orize�, Avc� cPiz�eateci ta c�n�v��• :.nta u�.a exeeu�e� an U�h��,2� of ��3� C����s �a �.�ree:aent �or tho �eva�a�:n�nt oi' Id��r �r,:i�.z��; U:r.°cl�..�.<ance �flr �ii� t;i�y oi' �3�.n� I'�;zl , :�f1.I`1.�n'JOfiE3p wi t.a ti'ali�a�n�- Lo,-�r:?� �. ,��s�QC��3�es, ]:x�c. , e�R�� of ��riz�.c:� A�r�er�c�xxt ws a'ttr}:;f�ecd ' ?i�r�ta un�'. i�zcarpc�r�.�t��u �cx��.r� l�y r��'c°re�tce. l ��r� �� � � �� �`��� . � .:.j� i� � z���� e�'�� . �!1 {{F( ... 6T � � / k� ��, � t` � � CO�UNCILI��IEN 7 ���� Adopted by the Counci�.� 1�3� Yeas Nays a�' � Carlson ""i � ;��'�� Dalglish A�,proved_ —19— Holland Meredith In Favor " Peterson Mayar •, Tedeqcc, _—.Agai^st ` Mr. President, Byrne V"� �2l � � - t i . � � . . . . . � • � • . � � � F� ' CONTRAGT ��"'- �;� ;� ; , r :� PART I M AGREEMENT � AN AGREEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW ZONING ; ORDINANC� FOR THE CI TY O F SAIN T PAU L9 MINNESO TA � i � 4 � THIS AGREEMENT entered into as of this first day of March, 1967 f by and between the City of Saint Paul, State of Minnesota, and Vilican�Leman i & Associates, Inc. , a corporation oxganized and existing under the laws of the � State of Michigan with principal offices in the City of Southfield, 5tate of ' Michigan, WI TN ESSE TH: ! WHEREA5, the City of Saint Paul is engaged in the development of , a program for city-wide revitalization which will provide a blueprint for a con � tinuing fight against blight and blighting influences, and for the general improv - � ment of the urban environment, and � WHEREAS, in order to be successful, such a program must have an adequate and modern zoning ordinance to assist in the proper implementa,- tion of sound land use development, and WHEREAS, the City of 5aint Paul is committed to the development of a sound, modern zoning ordinance in ordex to certification under the Federal Housing and Urban Development Department's Workable Program and, WHEREAS, the present Zoning Ordinance of the City of Saint Paul was originally drafted in 1922 and the provisions of are no longer in keeping with modern zoning provisions, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follo��vs: SECTION I » Ob'ectives of Professional Services to be Provided Hereunder: A. Identify and evaluate various new techniques in land use regulations being employed by other municipalities in- cluding, but not limited to, industrial performance sta.nd- ards, flood plain zoning, cluster subdivisions, airport zoning, floating zones, so-called contract- zoning, planned unit development, exclusive zoning districts, view pratec» tion, and sign control. g� Prepare the framework, format, stxucture and text of an adequate modern zoning ordinance incorpoxating those new techniques in land use regulations which are applicable to the City of Saint Paul. . SECTION II » Scope of Services ' , A. The Contractor shall do, perform, and carry out, in a sat- � isfactory and proper manner, as determined by the City . . Planning Board of Saint Paul, the following work: 1� Develop the entire format and text of an adequate mo� ' dern zoning ordinance, acceptable for eventual adop- tion by the City of Saint Paul, incorporating those new techniques in land use control which are applicable to the City of Saint Paul. 2) Prepare the Schedule of Regulations (height, bulk, density, etc. ) with several alternatives for considera- tion by the Planning Board staff. 3) Prepare all sketches that would graphically explain definitions and formulae developed. 4) Prepare a rough draft and '�mock-up'� of a fold type brochure to be used by the City for distribution to the general public. 5) Deliver 50 copies of the final draft of the text. These copies are to be typewritten and run on off-set. B. The Contractor shall meet with the Planning Board, Legisla- tive 13ody, and citizen groups at various times during the drafting of the ordina.nce as well as at appropriate times fol- lowing receipt of the final draft of the ordinance. C. The City Planning Board of Saint Paul, through its sta.ff, agrees to provide the following services: � 1} Assign an experienced planner to work with the Contrac- tor during the duration of the study. This staff inember will xemain under the direction of the Planning Director but will devote his time to assisting the Contractor in such work as collecting basic data and the testing of standards which might be proposed in the Schedule of Regulations. 2} Supply a complete set of the 1962 land use maps of the City. 3) Provide access to those Sanborn Insurance Atlases whic are available for the City of 5aint Paul. 4) Supply a copy of the latest zoning map of the City of Saint Paul. D. The development of the Zoning District Map will be the re- sponsibility of the Planning $oard sta.ff. The consultant will, however, revie�v inapped districts with the sta.ff at technical sta.ff ineetings and discuss the application of standaxds to distri.cts. ' SEC.TIOPd III - How the Work Will be Performed • , �1• PERFORMANCE: 1) The Contractor will be directly xesponsible to the Pian- ning Director and will work with the Director and his technical staff. > 2) The Contractor will meet with the technical sta,ff of the Planning Board at least once a month. These meetings shall be scheduled over at least a two-day period in order to maximize economies in time and travel and shall be included in the fee structure as esta.blished in SECTION IV. A. 1} - PAYMENT. These meetings shall equal at least ten (10) hours per month. � 3} The various sections of the ordinance shall be presented to the technical staff for review and comment prior to final drafting. Adequate provision shall be made for re� view by the Corporation Cour_sel's legal staff as to the legal ramificat�.ons of the text of the ordinance. � 4} The Contractor shall be prepared to meet with the Plan- � � ning Board, Legislative Body, and citizen groups at various times during the drafting of the Ordinance as well as at appropriate times following receipt of the final draft of the Ordinance. It is understood that these meet- ings will be over and above the ba sic fee quoted and no r°� meetings of this nature will be allowed without the written authorization of the Planning Director. However, meetings with the Planning Board or Legislative Body scheduled the same day as the monthly meetings with the technical staff will be provided without additional cost. B. PERSONNEL: ' 1) The Contractor shall supply manpower of sufficient quan- tity and competence to assure completion of the work in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Director within the time allocated in this contract. � 2) It is understood that Mr. George Vilican, Jx. will have prime responsibility for the work to be done by the Con- tractor and will attend all meetings with the Director and his technical staff. C. PROGRESS CON TRO L: 1) The Contractor shall forward to the Planning Director at the beginning of each month a memorandum containing a sta.tement of the progress made during the preceding month. i � _ D. TIME OF PERFOI;.NANCE: , ' •. 1� The Contractor shall sta.rt work on this contract within ten (10) days after receiving notification to proceed. , 2) The Contractor shall complete all work, as itemized under SECTION II, A � Scope of Services, within six (6) months after receivixig notification to proceed. SECTION IV - Payment A. The City of Saint Paul agrees to pay the Contractor for the performance of his duties under this contract a sum not to exceed the maximum sum of $15, 800. 00. This maxzmum sum shall be allocated as follows: 1� The Contractor shall be paid a tota.l of $I0, 800. 00 for � ' y the satisfactory completion, as determined by the Plan- �� �-";{ • � j ning Director, of all work itemized under 5ECTION II, `� '`�� 'e � ''.r =? � "``s�" A. - Sco e of Services. Pa ments shall be made on the 4�., � , �,, `,, ,z� ° P Y F,_ a -�-; �' � basis of $1, 800. 00 per month for the six (6) month � �fx'� t "' � , ` � � period. All meetings provided for under SEC TION III, � r : � `� � ( . ; �`•''�'°° A. 2} - Performance shall be included within this total. . �� � x �'�j'F � � ?M �5' tl� ��� � { * p<:,,�e� The final monthly payment shall be retained as a com- � " '` � �� �� �`�� pletion reserve which shall be withheld by the City � , t ;%^�a�`� h ,�: • until satisfactory completion by the Contractor of all �� � � � " "i, E�v. l � work to be performed hereunder, as determined by the f � . ` .. . .. `;. � � ,, 4� , Saint Paul Planning Director, and after a final invoice �' � ;�`.,�,�' ;..� has been submitted. � ` �'` � ' �_..,�r� 2� An additional sum of $5, 000. 00 is provided as a contin- � x�:�� ��' � f gency reserve to cover SECTION II, B. - Scope of 5er- r : � ' ,:/, � r.� , � ., /' ` / � -`; vices and SECTION III, A. 4) Performance. It is intend , j .r ; . , �� ' jI,. :'` ` � ,� f�� ed to be used to defray costs of time and expenses in- �t��' �' � `�,;� ' + .-r curred by the Contractor in attending policy consulta- i,' ,t ' � �:!` tions with the Plamzing Board, Legislative Body, and �:; ; .,: . , � , ,. � ' ,y , • �`��� y citizen groups. Charges for fhese meetings would be , , ` J� ;.� �+� � at the rate of $250. 00 er day which shall include all ; � . ,� • 1 , ,_ , expenses with the exception of transporta.tion. However �l . -' � � if these sessions are conducted on a day immediately ��� � prior to ox after a scheduled meeting with the Planning staff, there will be no add.itional. transporta.tion charge. No time or expenses shall be incurred for these meet- ings without the express written authorization of the Planning Director. � • Part II - TERMS AND CONDITIONS This agreement is subject to and incorporates the provisions attached as Part II - Terms and Conditions dated March 1, 1967. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Local Public Agency and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BY: • Mayor � � /�� /' � � / j � � B�.-�,��.tif- �-��-���..��� c�.� cie� _ � ..��t .�+„r Form Approved: Countersigned this �_day of :r�;� _�,� I967 ,. : . /`f�. ;�� ' a` ���Z� � �l�c/'�.,�-1,��-,, st. Corporation Counsel City Comptroller � ,%'; .. ; � Approved as to form and exe» cution (Local Public Agency} � � . % 1 � ' 1 rt.t,, - ,t��_�; Asst. Corporation Coun el VILICAN-LEMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. `�_,� - In Presence Of: � , _ ✓/ f,��_� j '�� _,,,� . . ����l:.;•� • Geo r ' ica , J r. , P e ident ���G��� BY: Charles F. Leman, Vice President . , � . , '� � , � • , k " . ' '�-- ; •; ' , _ - . � ; ! i• CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIO�?AL OR TECHPIICAL SERVICES � . j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; . � � PART II--TERMS AND CONDITIONS � i � 1. Termination of Coneract for Cause. If, through any cause, the Contractor shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner his obligations under this Contract, or if the Contractor shall violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this Contract, the Local Public Agency shall thereupon have ; the right to terminate this Contract by giving written notice to the Contractor � of such ,termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least five � days before the effective date of such termination. In such event, all finished ; or unfinished documents, data, studies, and reports prepared by the Contractor under this Contract shall, at the option of the Local Public Agency, become its . property and the Contractor shall be entitled to receive .just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed -on such documents. ' Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor shall not be relieved of li.ability , to the Local Public Agency for damages sustained by the Local Public Agency by % virtue of ariy breach of the Contract by the Contractor, and the I.ocal Public � Agency may withhold any payments to the Contractor for the purpose of setoff ' . until such time as the exact amount of damages due the Local Public Agency from the Contractor is determined. � , ' 2. Termination for Convenience of Local Public A enc . The Local Public � Agency may terminate this Contract any time by a notice in writing from the � � , Local Public Agency to the Contractor. If the Contract is terminated by the Local Public Agency as provided herein, the Contractor will be paid an amount � which bears the same ratio to the total compensation as the services actually performed bear to the total services of the Contractor covered by this Contract, '' less payments of compensation previously made: Provided, however, that if less • than sixty per cent of the services covered by this Contract have been performed upon the effective date of such termination, the Contractor shall be reimbursed i (in addition to the above payment) for that portion of the actual out-of-pocket i expenses (not,otherwise reimbursed under this Contract) incurred by the ' Contractor.during the Contract period which are directly attributable to the i uncompleted portion of the services covered by this Contract. If this Contract ' is terminated due to the fault of the Contractor, Section 1 hereof relative ro ' termination shall apply. . .. ; 3. Changes. The Local Public Agency may, from time to rime, request � changes in the scope ot the services of the Contractor to be performed hereunder. ' Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the Contractor's conpensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the Local Public ' Agency and the Contractor, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this � Contract. � ; . � i -1- � ' � . � . . ` , ' . . ' . �- , 4. Personnel. a. The Contractor represents rhat he has, or will secure , at his own expense, all personnel required in performing the services under _ this Contract. Such personnel shall not be employees of or have any contractual relationship with the I.ocal Public Agency. • : b. All the services required hereuader will be perfoxmed by the Contractor or under his supervision and all personnel engaged in the work shall be fully qualified and shall be authorized or perr.iitted under State and local law to perform such services. . ' c. No person who is serving sentence in a perial or correctional institution shall be employed on �aork under this Contract. 5. • Anti-Kickback Rules. Salaries o� architects, draitsmen, technical engineers, and technicians performing work under this Contract shall be paid unconditionally and not less often that once a r.month without deduction or rebate on any account except only such payroll deductions as are mandatory by law or permitted by the applicable regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the "Anti-Kicicback Act" of June 13, 1934 (48 Stat. 948; 62 Stat. 740; 63 Stat. 108; title 18 U.S.C, section 874; and title 40 U.S,C., section 276c). _The � Contractor shall comply with all applicable "Anti-Kickback" regulations and shall insert appropriate provisions in all subcontracts covering work under this Contract to insure compliance by subcontractors with such regulations, and shall be responsible for the submission of affidavits required of subcontractors there- under except as the Secretary of Labor may specifically provide for variations of or exemptions from the requirements thereof. 6. Withholdin� of Salaries. If, in the performance of this Contract, there . is any underpayment of salaries by the Contractor or by any subcontractor there- , under, the Local Public Agency shall withhold frora •the Contractor out of payments ' due to him an amount sufficient to pay to e�ployees underpaid the difference between the salaries required hereby to be paid and the salaries actually paid , such employees for the total number of hours worked. The amounts withheld shall be disbursed by the Local Public Agency for and on account of the Contractor or � subcoatractor to the respective employees to T•�hem they are due. 7. Claims and Disputes Pertaining to Salary Rates. Claims and disputes pertaining to salary rates or to classifications of •architects, draftsmen;. ! technical engineers, and technicians performing work under this Contract shall '; be promptly reported in writing by the Contractor. to the Local Public Agency for the latter's decision which shall be final with respect thereto. . ; 8. Equal Employment Opportunity. Uuring the pertormance or this Contract, � the Contractor agrees as follows: a. The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant ; for employment because of race, creed, color; or national origin. The � Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure the applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, � upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and -2- . selectiaaz for trainir�g, i�.-�c7.Lding ;p��ifi;1tY�e�hi.P. Ttie Contxactur a;;rees to pcs� in conspicuous places, avai.Iab?e to e�aployees and ��.pplican�s ic:- ' e�t:p7.nyment, notzces io be pz��idcu t�y ttie Lacal �'ublic AUency settin�; . . fortti tlie gravisiaizs �i ttixs ixan�iscr.i..*;z.zzatian clause. b. T;ze Contractor will, in a27. solic��.a�iarts or advertiSE'IIlCTits for e�:pl�yees � plac`d iry �r on behalz af the C���*r:.ctor, sta�� that a13. qua�.ifi.ed ap�licants �:��ill r.e�cef.v� cozisi.c�a�ation �or en1�7.��y:ncnt without regard ta raca, creec:, cclor, o�r nGtiorzal arir�i.n. c. The Contractor wil3. ca�...e tt�c� iCS'CECZT2t� DY'OZT1510T25 to be inserted i� alI .°.�LIC�.Oi3ZT�:Ct:� Il7x n71y \�;Ci:�2Z COV�2:EC� �`y' i:]"13.°. C:02'it:2c?Ct .°.�O i:I2St: SZlC�2 �l.'OV:_u1QT1S Tr7i1� tJ� �?I7Cj1.?2a li�Ci:2 t.':L'li SCii'.i:Oni�Y'.��:�Or� r�';�OV3.CiC'L.''. t�dC ��tE �CI'E�;03.12¢ '�3YUV�SIOAS SC1.�.�L Y1Q� �ie3;±�.y 't;.Q Ci�7";i:�'.^iCt:S OT' Sl?.i:�CcU:I�rc1C�S ti)T S'�nACi2rC1 co..�;�ercial su�plies ar �a�•, mai:er?�l.s. . 9. �iscri.inina��.on Becaase af tie�:+�a_n i.,ai�or �A<at.t�ers. Ido person employed vxz t�:e wozlc covexed qy �his Confr�c� shail '�e d;.sc.iia�r�ed or i.n ai�.�= iYa,y d2SCY1iIlI.R2?t�c� ��^��i�.i2St: 'C)ECaUSE? �'lE 'P.3S �2a.Et� ul2y CQ:i1;�18.i.21� OX' 2Zl:it].Z:iIt:EC� Ol" C$USc.^.(� �O llC.' lIIS�1.tL�2C3 ar.y groceedin� or has testiiieu �r i.s aLauL- r.o �e�tify in any proceeding undex or :zlati.rg to the labor stanc3siiliS �;,pi�cab�.e i�cre�zr�cler to his employer, I.C. �'o�r�n�i.ance 6',itl� I:c�ca�. I�a�>>s. The Ct���rac�ar shal.l comply with aI.l appli�,:�ble Zak�s, or�Tzi�ances, az�a ��,�,ies of t'r�e Sta4e and Iuca7. go=rernm_ents, and sha21 c�i;�a•it no trespass on ar.y p�,zalz.c or priirate propex�y in periormiiz� ar.y of tiie work ern5rac�ci by* this Coztracf:. I1. Subcentracfii.z�. i�cn� aF t}�� services ca�,er�c3 by fihis Con�ract shall. be suhco�Ztracte�l srathaut t?�.e prior writ�:en cc�sent af the Local Pu51ic Agency�. � T-i�ecCozztrac��x shall be as £�zI1;, r�,�spei�szble �o i:t�e Local Yubli.c for the act•� a.�u o:nissioi�s of his supr;o;���zact:ors, nr�� af rexsors either direct-ly or � indir.ectly errpl.oyed by �herrt, as h� is far the acLs anil o:7is�inns of persor_s directl.y e;npl.ayed by him. 'ihe Cent_ract�r sha?1�t in eacfi subconLract a�propria�e pxUViszons requirAr.� c�n;p tz.ar_ce �:;ilh the lahor standards pTOV1.S1UT15 � d� �7715 Ct?I1�Y'�CL'. ' I2. �ssi�,nab;.Iztv, The �anL-r�c±-ar s,�all i:ct assign ary interest ix� thi.s Coa�ract,y and sna.11 no� transier �.�s�- intere$t �.n tF�e sar:�e (�thether by assi�araei�.t � ur novat?on) w?thouL th� pri.ox :ar�.i-L�<i� a���roval of tne Lvca; Public ��ency: Pro�rzaeu, hew�ver, thal clains �or ,,,o�ay d:`e or �o becv�,�e due Lhe Contractor fzr,m t.kie T.ocal �:�Izc A�eni;y u.^.d•iz �"r.a.s Gontras:� may be assigned to a bank, co,,,pany, ar other fir� inscit:ition, �r to d TYU5�0E'. in �3ar.icruptcy, wittzout such apnz�aval.. 23�tx.ce� �f any :;ucn 4 z,sz�r.r,eizt or. transfcr sl�ail be furn:ish�d pro�,>>p��y to c.he Locrzl i'ubl.ic A.gezacy. I3. Iz�t�.rc�s•i- �f xte;��i�ers of Lo^a.7 �u�1a.c�,Lrfvv. :�Fo men!ber of th� governin�; � ;7C'�i..!� Ji 1::iv �,C:c:Bi �LtD�.7.0 :���rxC�� :TICi I'!�? OC�2iyl' a��icex, P.Li��O��e� Or Ba�II� O� the I.or.•�1. Public Agency w*tw �.>:erc?ses an� f�!:�actio�,_; or x�espcnsibilz.Lies iiz c�nni:ctian wit-h the carr�ting out of the I?r.o;ec� L� c, t�is Car.tract pertains, shall have az�_v pe�rso:zal intexest, dir�ct ar i:��lirECZ:, i:� this ContracL-. 14. :InteresC o£ 0�.:�er l:oca7_ F�a��ii.c tii�1�.�.7.��i.,, No :�etr.bcr of the governin�; n�;�y� ��i tne locaiity i_n U�hiclr i:�ie 'r'zo;ec;: ��r��a i.s sitctated, and no other public officzal o.f sacli Ioculiey, ,��ha �::; �r:y £�z:ctiuns or responsivilities in t�lC YG'V��1�? px' 1�?T)7'OV��. Of L.]G C:�:X">•:iil�; b�.t' Ci:i r;li? �TU]tCt i:cU 4i�11Ct1 rI11S �:CT11:rc�.CZ �eri:aiias, sha1l have ar,,a pers;ora.i �i..�erzst, direc� or indirect, iti this Contract. _3.. • . l�. Interest af Ce��tai�� i r d� Oz•,`.?�:a.als. P7o m�:aher of or 1)eleSate to Lhe Ccr,�ress o� �he Uni�ed ;taCes, a.�d ro R�::;id.ezT� Conunissio�.Zer, sha11 be adr:ii.�;ed to any s}iare or part oz this Corctract or to any benefit to arise here�rozi. _ Ib. .T�te�,-est of. Conr.r:�ctor. Tile �or.tra�tox cove�nants that he pres2lltly has n�� 5.i�trest �.nd sna1l r.ot ac.quire any ir�terest, dzrect or ir.dixecL-, in Lh� . ubave-uescribed Project Area or a..y �rarcels therez� or any othea: intcrest F�hich Cvit2.:].L�' COZl�~I.I.CL: 131 any 1i871i1PZ Oi. u2ySE:� tvw�il �:i2f? 't?.�-'.Yf'Ol't�[2IlC� Oi }17.S SEiV:.Ce3 11�Z't"..tT:C3c.T. `�F1C �.'O.arxFlCi.S�T ��.x4RE'.:t" �4VETiu.T.1�5 Zi1t]L. 1T2 rl]E'. �lE?x't4III1&RCC O� t:t:1.S Ccntract :�o person h�ving c'tR�j' S1SC�� i.r..te.�G�st shall �a� employed. �.f. :'�2AC�i3Yi..•^_R ��i7.�I�Ci°Y?.L"7.8�. :�ia. CF �i1L :l":(i^vii:53 ii�ic>rmatian, data, E'(=C. � �Y'�.S�.zTt?.�� GT.' �s`SEt.�?�EC`i �y tl:e: �:J`_;L?.'GCti7Z' Lr.�i:2" Zi.'�4 t;L:Y1�Z'SC� «Ye CC7L3i1CiE:1L1az 4xa�. ti.e Gontractor agrees that the}� s'�a?i not �e w,ade availa�le to any inc��viu�aal or orga�.ization cvi:��zout L:�e pri.�r. 6Ti1..'".�tR a�pxvval of the Lacr�l PubI.ic rlg�ncy. , _L;._ ,. , , . ,�'��;-, , � � ����� �N AGRELf��E��7' I'OR THE DEVELOP�r�T17' OF t1 NF��? ZONING O�ZDI\��,\CI; FOK 'I'i�E CI1'Y 0�' SATNZ' PAULa NIIN^�ESOT�1 A.Di��'NDL��1 A ; �ittached hereL-o and incarpo-�ated herein by reference are al1 the L-er�ns ar�ci �.onditions contaizl�d iri that original AgreF�����r.t e�n�,nred i.nto an I�arch 1< _1.967, 1�etti�?een the City ai Sai�.i: t?uu.7_ arzd Vil.icanWT�r�.n & Assoc•.�_at�s$ Inr... , except. as here.i.n madiiied. i. In ��cordai�.c�� �A.�i.t�h Sections TII and I4� af s��i�� Agreeriient ar�d in addi�ion t�zereto, Mr. George Vilicari, Jr. , P���:ide�?t ��� Vili.c��n��I.,��m�.r� �Y �ssociates, Inc. s 11y aQr�es ta: ' a) Attend policy consu�tations c�ith tlie S«ziz#: Paul Ci.ty Plan�.�ng L�ocr_d., the Sa.:i;i+� Pau.l CS_ty Co�tici 1 and var.i.ous cii:.izens groups� as needed a b) Assist the Saint PaLl CiL-y Plannirlg Board arld staf� in teclznicaT. ar�d pzofes.ional evaluation � . of questior�s and testzmony� arising from the pul�lic 1�earing on the proposed ne�,� zonir�g �rdinance, as need�d. "Charges for �hese meetings �-ou1d be at the ra�e of $250.00 per day which shall incl_ude all ex- penses with the eaception of transportation", and inserting in lieu thereof: � , . "Charges for the m�etings attended by Mr. George VilicarL, Jr. , sha1l. be at the rate of- $280. 00 per day, exclusive of expenses •for transportation, ' hotelp food and ar.y other r�ec�ssaxy expens� approved by the Chairman of the Saint Paul Planning Board. " 4. Other Vzlican-Leman per_sonn.elf when needed, shall be reimbursed at the following rates : Principa'ls (for period less �han �ne day) $40.00/hour (G. Vilican, Jr. , C. F. Leman) Principal Associates $30.OU/hour (E. Hustoles, J. Eldridge) Associates in Firm $25.00/hour Planners (other than Associates) $20.00/hour Landscape Architects and Urban Designers $20. 00/hour �, � � . ,- a} i�1.C. 6195 �9/7/71) , Rei.ypirig of Zoning Text - 100 copies, for $�,266. 10 - aZl but $834.30 of wiiich was paid pursua.nt to the original A�reement. b) M.�. 1311.1 (12/3/71}, Consultant services for month of November, 1971, for a total of $762 . 15. c j M,C. 13�2.0 (i/14/72), Prin.�izz� 300 copies of � Proposed New Zoni_ng Ordinar�ce for a tc��al of S:L, OI8 . 00, Copies of the forego:ing bil_ls a.r� attached hereto. 6 . In no e�rent sh�.11 the i�otal of all expenses p�id by the City of Saint Pau1, pursua.nL to this Addendum A, exceed the m�ximum sum of- Six Thousand Dollars ($6, 000.00) . 7. No time or expenses sha1� be zncurred, purs�uant tr� this Addendum a, without the written authorization of the Chairman of the Saint Paul City Planria_ng Board. 8. Sazd City of Saint Pau1 and Vilican-Leman & Associates herehy agree to the above terms and conditions notwithstanding any langu.age to the coritrary in any former agr.eements, specifically that Agreement eni.ered into between the . ' . VILICAN - LEMAN & ASSOCIATES INC. ___ � , i1'1�YMI?NTS MADT� 15,800.00 j 4/17/G7 MC 45346 1800.00 ; S/1/67 MC 1204 1800.00 ' 6/6/67 MC 1215 1£300.40 7/7/57 MC 1224 180�.00 8/15/67 MC 1?.32 1800.00 11/29/67 MC 5207 570.35 12/22/57 MC 5217 400.00 3/E/G9 MC 16109 240.00 6/12/70 MC 29659 . 105.00 1/6/71 MC 29697 262.50 ' 2/2/71 MC 6153: 968.85 . 6/14/71 MC 6178 1.721.50 'i'OTAt, 15,3b8.20 8�1. Due 431.80 �)/7/7l MC ci195 1266. 10 — 1 L266. 10 OVERAGE 834.30 BILLS OLPTSTANDING 12/3/71. MC 13111 762. ].5 1 /l4//2 MC 13120 1018.00 , i. .} , �;,��� �it� �� S�. �c�u! i � • , :. .:�,�''�. .� •f",t ��t�F'RCs t� `�i �a"rz= �i;� �� C?� �� ,� , � ,�[� �;� :� + ' a ' ,�� � r �� ��� � ; ��J �,`:t�,� `�w.�� � t3 � al :+s f....1+`., .2 e,�as'':'s�l t�t,�..s e�a. . , ��.��caE TC�: �j� j� � � _ . � � Qo�crt►:��nt �- ,�->� �( I �Ui�I�V ' .s...___....��_-.._ �M h�e� . t, � . �_...-_.._e.._._. VM�C� �/'�n� � 4C.�� ' . . _:_..�_. .. .:s::_.,.=rr'.,�V.r.rr: •,..r.a.:iri.. . .i�' .,,,,�:,�-�t'S:s�.�:=::�'a��cz-r:.:s^:ss3.:_r----..._.s�^--^ '�_�:�� ��._.�-. i l�JtI10PIL�/ �.J , + .,, t� "''' �i f""..,,' �`" "'.�t_ _.. 1 s,....,' r^."A?�a-.=, �lu4:t.Rf- i !°,i�'`::klw W. - ';J•• � � Q.CCJUi1Y"�It�(3 -:...�..�..-.�:.,...>....,..��` .w:_::;.�'• s.: � � .> .,.- � �CCOUf1L C�Jt30 ���.:+"i'.a� ., ' � - — - ___._�____ _ —_-- --e_— . -- � $ AV d�+.��.at',�.e '°' ,�ti ?,°,�.� �,. lt,_ r �'�-..�:�.�...l.� ."V..;sm Y 1"�' .r�. w. ._. .� �._'�,:.�i ta! r,�,,��,a k�a.t .�., T wr�.�.�.� �.�•i�� �.:c �:::� '. .�:. d�n��r !'��. Q � _ -- ___. ______..�-_.__w ��__ _.�._ _.—.._..._ - � _,_. ' , � � „�°� �t?'i?...�ilt2,::z,.,:��` :,, � r.s.'r`�s �.'". . ;'t :, _„� ;_:`:. :b>Y C`� �:�'".v�s1:»Y t�....a�.'� � � � � �� �m=;:� �v� w�._ � s.'ssv�.t��.�� . , i I i I , . i � _ I � i i i � j ' � _ „ i { � - � . ' � � . : � " . � . . � . .. . . ,: . . . - . 1 � � . . � -. � . . . . , . .. .' . .. � : ' . . ' . . . . . . . .. . . . . , .. . .. ' .. . ' - . -- . �� - � . .. - � ����� . p�p�/ �ry, �+ /�� � � . 1-i�1 1 1`IiJ W.e�� � . ----_ � , . I . �• . f;;`'��.� , -=-�--�_._._.,..� _ _..._ _ � _.._. — � l.JL�r�6{���9'd� A�f� �6p^a[�in!S�CattrataAT TrfRE ARf FUriDi RYA7LA6LE CPAaI�I f\1 lf1�� A,m,�„�_! (�7 V d. s�tli�.� ,-� cu ; � Far Pcry��tt�nt ���`�yg�ltr��.�Ci� � - � . + . By gy By I I _ .� . � � Sd��ICAN • l.iC�,�� t� t�SS�2�sA'B�a, ��C. • IPLA�dk1�G �;ON�ULTANYS � �i "'` _ x_� ._____,.�_ --�_-------- � � �` � CITY PIRNiVING • UR3AN REIJEIFdAI_ • BUSINESS DISTRICT PLANt�'ING • SITE PLAhNING f i l December 31 , 1971 I i `I'0 : Ci-:y i'lanning 3oai��d of St . Paul 1 U 1_0 (`ornm,�rce �3�.iild:i,n�? �I ;.ti .�Ji�� Lti'al�asha Stz�eets ;�aint i'aul. , 1�1inn�sota 55102 Attention : Dr. ilcland R. Heiden , Director 391 �� S T A T E M E N T FOR: Profe�sional Community Planner Cc�nsultant services ��uring the month of November�, 1971 re : the Proposed lc�ning Ordirianc.e . - Ci�ARGES : l. Charges of G. Vilican, Jr. in meeting with staif and reviewing 7oning Map, iield tripping, and preparation for joint meeting wi_th City Council and Plannin� Board on November 9 and 10 , 1971. 2 days @ $250 . 00/day $500 . 00 2 . Preparation for meeting �Titn City Council and Board, November 8 , 1971 . 3 Hrs . @ $35 . 00/Hr. 105 . 00 3 . Out-of-Pocket Expenses . - Plane I'are 122 . 00 - Ilotel Koom @ St. Paul Hilton 21 . 40 - Cabs (Air�ort to Hotel) (Hotel to Airport) 10 . 00 - �irpor.t Parking (at Metro , Detroit) 3 . 75 Total Due This Statement $762 . 15 t� �� r� � i �1� L:� �; If' � 1'�I'' ![' ��Ji IJO'T� : ihis is a c�py of Statement submitted � � 11/30/71 which is unpaid to date . ,_ .',;� : ; , �.n��( � ,� ,, `u.�:t�E:,?_�t� :.:�::a�:� GVJr/lmp SA;�ac !'�►ul. ��i;nn:.,:,ca ?_96?.1 NORTHWESTERN HIG�iWAY, SOUTKFIELD, MIGNIGAN 48075 / TELEPNONE: EL 6-8181 /. CABLE: VLAPLI ,• . � . .,,�!;I;:i;'�i= '�E�� 43� ��. ��ll�l � . � , ._ '�i � C('St�i ��i � ir� j' 9p '��Ji ���'�'� A�� �� � ��� .. � ( .� �u����y 4s�,i�3?�_�';9 d•.�A rr ai w�.�a�,..D l��=?���ti��.l� �il�°J��"'i`�i!i t!i�� `d.1�"��,�i�E T�: 1�f°• �� �. .� �.. , �,,' :„t�'.'�C37�ifi�a t �.A.��:.t►.i. ---- � e�iJt@ � .-• � °� �SJ�. �,,, ..S T .. t. _��-_--_ -- �. ._.. .� �,r,U ���_._...._.._�, _ —_-=—��. —_ ------ ------_V.__._ _..__ - _.- -- ------- ��u1l�onty t? f_ � � 4, -,.�.,, r;-• �...,T' ^_ 3 ._ Acrount Titic _..._ ._...r_ _....._...._.._______,�_ --- -- d_ i.'• ., , ,, { �:c;�c,tmt Cc;,c ;, _,. .._. __ __ .--.� • ____.�.. _. • i. - -_.._.___._._�___.__—.�_..—,_._---.-.. � �--__ _ -.__---...._.. _ ._..__. r; �: � , .. �,�' � .__� '^ � �.. � ,� _ ...� f �. . . ..�'. �V�,.4' ._ ..� . ry �.. . . � . � .l"uC.ili.t�}.�.I* .i�.C.�i&,a'.f�^Li , .. _��1'� ' �'\sl{�ii� „V. - � _ —� ; ,� � ` . Frinti.n; 3vfl c����;s o£ v�:.���,�:� ?.r.��r°,3 Qr���.�zz�� �.s �cr nti:kc�ed Z�(i13.C�'� �,. � ?' °;�:'_�^_. ' � � _ � � P�1(1't�4tS Al��l.J�e 1�t�l_�•{'?� DEPw.^�tTf�ENT ���� � �+"Fp'`ar [eATIFr Tk�T TIIERY RAE ftA05 Il1'A1L1181E �p;�t�� ��g,� A.,�dy� TO o4T [NJS GAvER, �� �r r��' : Far Paym;.nt ��v��'�i.���.�'t� _ By �Y By . - � - �f - �� .�`.�� YI�fC�sl� • ��RA�f� � �t5S�C6F��Ea, �Ml;. • �L�F9WI�dG CONSUtTAFlYS v ,' � . --- --- - ._.� � CITY PLANNlNG � URBAti RENEWAL • BUSIh1E5� DlSTRICT PLANNING • SITE PIANF�ING - ,\�� � � December 31 , J.971 � ' I �� ' t�ity 1'luIlIli�.�; iiaarcl af St . 1'aul 1�1i(� i;ommerc � I3uilding jEt:� � 1�Jabasii-� �treets ����:i �ll Patzl , P�inr.eso'tr� 55102 ��t t� riGa_on : lir. fJoi��ncl R. I�eider� , llix�ectax� 391 S T A T E M E N T I�pH; Pri �,ting 3q0 copies of Proposed Zoning �rdiriance as per your 1ett:er to pr•oceed dated Nc.�vember 2�� , 1971. $1 ,018 . Ufl Tofial. �ue Thie Statement a1 ,018 . )0 � �� � �� i� �� �� �I,� � � �. . :f��� � , ���r: �j'�� �'L1��tirtt�t� t�ir �.�u � 5�i��t l'u�:l: ^J.ina�•a� .0 GVJr/lmp �9G21 NOR; �iWESTI RN �iIGHWAY, SOUTHFIELD, MlCNIGAN 4A01S , TELEPHONE: EL 8•Ott�i / GABLk VIAPIAN � � . 'f� ' . :`,7r � ��,.1�'�` C!a .��`��. �$4a3,�� ~� ► �" �� � � F"; �§r�9 ,�r*_".�o i I '� j,� !� � I � " (��y f'� (a [ ['�B � .i ::� , ;f,�':isN't � i �"s�� � ' � ��� � �{ �� �� � . � `i Fs;� �w;y t=.�c a'�[�1]Vd � t+,:c3�x C:a+i ��1 L . .. �_�.. ..2�,�W ,a ... 1� 'i � G�,�6��E TC�: t;;�:��:� I�° � 61 G 5 . DeparOment-- -- -- - ^^_. -- i r� . D�te � � ,�:,- i Bure�v ---- '' "_.'�<�'_.'^.�_.�_ --__—_-- ---- ---��°a�'��-z:�--� _ w�. :_---�_-- --- -�==s-�-Y'r. _ �.��—_ _"-C? � :�Qufi�ority fl3�:C• CC:"v���°:i :':�t-.. .� _ � � r�:�CUflt TEe�3�— ------�—___.r._. 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