257632 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 25`7�32 . _ � . CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WIiEREAS, Fidelity Union Trust Company, of Newark, New Jersey, has submitted to the Office of the City Comptroller a Bond, No. 433ig, being one of a series of Water Works Bonds dated June 1, 1960, together with a letter of said Bank requesting the City to validate two of the attached coupons, No. 25 in the sum of �17.00 due on the first day of December 1972, which was misprinted so th at the due date , amount and part of the wording are missing, and Coupon No. 27 , in the sum of �17.00, due on the first day of December, i973, which was misprinted so that the number, 27, and the signatures of the then mayor, city clerk and eomptroller do not appear thereon, now, therefore � be it RESOLVED� That pursuant to the provisions of Minn�sota Statutes 1969, Chapter 475 , as amended, the proper City officers are hereby authorized to validate said coupons by the following procedure and in the following manner: the faces of said eoupons shall be stamped "validated" over the signature of the present City Comptroller, Clemena J. Schleek� and the backs of said coupons shall be signed by the present Commissioner of Finance and City Treasurer, Rosalie L. Butler, and on the face of Coupon No. 25 �he amount shall be inserted, and on the face of Coupon No. 27 the number �� shall be inserted; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the Gity Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to Fidelity Union Trust Cvmpany, together with the aforementioned Bond, No. 433i9, a certified copy of this Resolution authorizing the validating of the aforementioned bond coupons . FORM AwNR�V�D 1\ o��.�..a���l.. .�–•a�`-n—�t���,tX� A�st. Corporation Couns�i MAR ? 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yea� Nays u„+�. MAR 7197� ��;�°���.� p ove 19— Levine � � Favor Meredith �- -_. Sprafka � �y�r " Tedesco A gainst � � Mr. President, McCarty . PUBLISHED APR 7 ��7� _ � �� o���,��T�,�.R,� 25'7632 _ . _ CITY OF ST. PAUL �UNqL ND OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM n�r�rr�.,r' COMMISSIONG�t �AT� �EAS, Fidelity Union Trnst Co■pany� o! NeMark, NeM dersey, has •ob�i�tted to the 0�lios oi the City Cosptroller e► Bond, No. �33i9, being on� o! s serie• oi water works Bonds datsd Jnne i, 1960, togetber Nith a letter oi eaid Bank r�qusstlns the City to validate tMO oi the attaohed ooupons, No. ag in the sus o! �1�.00 due on the lirat day o! D•oesber 197Q, Mhioh ras •fsprinted so that the due da�e, asount and part oi the Mording ara sissin�, aad Coupon DTo. 27, in ths �n• oi �1�.00, due on th• iiret daq ot Deoesber, i973, N6ioh r+as ■i�printad so thet the nusber, 27, and the �ignaturee o! the then �ayor, oity olerk and ooaptroller do not appear ttiereon, � aoM, therelore, be it RESOLVED, Thst pureuanL to the proviaion� oi Mi�sota - Statutes 1969, Chapter 475, a� �ended, th• proper City a!liosr� sre hereby authori$ed to oalidsts smid ooupoas by tbs �o11oNi� prooednre and in the iollorin� �anners tbe iaoas oi saicl ooupons shall be ste,pad "validatsd" o�er th� si�na�ure o! �hs pre�eat City Cosptroller, Cla�ens J. 3ohleok, and the baoks oi said ooupons shall be �isned by the pre.ent Cosnissior�r oi Finsnoe and City Tres�urer, Booalie L. Bntler, sad oa th� isos oi Coupon No. 25 the a�aouat �hall be inserted, an�d on the isoe oi Conpon No. 27 the nu�bsr �'7 •hsll be inserted; and be it FURTHEx RE30LYED, That the City Co�ptrolle r is hereby euthori$ed snd direoted to tran�sit to Fidelity IInion Trust Covpany� to�ether with the atore�entioaed Bond, ldo. 433i9, a oertilied oopy oi this As�olution au�hori$ing the validatins oi the alore�sntioned bond oouponr. MAR 71l7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yesa �' Nays �R T �� :C�oe�-.�-e�z-K APDrn°arl 19_ �°�e Favar Meredith � �� ''�'pra� A asunat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��