257622 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK 25�^�/ . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� "��'�' • " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F� NO. ' COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WI�REAS, There are certain tax forfeited lands withheld t'rom sale �t �he reequest of the Hous3.r�g a�. Redevelop��nt Authority� WF�E�S, The Iie�aeing a.nd Redevelo�nent Au�horit�r has applied to the Board of Ramsey County Cc3mmissionera for the conv�yanae of said te,ac forfeited lands withh�].d �'rom sale. WF�REAS, The Hcraaing ar�l. Radeve].opm►ent Authori�y has no ob�ection to the release of �aid lands; the�refor�� be it RESOLVID, �'ha.t the Coun�il of the City of Sa.int Paul approv� the releaae of the t'o7lart�r3ng tax forfeited lands withheld i�om sales Lot 16� except the north 13 1/2 feet and the south 120 Feet of the weat 1�2 0�' Lot 17, Blo�k 7, I�a.ckubin an8 Marshe,ll•s Addition. F�RM RO ; , Asst. o� ra#i n C ns I MAR ? 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �R ? 1972 �r � ��,���, � prov 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Spra,fka � r A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBL:ISHED AR I 1 �9� �� "` .l. WiLLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 -Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hall Ssint Paul, Minnssota 55102 ��'y�6?� O �;'� ,� Mareh 7, 1972 To the Honor�.ble Mayor and Members of the City Cotan�il Re: �ax forf�ited. land withheld f`rom sale: Lot 16� except the north 13 1�2 feet and the south 120 fee� of the west 1�2 of Lot 17, Block 7, Ma.ckul�in and Marshal.l's Addition Gentlanen and A�.dam: The Board o� Ra�s�y County Co�n3s�ioners 3.s in receipt of a.n apglication of th� Hcusing and Redev�].op�nent Authority For th� conveyanae of sub�eet tax forfeited lands withheld From sa1e� as shawn on the attached plan. The Boaxd requires a Couneil resolution releasir� said lands before con- sid�ring an application of conveyanee. The sub�ect parcel was origirral]�y� �rithheld f'rom sale at the requ�st o� th� Housing aad R�development Authority in 1970, becat�se 3.t was within the boundary of �he Suam�it-University renewal area. Th� Lar�,d C<ymmnitte� having met on thia matter r�ao�nnends the sub�ect paxcel be rel�ased. and the attached resolution be approve�cl. as being in th� best interests of the City of Saint Pau1. Very tr our , . illiam Donovan Secre�ary� Land Co�mit�ee JWD:RJR:dm Ene. ��: Anthony 8eiter �..a.e� •s°.."--� .s+�,. ��----3,,;_d,al.dw,.� ...�,::6___ _�.i�. � �� ; �. � ---- ''- � ^�,-�4=��,;.,�t.`..:�� . . �,�y'�,�=^ �y.3.:-._.. .. � � ' ,.�9 - � N_ ."__ ,ao:a d"� :i'�:...�.u:.� ._x�a..� . _fu,,,;:''�..r -,"i,�'.. b; Z�Z/ j t�2/ � � 9�9 ,� � � ` ; ` �"' -- - -- . -- __ _-- - _ _ __ ���F� � �E� ,.,t 2/ , �;�2/ � y' � J �, � � r. . � ��.-. � , :._. � I tr � • ' � - � V' . ...__ _ Q3 L..—�_�.�__ � ����� _ �, s' a -- - � �_� n - ` ti o � J`'-�� sa�_--- -- � �1 � St�92 ---�-�---- _ -- - - ,., _ .__---- 'cl/ 81 j �_.._-: � — SZFZ/ h,, �. �-�- FL '£29 � � s\�' a SZ ZF� - a S�92 ` -- I • T � 0...--... �. �. .. .. _ �: _S ; _ � � � f- . __ .�,,�.ZF/ y� . h .SZZ£/ . S1�f'/ _ , ' j ^� �h� , j I� � O N p� _ _ ._ ----,---�----� 9 � ____.__.---- N � ; c� � v� r- . _ _ � -- — c� : �: N v, __ � __ _.__ ___ _--_�_.�..__�_ � : m � i---- , ti _ , m � d, ------�---_ --- ,. n _' -----------__ � ; � ___ _ __ , __ � i N � � tl, � . ; _ _ --- � --— tV � . � � �--- - � . --- -_ _ � `� ' -- -- N � • h �o _ _ _ --- --- i , __ _ , _ - - -- __. - ------- � � : �; _� � °�- _ _--- �n , --_.�__ N . . . --- - __ _ , . \ d. ;--------- __--__ _--�----- N : , , � ;; � i � �------ ___ _ _ - --- . ; � : ; � d, '-________------- N ,� �, �_-_--___—__-----� � ---- -- - ---- _ �o--- k_____ �° t�:- ti =� � ,: - -- - - � _ ---r-------------- � � - �t �, N : . �� ,__ _ _ .,r � � i, `.� i ti : '\ __ _ � � _ _ � -- � - � � � N '- p � � � : ,� _. i � , ti :� � , O � ; N i: \ --i----_`�--__.____-� v _ __ N . � i ;� � , O N � ; � � - � -�----�..�....___� a,�,�.,.�._.�,.....�� .�._ _ __..�� � � � � . n► ; i � �i . ti � � � � � � I �__ . . . ... . � i: m , op , m � __. � � ; � � � � r� ��n �•,, ' ___ _ . . ' � � � � � -oYi�. - - - h y 4 tl. _ � ^� , � � . � a �._ \ . ��!`. �_. f Z• tJ . _ _ � .. ��L/ �. � I � � _ -S—.-f'/ _� ��°'�-s�'� � � � . . ��y'-- = ii . - - - � �S � zc p �,��h.�� _ - - - _ ^ -- . �.=- ��-�.- ^ 1 S �/ � � �. t� S'Z�Zf'/ ,S� Z£',' -iJTb'�F � M '� � Q � y - � , K. , � �, a � � ' ' •, Q1 _. � ; _ : i ; r---- _ __ � ^! � � _ . -- -- - Ol . - N � : ;t N - --- . __ �, � � _ --- -- �_--- __ - - ti � � m � �o : � -- � � N �� � � � �m � � � � �- �� -- �--� � � � . � ' � - -� -� �_ _ � ��� . . . ti • • � � -- _ _ . . .: 9 - _ _ _: � - N � ti ' � - -- __: _ _ n(y �0 _ • �1 .. ~ _.. _ �. � �D . . .�7 t� .:,� --- - N � h . __ . : _, . , _ .._ ._ _ ._ . N � : � N , . � - -- ._ . h : ,� -- - ---- : c� � -- -- ----- .___�-_ _ _-- N ' • � � � ' � w - . - . , . � �. � , ,� __ __ __ . _ cV � '�, � � on ,,., rh __..., " ��