257610 Orjainsl to Cit�Clerk „ � . - � ^ ORDINANCE 25'761(� • • COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�"� � j � An administrative ordinanee amending Ordinance No. 3250, commonly kna�m as the Civil S�rvice Rules; providing for a change in the work week f�r employeer in the fire oecupational group from 60 hours in a 7-day period to 56 hours in a 7-day period. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No.� 3250 of the City of Saint Paul, as amended, is hereby further amended in Seetion 9 A 1 - by striking that paragraph in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in plaee thereof the following: 1 For employees holding positions establish�d in Section 6 of the Rules in the Fire occupa- tional group, except eraployees in the Division of Fire Prevention and employees w�king under the title Fire Alarm Dispatcher, an avera�e of 56 hours in a 7-day period computed on a yearly basis . Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Secti,on 3 . This ordinance is adopted pursuant to authority contained in Chapter 302 Laws of Minnesota 1971. MaR 21 �972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit ��'�� � In Favor � Levine Mere�ciith ;j A gainst Sprafka Teae��o MHtt 2 2 1972 Mr. President Carty) Approved• t t• Citq Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED �IAR 2 5 1972 f;rlginRl sn i:ity Clerk .r^ � � �� � �.�. �.� � � �ie►� .�1 �t�l����.,�� . . � �'R�� COUNCIL FILE NO.__. _. �.,,�,�`'��������°'~"°-��.�`"='t ' ����� P?t�Si:,NTED QY ` �° ORD(NANCE NO._ _ ; ;; - ----_ ��t.�i�w `' �-� r:�-t,.'4L�' — -------�—— — ---—:. ' An administrative ordinance ameriding Ordinance No. 3250 , comm�r.ly known as the Civil Service Rules; providing for a change in -�h� wor'r. we�k f�r e:nployees in the fire occupatior�a�. gro�.ap from 60 hnurs in a 7-day perio� �� 56 hours in a 7-day peric�d. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY L�F SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section �.� x;�at Or�inGnce NA. 325G of the City of Sain� Pau7., as �xanend�d, is her�by further amer���a in Seciion 9 A 1 - by s•�riking tlia•�. para�,�.s��ph in :.ts :.�n-�irety and 5ubStl.�ti�iTi�; 3n 1:�e.tx a.nd ii� �.1.�cQ �re�^��f the �o7.lacai*�g: 1 For e,�pluy�e� holding positions e�tablished in Seci�ion E o� the Rules in rne Fire ���eu�a- fiioxAal gro�1F, exceUt em�:Loyees in the lli�rasion of Fire Prevenfia.ari and emplayees wnrl�ing under. the title .�:���: A1ax�m Dispatcher, an avex�age of 5C hc�urs in a 7-day peri�d cvmputed on � yearly basis . S`'.C'r'].OYl ?_ . Triis OT'C�122dI1C� shall take effec� and be in force thirty c�ays �ft�:r its passage, apgroval and publication. Seetion 3 . This ordina*xce is �3d4p�eci �ursuant to authdrity contairled in Chapter 302 Laws of Minneso•ta 1971. MAR 21 1972 Yeas Councilmen i�T�vs I'assed by the Council _ ���e�-- - � Lev���'�Z � In r�avar Meredith . O Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: MAR 2 2 197Z Attest: City Clerk Mayor. � afg�i}+65 ' . . �c�rm approv<�s� �<t1'j�tY.'�:�3023 r;iJ:?��,�3 R�� � /•;r 5`°0. � AI'83 COdO �, V\�.\ THOMAS J. STEARNS � � 223-5121 F/ .�;���.�� ARTHUR M. NELSON � ��" �.I"' PAUL F. MC CLOSKEV, JR. w � 1�.� R. SCOTT DAVIES �:���` PIERRE N. REGNIER � DANIEL L. FICKER JOHN C. MC LAUGHLIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROBERT C. HOENE KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK A. KEITN MANZEL FIISt ASSISSaIIt ROGER W. MEYER LEGAL DEPARTMENT TERRY F. SULLIVAN JEROME J. SEGAL ASSIStdflt5 Special Assistant 316 Cify Hall, 5t. Paul, Minnesofia 55102 ROBERT W. MATTSON I nvestigator DANIEL A. KLAS March 30� �.972 Corporation Counsel Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Marshall: Re: Council File 257610, Ordinance No. 15049 I have received the original copy of the above ordinance, attached, with a note requesting that the form be approved by the Corporation Counsel and returned to your office. It has been our position on this matter, and this position remains unchanged, that the ordinance is subject to Phase II of the Wage-Price Freeze Regulations and therefore, unless language such as "subject to Phase II of the Wage-Price Freeze Regulations" iso�ntained in this ordinance, I cannot lawfully and ethically affix my name to this ordinance approving it as to form. The ordinance is herewith returned to you. Very truly yours, f;�s��.,/?��1�,L�1i- DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel � March 3, 1972 Mr. John Haid�er� Director of Personnel, City Civil Sex�Iice Bureau. Dear Sir: For your information, the City Council toda,y gave Fixat Reading to an ordinsnce, C. F. 2�76Z0 atn�snding Ord. No. 325�, Civil Service Ru].es, praviding for a change in the work week for employes in the Fire Occupationa7. Group fr�n 60 hcx�.rs in a 7-day period to 5& hours in a 7-day period. Third Reading on this ordinanc� will be on �darch l�+th. Very truly yours, City Clerk �