257595 Ort`iaal to City Cletk <- � � � ORDINANCE 25'�595 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO ' � " � _ An ord3.nance approtr3.ng the pro�ect of aaqviririg real estate in the City of Sa3.nt paul to enlaxge the Pnblic Works Lafay�tte �oad Ma3ntenan.ce Yard THE COT:Ti�FCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOFS ORI�AIN: Section l. That the Con�nissioner of Publie Works, h�ving repor�ed �o tY�e Council that the real estate deseribed as; • Lat B, Sao Liue P�at Number 8, is required �'or the enlargement of the Public Works Za�'aye�te gmad Mai,ntenance Yard; that �he estimated cost of the acquisition o�' said real estate is �1,�00.00, and that the Concptroller has certif'ied to the Cvuncil the marm.er in which th� ftands may be made available; that the Gouneil hereby approves the pro�ect fo�r the acqui�ition of th� �aid real estate for the aforesaid purpose and directs that the same be a,cqu,3..red for such purpose by the Co�nnittee on Zands consisting of the Mayor, the Purehasing Agent, Ca�nissioner of Pu.blic Works, and the Co�nissioner of Finar�.ce, if' the same can be aequired by purehase at a rea.sonable price, and it sha11 so report to the Ccyuncil the cost thereof, provl.ded, however, that in ease the Cc�nnittee on I,ands cannot procure any or all of said land at a rea.sonable price, th�n it sha11 �o report to �he Couneil, and in that event, the Couneil hereby ord.ers and directs that condemua�ion proceedings be instituted pvrsu,ant to law to secure said real estate. - �ection 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in forae thirty (30) days from and aft�r i�s passage, approval and publication. MAR 21 197� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �� L� � Tn Favor Meredith v Sprafka a �gainst T���° MAR 2 2 1972 . President ( art ) Approved: A t: Citq lerk yor �� orm approved Corporation �ounsel By PUBLISHED MAR 2 5 1972 ` '� r . h WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Valuation Engineer ROYE. BREDAHL, Jr. CITY OF SAINT �AUL Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ci+y Hall Seint Paul, Minnssota 55102 �• 55 Mareh 10, 1972 To the Honorable Mayor and M�mb�rs of t,he City Councit GentlemEn and Me,dam; 2he Council has under consid�ration an ordinance necessary f'or the acqui- sition o#' a certain paxeel o� land for the expansion of the Publie Works Maintenanc� Yard loca.t�d at Lat'ayette Ros.d and Bruno Str�et. The fourth reading and the publie hearing thereon is s�heduled for A+1a.reh 17� 1972. In ord� to insure that the aP�'ected property cawn.er may reQeive adequate notice of said public hearing, and other ci.rcurnstances, it is respectftxlly requested ths� the fourth readin� and publ3.e h�aring on the said ord.inance be postponed and rescheduled for Tuesday� I�areh 2],, 1972. Very tru7y yours, �,c�l���d�� . willia,m Donovan Valuation Engineer JWD:REF:dm . . ' . _ �,�Y �� �5�595 ar � ti yi O � ?a •��• ,1b 'y� n0 • • RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer . Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesote DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner Feb rua ry 15, 1972 TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Re: Acquisition of real estate for enlargement of Pubtic Works Lafayette Road Maintenance Yard. For the purpose of enlargement of the Public Works Lafayette Road Maintenance Yard, the Department of Public Works requires the acquisition of the property described as follows: Lot B, Soo Line Plat No. 8, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Funds for the above acquisition, estimated in the amount of $1 ,500.00, have been approved from City Fund 3230-501 . It is requested that the Council take the necessary action to authorize the acquisition of the above said land for the purpose of enlargement of the Public Works Lafayette Road Maintenance Yard. Very truly rs, / _ ' oger M. Conway Commissioner of Public Works RMC/RJH/bp Financing: The sum of $1 ,500.00 is available cc: Kent Schonberger and may be encumbered against City Fund 3230-501 � :� `e ` City Comptro� ler ✓2 p GZ. 55 .� �� Ist �-' � 2nd . ` Laid over to 3rd and app.� v _Adopted � *_` Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �—' Carlson �Ear�sen f�'� Levine ���-��9� Levine ' p Meredifih Meredith � Sprafka Sprefka Tedesco , Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O