257589 �. ORt61tw L TO CITY CLBRK t CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. � f,ICENSE CONIMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUN L SOLUTI N ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY March 2 �. Z COMMISSIONE ATF � RESOLVED: That Application L-14971 for the Transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8030} expiring January 31, 1973, issued to John J. Shomion at 120 South Wabasha Street, be and the same is hereby �ransferred to Wa,lter G. Awada at the same addr�ss. On Sale Liquor Establishment TRANSFER (Licensee� Informally approved by Council February 17, 1972 I�AR 21972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya MAR 61972 � � ��CONWAY / prove 19� / Levine �?In Favor Meredith �,k.,.�,.. Sprafka � A Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty puet�sH�D AR 11197� � , ` � • CIT"Y OF SAINT PAUL G � . ` Capital of Minnesota , ��� ! c� Q �� aUe art�nevtt o u��C'c �a et p � ADMiNISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION roWC$ DEAN MER.EDITH,Commisaioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEHRILL,DsDOty Commissioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN.Lieense Inspeetor February 17, 1972 Iionorable Mayor and City �ounc�l Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Walter George Awada is joined by John J. Shomion in making application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8030, expiring January 31� 1973, from the licensee John J. Shomion at 120 South Wabasha Street to Walter George Awada at the same address. Mr. Awada also makes application for Restaurant, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for the same location. This establishment has been licersed for the same business since 1934 and the Shomion Family have held the licenses since that time. From 1964 to 1968 Ntr. Awada was a student at Gustavus Adolphus College. Since 1968 to the present he has been employed as a bartender at The Harp, Inc. loca.ted on North W estern Avenue at Selby Avenue. Very truly yours� . � ' � � , C2�// License Inspector ����i � �-� . � � 0 � MANSUR aN� MANSUR .J ATTORNEYS AT LAW 462 SO. ROBERT STREET � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55107 . � (st2} 2z2•z78T � . February 15, 1.972 PETER M. MANSUR STEPHEN M. VINCEIVT � EDWARD N. MANSUR JOSEPH J, MULLERY INVESTIGATOR The Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Niinnesota 55102 Re : Silver pollar Cafe Gentlemen. Please be advised the undersigned has purchased the ` on-sale liquor license and fixtures of the Silver Dollar Cafe located at the premises commonly known as 120 South Wabasha Street, and it is our request that your honorable body approve the transfer of said Ii�uur iicense to the undersigned. � Respectfully yours, _ - WGA:mm j^?alter George F�wa l • � � - ���_ll��� • CITX �:_ �i.=Itd� 'Pt►L�; � • ��':�T{'�ry��;i`,J`�' �� �'Uf:LIC Ss,LTY ' LIC'�::':u� �IVISIOiw �ate Februar� 15 1� 72 1. Application for 0�-Sa1 e I i n,u� License 2. Name of app�i�ant Walter Georqe Awada 3. �3usiness address 120 South Wabasha St. Pau�esidence �4� WeG_t morton St_._ Paul g. Trade name� if any Silvor pollar Cafe 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp X X �:e�ail Lic�uor F'ederal Yax Stamp X��,rill be used. 6. On �ahat floor located G r o u n d L e v e 1 l:uc��er of rooms used �n q ?. Beti�reen what cross streets F a i r f i e 1 d & P 1 a t o ��'hich side of street �a Q 8. Are premises noia occupiec� e S��hzt busine�s ( i ou r [l n-S a l P How long�� �„� 9. Are premises no�•r unoccupied�Iloati� long vacant Previous Use l0o Are you a nQw o«ner Y e s ���ve you been in a similar business before Y e s Where The F�arp, Inc. 175 PJ .Western�Then 1968 to Present llo Are you goin$ to operate this business personally �� eS If not� who will operate .�t 12. Are you in aqy other busine�� at the �resent time �. N Q 13. Have there been any complaints against your• operation of this type of place M-, _ When Where 14. Have you ever had any 1 iccnse revol�ed N o t�hat reason and date N q 15. Are you a citizen of_ the United States�Native yPQ Naturalized 16. Where were you born St . Paul � �1innesota Date of birth �a�,,�+�T �� � � ��,� 17, I am marriede r1y (t�ife's) (husband's) name and address is Kristine L . Awada ?.45 1llest morton St. St_ Pa��l 18e (If married female) my inaic3en name is 19. How long hav� you 1 ived �n u�€. �aul 2 6 y e a r s 20. Have you ever been arrest�d (�� Violation of i,rhat criminal law or ordinance 21. Are you a registered v�ter in the City of S±_v Paul xX Yes No (Ans►rer fully and co��le��l�. �hese a licatfons are thorou hl chec��d and an falsification will be cat�se for d�nsaZ� �OV�.�::) 22. Number of 3.2 �lace� :�.�i-�i��n tsJO bloclis pd o n e • 23. Closest intoxicatin� liquor p��.c�. (}n Sale 6 h 1 �c�s ��f ual� �3 b 1 o ek s 24. Nearest Church 1 � mi 1 P� �"•;earest uchool 1� miles 25. t�Jumber of �Q��I�N � ����I�� �; Ciz�.ir� 20 Stools 10 26. 1Vhat occupation h�ve you �'o�Sor��ec'� �or tI�e p��t five year:. (Give names of employers and dates so employsc�.) .r,t�irtant _ , iG,�a�.���G Adolohus ['qlleqe 19b4-1968 Rar .nd . - Th Har,,, Inc 1968-present 27. Give names a�e? ��ca�re�Ne. o�' ���yo peruons� residents of at. Paul, i�ann,9 ��rEao can give inforr�ation coucer�in� ;�o�ao ��e RptPr fl1an5 � ��ddress 452 Sod�th R�bert St . �����_rt ��4p] ►,Arg, 1�ddress 1595 Selb Avenue W ;i�nature of t'�pplicant State of A:inneso�a) )ss County of Ramsey ) _ t�1 a 1 t a r (;a n r n a A i��a d� �ein�; f irst duly si:�orn, deposes �nd s�ys u�on oath tlzat he ha.s rear� t�ie �ore�;oin� st�tement bearing his si�;nature �.nd I�no�as the contents thereo�y and tlaat t��e ��ra� is true of �iis oi.n knoti3rl�dg� except as to those matters therein s�ated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be truee "V�.�^►�.�, �}��,,���1CJ'�. Signature of Applica Subscribed and sworn t� before me this �r,-�� day of���. 19?'� � � �i \ " � at�n��� Notary Public� Ramsey �, � i�p�q a ���,,�.L,z � r=^'�;�E4c NOTAd?Y FL;�'_ii; - ;;:'.�i;'�`?.A > ` �� ,.� _. � My Commission expires���y:� _ a,1����sr� cou�rrr �'—�IpCenmr�ssTrnrt�pr�s�s�r�r.ze,1s77 ��' J�C�'l���Y�/GGGI�G�G�i'WC/`Y/�VVGCNG�YV S( (Noteo These statement forms �re in duplicatee 33otI� copies must be fuZly failled out, notarized� and return�d to ��e License �}ivisaon. ) 8-23-71 • . ;', , �I�J.y"JIT �Y t"��PLIC��P�d� � �i2 �'�;Ta�L �;ET;:t OR LI�UC��: LIC�T?u�. P.e: p� Sale l_i n u o r License P�ar�e of agp�ic�.nt Wal ter Georq� Awada isezsiness ac�dres� 120 South Wabasha St . Paul , ffinnesota 55107 Are you the soFe ol;•ner v.i tP�iN 1�u�A�aeu�:' Y e s I�' r.o�, i� i•� a partnershi�? corporation? p oti.er? Others anteres�ec� i:� �u�ir.e:��� a.axcy_u�e� t�io�e �y �.o��n of rioney, property or other��rise: I�d�r�e Geor�e Awada :'=c��tre�� 674 Chippewa St. Pacl���� Loan Robert Hafiz 126? Ohio St. IU.St . Paul Loan John Awada 247 West f�1orton St. Paul Loan If a corPoration� �ive its nurae Are you interested in any e���y in �.a�yr o��ier ret�iI beer or lic?uor business?_ �. �v As sole oiti�ner? T`<:�r�ner:" Stoc;�holder? Qthertyise? (Through �o��.n o#' r.;�a����9 �$c• �lai�i) Emoloyse � Addre�s of such �us�:�eN:� an�� n�.-�ure o:��' in�ere�� in sar�e T h e M a r 2i I n c . 75 North W stern Ave . St . Paul 8artende ��� � �ignature of applicant State of I�tinnesota) )ss �ounty of Rar►sey ) Wa1tP�r GeorQe Awada �cing first duly sworn� deposes and says upon oath that he has read the fore�oin� �f'ticlavit bezring his signature and knoi�rs t4�e contents tizereof; that the same is true o:� his otirn ��noe,rledge� except as to those r��.tters therein stated upon information �nd �elie�' �rac� ws to those matters he believes them to be true. 1�— �1 �, �� �� �`�f� '\� � Signature of applic t Subscribed and s��or �o be�ore me this i5� day of '� �197--� �. � -Y� Notar Publ������>.,�^a�'�:`�i�',��6�� � >�'r;._; lu �s .,_ � 5 �:�a�`" P�v ( ., } ,,;.,i � h9y commissio�i_:�.�es , ,, , ,,, 1g � � ���''� I'v1yCam �� � � r� �s �t.10,1977�' ��Ye�y"�y�GGVGC/VV'Y%G'�'VCI'JVGW"""`� � STAT� OF r9INN�SOT�,) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) wa 1 t P r r r�n r�r�� Awa�a being first duly sworn9 doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in connection with application for " n11_ Sale" liqu�r license (" Sale" malt beverage lic�nre) in the City of Saint Pau19 biinn�sota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for 26 years' months9 and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said State and that he no�a resides at 245 West Morton Street Address t. Paul Minnesota � hfinnesota. City or To��nn � � Subscribed and si•rorn to before �e this _ day of��,_r.��,� 19� � Notary Pu lfc9 R�msey County' P��innesota x anr i,�nnannann,aaaaaan�a��a�n��,��Am� rfy commissiQn expire� �`` ' "��� :� ��;�;,�� � ' . ,. ,r,�s:;ra � � ,��p_` ':' � t ,�Y � � ,.:; ,��.;, �;;Fpt.l0,1�J77 � ?tV'GV�+�r�GC�trGGGGGw/G��jW, ��,v�� 8-23-71 . • � ' CI�Y OF SAINT PAUL • , Capital of Minnesota e1Je art�nevtt o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION rOZacs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasianer HEALTH RALPH G.MEBRILL,Depaty Commi�sioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Iaspector �'4bruary 17, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: This letter is in referenee to the applicetion of �n+alter G. Awada and John J. Shomion for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8030� expiring Januaxy 31, 1973, from John J. Shomion at 120 South Wabasha Street to Walter George Awada at the same address. I have accepted the written reports fron the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police and h�ve interviewed the applicant. I recommend that this transfer be granted. Very truly yours� L��wG� �`� � . License Inspect� 0 � P'eb. 1?s 1�i72 A�oa�. I�e� lirttredith* Ga�sr. o! Pt�blie �'ety, 101 �. lOth. St., City. Atta: lfir. D�im]. P. 1�c1�a�ugh:Lin Desr Sir: The Citq Cc�uncil toc'�y infbrmally sppro�ed tbe a�plicatio�n o! Wslter George Axeclat �oiaed by Jolm J. 82�omion, �tor the traasfer o� On Sale Liqiu>r License No. 8030, expiring Jan�u�.�r 31, 1973� �mem Jc��i J. Shamicm at 1.2'0 S. Webaslas St. to Flalt� t3eorge A�aada at the saa� a�d�lreas. Al�o the spplica�iaas of Mr. A�a, for F�atauz'a�nt, Ott ��e Me1t Bev+ere�e and Cigerett� Zia�ses far tl�a �e�we locatis�. Will 3� P�� P�at��e t2� c�ta�ary resoluti�ta? V�='Y ��Y Y'�'�, City Qer� l�► . DU�LIGTt TO lItIMZR �5'7589 y CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa N � � ��� Qp,�g� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CAMM�IS.�SIONGI! �AM �h Z� l�$ 8�60�YED: '!'bat Jpplioation L-14971 taar the Ticaaei�r o! 0� Sa1� LLquor Lio�e �o. a030• �zPirin6 Janu�9 31. 19'r'8. `�sn�d to Jo1�n J. ahooion at 120 South Wstiw�ha Sts��i�i b� and t� s� is h�r�b�r �nslts�d to Wsltipc a. �i�ra�da at th� +tam� addr��s. � ;�. . . x,�,, Oa Salt Liquaac Tstab13�6�ut , R�SFI� (Lioa�N) Intor,iall� appro�d �pr Cou�noil ?�laroary 17, 19?� �R 2 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co».�ci1 18.— Yeas Nays �., MpR 6197� �D�Y � Approve� 19— �°�e ' Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Ma�'or A auj�gt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� f�7 �� �� �?,e.� � • „`� � //— -� � /.�.- �S�' �`f G� °� � � S �� CITY OF ST. PAUL , " . . APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No.___ .._._„..___ Name of Applican�...._�Wal�ter^George Awada� � M � 26 8esidence Addresa......_.245 West�Morton ..��w^.�� .....................�..................... Teiephone No�......224-1212�w...� Areyou a citizen of the United Statea?_..._..._..YeS__..___..........................._................_................_...._..._..._....._..._-•---...._._......................._....._._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon� cafe, soft drink parlor, or buainesa of aimilar naturei Bartender When and where�..........Until..._recentlX._.....—..�...Ha.r...�.......B.ar..:_...=nc. _�.._.................._...._..�...m..._...�......�..._.........._....._ ...... Ifcorporation� give name �d general purpose of corporation....._...._...._N�p'.....�.._...._..._..,,....__...__.,_,._,_.r...._,,,____,�_ _......._._._..._.__._._......._................._....___................__._..__._................_........................._..................._.__._._._._..._._._ _........_..........._..._...._...__.._......._.._...__._._._...__..�..._.._...._._._._ Whenincorporated?.........._..._.....N�p' ..._._....._........_...._...................._...._.._............_..__..._....._......._....._..._..........._................_........................� If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?................�IIA._.........._. ..._...._....w..._.........._�._._.. Ho«� man,y members 7............................._...._...._.........._...._._...._.__..._..._ Names and addresaes of all officers of corporation, and name and addreas of general manag�er. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . .................................................................. Naines and a,ddresaes of Stockholders: .........................................................................................._._._...._..._...._......_.._�_._........................................._....__._......................._................_................................................__ ..............................................._...._...._._._.._..._._ ....................._........,_.........._ .......... .............. ......... ... .........._.. ...._ _... ,. ... ....: .. ...... ......._ ... Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known...:�. .. . . ............ ......... ............. _....4.._............................,........_.. Number Street Side Between W at Crosa Streeta Ward 120 : S. Wabasha : Ea.st . Fairfield : Plato . : How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (measured along streeta) ?..........N�?17,�....���:?X:......._.........._..._...... How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?.........�...blocks _ ........----•..._.._.........w.._.__...._..___...._........... How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along etreeta) ?......8...blocks,_ Name of closest achool............�oosevelt.._�unior...High............................ ................._.........._...._...._................._........._............_..._......_..__ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance 7...............Co mme r c i a 1 ...... ...... .......................................................__................_.....�........_......._ Onwhat Roor Iceated?............................._._..Main._.Floor._..._._.........................................._.....................................,......._...................................................... Are premises owned by you or leased?.Leased _ � leased give name of own ..ousin� .&...Redevelo�ment � �;u't'I�o'r i ty If a restaurant give seating capacity?..............50......................................................................................... .C.�..:k,y...._S).�....�.t.-.....�au...............__ If hotel. seating capacity of main dining room?....._...�T,��...................................................................... .........._................................................................ Give trade narr�e...._...._.S_ilver pollar Cafe . .. .-•-•-•......................... �------...----...---...............---•--------...-•--•---...........---.._..._....--�---................ .............._.. Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor salea are intended: ......... ...:...................1!Ma,.�..x�.....B�.x:zs�atn....�.�Y ..............._........_......_...._........._..........._........................................_..._.........---.._..._._.......�.. ..........................�---........................_..........._.........._..__......._.........----......._................._..................._.........._................_...._..................................................................................................... ..................................._....._..............._........................................_...................._......................................,......................................................................_.............. (The inlormstioa sbo�s mnat be givea ior hotels and reetaurants which uee more than one room for liquor enles). How many guest rooma in hotel Y..........._..._.. N/A --._ __.._....._........_................_..---•--•--..._...................................�.........._..._..................------•---•••---............_....._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)....._.._..N�A......._..........._........_._.._._................_................_........._......._.. ' Give namea and addressea of three bueiness references:....�...._...._...�..._.__...._.._..._.._...._........_.:._...._...__...._..._......................._............._ 1......_...................�.i..Ai1,�.�.�._�.��.:�.�....8�..n k_...._...___...___...................._...._.._....._...._...._..._....---................_.................................._..........................._ 2......__..............._.Hi.t�ttl'.5.....B.�.�3eL�.7:.��...._.__...._..._....__._............._...._...._...._........._...._................................._...._......................................._........................ 3....__..__.............Schmidt'S Brewer���� ..... ._...._.........._....................... THIS APPLICATION MU3T BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE COBPOSATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNE60T�i, - . COUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• � � WALTER GEORGE AWADA � being Stst duly sworD, depoaers and eaya that he has read the foregoing applicstion and�ow th�nte�ta thereof,and that the same is true to the b�t of hia knowledge,information and belief. 1� �:��" ( I -� � �,�i G'�.1 V-- `��+�. ...._........ •- -�.._..._....�...._..._...._.._.. WALTER GEORGE AWADA Subecribed and swom to before me � this....._....�...�....._....w....day of_..Febr ua�� 19 �2 __-- .. �. .. ... ..� . � �• � • -� - - ? No � �����mx � ;�i�.� U.i,t +i 4 i'✓i. �:H'r21S�_ �_i.iiJ � My commiasion �' ..r_:;.,.�_t r��uc :�r�ti�_..�,:;Ta� @ � r ( �^'�r� . n{".s�-`� � � �'�...'. My"o � ,ai�a�fxp sFeb.�5,1976 � STATE OF MA���� �^"�'���'��v��r�x COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 88' _._.........._...._.._...._..._...._...._..._...._...__._._......_._...�.._..._._.�._--..:..._._...._...._.._...__...._...._...._.__...__. ._.being Srst duly eworn� deposea and sa3►s tha�.........._._......._._..._.._the.. ..._....__ . of....._...._...._...._...._...._...._..__................_........._...._...._...._._....__........ ......._.........._._...__._._ , a corporation; that......................................................................._.....haa read the foregoing application and knowe the contenta thereof,and that the same is true to the best of................._...._............._....__.._...........Irnowledge, information and belief; that the ecal afSxed to the foregoing inatrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application wae signed� aealed and e�ce- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Board of Directors,and said applicatioa and the execut3on t;hereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subacribed and sworn to belore ma thia...:............_...._....._....day of..._..._...._................-•---_...._._..19 ....._.........._...._...._.........._...._.__..............._...._.._._...................._____..____�. Notary Public, Ramaey County, Minn. . . . �y commiasion expirea...._._._...._._...__......_.... i ; � License Division February 15, �972 Department of Publi� �afety City of Saint Paul 101 Sast Teath Strest Saint paul, Minne$ota 55101 Re: 120 Sauth Wabasha 9tre�t Riverview Induatr�al Proj�ct Project No. Mian. R-26 Gentlemen: Mr. Walter Awada, doing business as the Silver pollar Bar, has parmiaaion oE the � Housin$ and Rsdev�lopine�t Autl�ority as laadlord Co operate a liquar �stabli�hna�nt at 120 South Wabasha Str�et. Sincerely yours, , ,;� - ,;- .. �r �� � - '�� --�- -�._ I�obert T. Simon Project Administrator