257583 ORIC�IAL TO CITY CL6RK �5�583 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lzc�sE cor�TT� COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM � � PRE5'�NTED BY � Maxch 2� 1972 COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREASs Proper notice has been received as to change of officers and stockholdera in Entertainment Enterprises, Inc.� 1183 IIniversity Avenae�holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 8046, expiring Janua�cy 31, 1973, therefore, be it RESOLVID: That the resignation of David R. Maddox from the offices of President and Secretary� leaving James H. Fischer! Secretary� as the sole officer and the transfer of the stock held by David. R. Ma.ddox to the remaining • stockholder, James H. Fischer, leaving him a s the sole stockholder, be and the same is hereby approved. OnSale Liquor Establishment Change Officers & Stockholders Informally approved by Council Februa.ry 29� 1972 MAR 2 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas �' xays - MA� 61972 � CONWAY _...�_ _ � 19� Levine �'J Tn Favor Meredith ' Mayor Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco - Mr. President, McCarty pueusHEO �, AR 1119T2 � � . � CITY 01�'' SAfNT PAUL ��— - ' Capital of Minnesota ry� / Q ����3 eLJe art�ner�t o ub�c'c �a et p � ADMINIBTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FI$E PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commisaianer HEALTH RAI,PH G.MERRILI.,Dsyaty Commiwioner � DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inspector February 29, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen an� Madam: Entert�.inment E�terprises, Inc. at 1183 University Avenue are holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 8046, expiring on Janu�xy 31, 1973. The officers of record are David R. Mdddox� President and Treasurer and James H. Fischer, Secretary. They also axe the only stockholders. Mr. Maddox has resigned from these two offices and transferred his stock to James H. Fishher, the other stockholder. By this action James H. F ischer, as Secretaxy is the only officer and the only stocicholder. Attached is a copy of Mr. Maddox�s resi�nation tendered to the corporation.. Very truly yours, /��C.�� /'�� � License Inspector � A'-' �� �1(� � �� �`� b .� � 0 . � . O r + O ° , 0--� . �'S . : NN 0� �oFr "COUNTRY MUSIC CAPITAL OF THE TWIN CITIES" � v � . . J: � ,o . February 25, 1972 "' ' � �o u, , Z . O _ . W Entertainment Enterprises, Inc. -� 1183 University Avenue � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Attention: James H. Fisher v ° Re: Resignation r- � "' Dear Mr. Fisner: ' Q � � p Please accept this letter as my resignation from my position "' as President and Treasurer of Entertainment Entezprises, Inc. Z effective ir;u-n�diately. � ? � The undersigned has transferred all stock that I own in the corporation and terminating all association with this corpora- � tion and with the night club known as Denny'.s Loft. � a As you know, this action is being taken because I am seeking E- a liquor license in downtown Saint Paul, Minnesota. - Z N r ery truly yours, . . "' avi . Maddox � Z ' w 1 � � � � � w � Z � � n, . . . � � � � � ����� ' � , ` . Feb. 29, 1972 �. Dean 24eredi.th, Camar. at Publia �atety, I01 E. lOth. St.� City. Attn: Mr. Deaiel P. 1�Laughl.in Dear 5ir: The City Counc3.7. tod�gr inf'ormally a�ppraved the a�plica.tion of Eaitertair�ent Enterprieee, Ine., at 1183 Unfvereity Av�nue, t�olders oP On Se�.e Liqn.ox Lieense No. 80�+6, e�iring Jamiary 31, 1973, for a change in ofticers as Pollaws: Because of t2� resignatio� of David R. Madc],00c, PresiB,�nt and Trea�urer �end one of the atockhold,ers; J�es H. Fiseher, Secretary, is t2� only afticer and t2�e aaty stockbt�id,�r. Will yro� �lease pz�par� t� cuatc�mry reaolutio�Y '�e�'Y' t�rulY Yrn�7rs, Ci�y Cltrk � ouP�icw'rs'ro wnrns�t �-"�(��d�J cinr oF sr. PAUL ��N��� '• OFFICE OF THE C1TY CLERK R� NO y�Q� �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ° ra��c'�rv � 1ta'I�'�h !!, i97� COMMISSIONER DA*� �'A$= Pl"Opf1' Y10�0f �iL/ ��l1 1'N��.7� Y t0 O�'1ii'18� Ot Otf�O�!/ �IIQ ftO�101d�2'8. ia ffit�sia��ut Entrspa�ieaa. Ino., i183 IIniveo�ei�r Ana�� hoider� ot O�s Sale T.iquor Liv� l�o. 804d. •��a ��•�► 31. 1973. +�er�lor�, b� it BFSOLVPDs Tbst tho r�sigaation ot Davi.B x. Maddoz !"raa ihe ottio�s o� Pr�sid�at aad 3�or�tsiy, l�avia� James H. Fl.rah�r, Sa�sretary ss the role oP�icer and #h� �raael�r o! �h� etoalc held by David &. Maddoz to th� syaaining stookhold�r, Jam�s H. Fiaoh�r, la�triag him a e the sol� stoelchold�r, be awd th� wr� is her�by spprowd. OaSal� Liquor �tablisbmsnt �3hat�g� OYfia�r� 6 Stoalcholdt�s Inf'or�s7.7.3► aDprowd�by Cc►unoil l��avas�r 29• 19?; Mp,R 2197� COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�i1 19— Yeas Naya � �R 6 1972 � �0� APArnved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith �� Sprafka � Ag�at Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��