257577 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK /����� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. *�� ' . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' NCI� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the Department of Libraries has a bookmobile which is currently available for educational purposes; and �/� �K. WH�REAS, Drug Education for Youth, Tnc , whose director is Brother James Clarey and who offices at Summit Avenue, has expressed a desire to lease the bookmobile for a period of nine months beginning February 1, 1�72; and WHEREAS, the Council deems Drug Education for Youth, Inc . a worthwhile organization and desires to assist and support its beneficial educational program for Saint Paul�s youich; NOW, �HEREFORE BE I� RESOLVED, that the proper �ity officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a lease agreement with Drug Education for Youth, Inc. , a copy which is attached; said agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the lease and requiring the proper insurance to be maintained to protect the City�s interests. � MAR 1 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays �, MAR 61972 .Ca.r� �°�-->-z c�A-�--C �, --�-- ^o,. 19— Levine � ��`�. Tn Favor Meredith ' I - Sprafka V Mayor T�e�eo— Againat UB SHED MAR � 1��� Mr. President, McCarty OR AP �E . � - � Asst. Corporation Coun ' O o�«�„�,��,� � 2�'75`�7 � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO ° ,� • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM .���� COMMISSIONER �A*� 1�RSAS, the D�partment of Librariee hai a bookmobile vrhich im aurrently av�ilat►le for edueational purpo�e�j and r �RAS, Drieg Bc�ucation for Youth, Inc �Sxho�e director is 8t+other Jamee Cla,rey and �ho off ices at �Summit Avenue, has eXpre�sed s desire to leaee the bookmobil� Por a period of nine month+r beginning February l, 1972; dnd W�tSrA9, the �ouncil de�ma D�►ug Bduastion tor Youth, Inc�. a rorthwhile organization snd deAire� to asaiat and support its beneP3cia1 educational program for Saint Paul�s you�h� Nt�i, T�ORS SS IT R&�30LVSD, that the prap�r City ot'fieia2r are hereby authorized and directed to exeeute a lease agreement rrith Drug $duca��ion !or Youth, I�c. , � copq rrhich ie� a�taohed; said agreement setting forth the term$ and conditions of the leaae and requiring the proper inauranee to be maintained to protect the City�s interesta. COUNCILDdEN Adopted by the Co�m�1 �R 1 19719� Y� � xa� �R g 19T2 � Approved � 19— , Levine Favor Meredith � �[a�yor Sp�a' A nninat Te�BeA-- Mr. President, McCarty �� ` �-�. 25`���� I, S "� 1' Gxr ;�. �� �. n� z TH�u �.G-�;E�ti;�;��iT, :nade ar.ci er.�ered in�o tn:is day o� , 1J;2, by ar�d bet�raeer. Lhe C�ty of Sairl� Paul, a munici;�al corpor�.t�on oi' the S�ate o� I�iinneso�a, 'r,ere:inai�er referred to as "City" and Drug Educa�ion f'or YouLh, ,�nc. , a T�;inneso�a cor�o��.�ioiz, here�r�ai�er re::erred �o as "You�h" , wnd ��S M�K.. Wi�I1 Of'f'iCGS c'1,t Zl� .SU:fL':11.� AV2�:UE:� ,5'cLll"1i. �a,Ui� 1'�iirlii2SOi`,c: j�1�iLREI�S, i.iz� City izas a motor vehici� ai a 1ar�;e van-Lype cons�ruction des�giled pri�narily i or� publ�c eauc�.tional use �;,rnile pa?°rC2d and cailed a "book- mobile"; a.nd Z�1HFiiLAS, �h� City ci�sirzs to. see the� bookrnobilc u�.ed �for wor�hwhile educ�.Lional purposes and vievas STou��hf s purposes as ir:struc�:ior�al ar�d neneficial �o a11 oi the Cityrs reoplz; . `TiiERi��kO�t�, ST �S i�itTTJ�LLY AGREED, i�y and betvre�n City and Yout:�, a.s i ol�o�rs o 1 . Ci;;y ti1��11 Iewse �o Y"au�h �.ts bookraob�_ie i or a period ai nine raonths beginr�in� Februa�� 1, 19;2, and ending Oc�ober 3i, 1�`�'2. You�ri agre�s to p�.y� City one dollar ( ��1. OG j p�r moni;;� durir�g �he� term of �his lease , 2. kll ;;��,:intenance, repwirs, fuei, oil, and lu:�.r:ica�ion i or �ne bookrlobile w�yl b� prov�ided b� Youth at its own ex�ense • during �i.e �erm of this lease . Further, YouLh a��ees �o be Iiable for and pay i or aiiy dani�.gL to �h� bookmotiile; re�,soz�- abie v;ear and tear excepted. , 3. ��11 ciri�rers i C� �:::e �o�k:nor�ile will be ��rcvi�e� b�r `�ou;.:� ��:zd i u.rL:�er, Youtn aGr�:e� to s�e thaL- sa:id czr�.vcrs are duly l:icei:sed �y L:e Sta�e oi i�;inneso��. and expe-rienced in dr�ving vehicles of th� size o�' bookmc,bilc . �4. y'�u�h a�r•e�s uhe bookmobile t�rill be used exciusively for t���e purposes oi dru� educwt:�oiz ari:� sha11 r.o� be driven oui,side or re:���o��ed .irom �ne �ou.n�y o� r-,wrnsey, Tri�r�riesota. 5. You�;; a�rees �o s�.vc �.r�d hold harmless tn� Ci�,y .i rom a:ly and a11 clainls by �hirci par�ies rESU'l��i ng fron. the use of' the boo�:m�obi?� by �.'outn and in �he fuy�herarice oi �his section, �.'ou�h agrees �o purchase ar�d mairtain in i'orc� durino the terrr, of this lease, insuranc� as follor��s : A, i�do��len r s c�mpen��tion insurance in i,�.e s�a�u�ory �.mounts loi� all 1'ou'cn� s emp�.oyees and associates vah� use tne booknobile . � B. 1'ublic :�iabili�y insurance in amourlts of �250,000.00 f or one person and ��00, 000. 00 f or oize ac c iden�. C. Automob:i.le liability and property . da;nage �n �he amoun�s of �50,000.CO � per wcciden�, y�i00,000.00 per pzrson and �p300, 000.00 per occurrence. . ; � A cer�i.r�_cate :�f insur�ance ev�denc:in�; th� �i�s��z�arlce �l:ail b� filed ',�rlth the Office a�' ��ze Co1'po?'u.tiOn Counsel of t,he Cii,y within z"'ive days of the effect:Lve • date of t'r::is a`reement, �,�he cert�ficate sh�,ll name �'r:e City as a co-insured. 6, lrle City a�rees �o provide ov�rn��ht and l�veeicend stoi•�,be faeliities at i'cs Lexing�on �ra:.cn L�brary gar.•age in aecordance ti•:i�n schcduies rna:intained by Ci�y personnel cLf: �I1u^,'t". �aT'�.�C,-', . 7. This a�rec,nen� r�.ay D2 terrnina�ed i�y eitY��ez° par�y z�i�n �'ive da��s ���r. i��er� no�ice . IN �J17Av:�SS �::ER�.�O�, tize parties YiErei,o have . set the:ir hands �his day of Forrn approved� j;:iay�,-- /'_� �, %_ ' r � /,%� ,' ;` V� j/.,j; j'�, �% �.�"-'��oz�;���«,ii�� �o un s;�"� 'o,n„«.s s l one r o�' �",�_-_ L1fJi a- if:S / and Civic �uildings % �y ler•:ti �Titne s s ro �cr �ame s iarey Director oi Drug �,duc�.�.'G7.G:: for Yovth, Inc, Apr�roved as to farz: and execution: � emVns �ciz7.�cx Comptroller �ss , orpora�ion ounse