02-729, � S Council File # �a � 7 � � Green Sheet # � C� c3. S"t � Presented By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the administration has been actively working to formulate a recommendation for improving the 2 Code Enforcement program since taking office at the beginning of the year, and 4 WHEREAS, the City Council research report dated March 2002 highlights that problem properties create a 5 blight upon surrounding properties and affect the neighborhood's quality of life due to the physical and social 6 disorder ofthe property;and, 7 WHEREAS, said research report estimate that over 200 of the city's properties are chronic problem properties with an annual cost in city services approaching $125,000 per year per properiy; and WHEREAS, the Administration, the City Council and the Department of Code Enforcement all share a desire to increase the professionalism, efficiency, effectiveness and consistency of routine code-enforcement activities; and WHEREAS, the recommendation below will help improve the Code Enforcement program by making it a more visible part of the community; and WHEREAS, these additional resources will enable the City to be more efficient and proactive in managing both problem properties and routine case work; and WHEREAS, the City will enlist citizens to help eliminate problem properties from their neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the City will create a one-stop shop for citizen access and enhance accountability in taldng action against problem properties; and stepped-up enforcement in routine cases; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.1 of the city charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation, fund of $237,760 in excess of those estimate in the 2002 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget; i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Page 2 Current Budget FINANCING PLAN Office of Citizen Services Code Bnforcement GL 001 00256 9830 Use of �und Balance All other Fund Financing Total Financing SPENDING PLAN (See detail in "Attachment A") � Changes 237,760 oa -��� Amended Bud�et 237,760 1,545,754 237,760 1.783,514 Office of Citizen Services Code Enforcement GL 001 00256 0282 Rentai - Building and Office Space 0 GL 001 00256 0283 Rental - Vehicles 4,500 GL 001 00256 0295 Moving 250 GL 001 00256 0386 Clothing - Uniforms 0 GL 0100 00256 0235 Mileage-Type TI 28,700 GL 0100 00256 0815 Office Furniture >$5,000 0 GL 0100 00256 0229 Other communication 729 GL 0100 00256 0297 Data processing services 2,100 GL 0100 00256 0299 Other misc. services 1,000 All Other Fund Spending - 00256 Code Enforcement 1,SOA,975 Total Spending 1,545.754 25,200 22,684 8,100 2,280 -5,490 62,133 95,406 600 26,851 0 237.760 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2002 budget. Adopted by Council: Date 3-GOg_.__ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy : � �_��_y--a q`- � � � - Approved by/P�or: Date J�'� � ll � —`�' Requested by Department of: By: Form Ap rove by CiC ay: � Mayor for un ( S 25,200 27,180 8,350 2,280 23,210 62,133 96,135 2,740 27,851 1,504.975 1,783.514 sy: Dep�itmentr'officelcouncil: Date OfficeofCitizenServices GreenSheetNo �a-��'� Contact Person & Phone: initia�date Initiaudate Andy Dawkins, 266-8427 � _D��s n�r. _ c�ry co,��;i Must Be on Council L\qenda by (Date) ��9� ��Y Attomey� — City Clerk Number Financial Serv Dir. Financial Serv/acc Fof Mayor (Or Assk) _ Civil Service Conuuission Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages, (Clip Ali Locations for Signature) aaion Requested: Approve the attached budget amendment to move the Code Enforcement function into one locafion, lease city vehicles for housing inspectors, and purchase uniforms for housing inspectors. Recommenda6ons: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: �. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Planning Commission Yes No CIB Committee 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Civil Service Commission Yes No � 3. Does this persoNfirm passess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issue, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Quality of life issues and neighborhood livability issues are of paramount importance to the Administration and City Council. As a result of the City Council's leadership in initiating the Chronic Problem Properties report, the City now has a conclusive outline of the issues facing Saint Paul. This report clearly underscores our common belief that we need a mare effective way to ensure that problem properties do not plague our neighborhoods and our quality of life. Mayor Kelly believes that the City needs to be more proactive, efficient, effective, resourceful, professional and consistent in how it addresses problem properties and routine code enforcement. This effort will include: being more visible in the community, enlist citizens to assist in the battle agaanst problem properties, provide strong direction, and a clear vision for accomplishing effective properry management. Code Enforcement has both the opportunity and plan to reorganize itself along the lines recommended in said city council report. AdvantageslfApproved: One stop shop; files accessible to inspectors; visibility; increased professionalism; better positioning to address blight created by problem properties and achieve consistent, stepped-up routine enforcement. Hauing city-leased vehicles will enhance future year computerization and efficiency measures. Disadvantages If Approved: Additional funds will haue to be expended to implement the recommended changes to Property Code Enforcement. Disadvantages If Not Approved: , Inadequate funding for the Code Enforcement funcrions to enable staff to more efficiently address the challenges of problem properties and stepped up routine enforcement. ToWI Amount of Transaction: $ 237,76� CosURevenue Budgeted: $ � ,545,754 Funding Source: Generaf Fund Activity Number: 001-00256 Financial Information: (Explain) , � ..., oa-� �`1 "Attachment A" to Green Sheet # 102541 I. Rental Vehicles $ 360.00 per month per car X 21 cars $7,560.00 per month X 3 months $ 22,680 - savings from Type 2 mileage reimbursement $ 1,830 per month X 3 months ( $ 5.4901 Total $17,190 The exact amount needed depends upon when the budget resolution is approved. It will take 6 to 8 weeks to get the cars after they are ordered. The earliest we can expect to have the cars would be October 1 if the Council takes action by August 15. II Uniforms $ 20.00 per polo shirt + 5.00 embroider,�± $ 25.00 X 3 shirts per inspector $ 75.00 +39.00 per jacket + 5.00 embroiderv $ 119.00 X 20 inspectors Total 2 280.00 III. Lease Assume September ls` Furnishing Communications Moving Contingency Total 25,200 62,133 96,006 8,100 26,851 218 290 Grand Total $ 237,760 ,