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T� .. _. ,. _ ._ -. ,, . �, e'' , ������ .� } COUNCiL FILE NO. �' CITY OF ST. PAUL R�eao�l!uti�t Ra�ifying Aesessment By '�s In the matter of the assessment of ��� � aii ��-�' ��IM Mt �!r �t�a �' ��+�I�r�i�r rMMw�! r�'!t �alt� �r�►� II�A�+M1at Y!-�� �sl,�IN� �. !�, �' �« �r � �.0. ti4� • Dal�lt �t., i�h �idss �r� J�swi� �n. to M�1ta Mn. 1.0. �243lA6 • lrsidc iE., i� silts froa ltas�lss� Avn. to � Aw. 1.0. #Z4�►1l1 • �t1�N �t., wst sid� f�ra� Msr�►1� �ir�. t� �a�rtl�csr Awrs. ?.0. �2441s7 • 1wRb�aa 1t�ro., 'MotY •iass iroa iarl SL. t� tr�ric �t. ?.0. #Z4�07� - Ora�s 1iw�., arYt� sid� !'ro� l�ore�t ft. to tiu� �ast tit�r �� :.,:, Lt li, f1k. �, Cl� TY�ra� �halrt �iition s�wi +ra tl�s . •onth sids ot Oraeg� Aw. isas l�r�rst st. to Crpress st. �.0. �?441i7 • Orarg� Airr., Lot6 ail�as lsa� sarl it. t� lr�ak it. ..- . <,-��.,Q.a�l�'1.�: ,�`�t�lt�lt.�.,r airst�=�at�1�.f�A�t �.-�-�r�-�Nt..a��at,�,. L��tt, l�4. #?,�►)!OS - i���rtMt it., �aat •iis tra■� Airli.rr�tut �C+r�, t� �sw�/ �s. a�d r .. _.�:, .�_,.;. ,a_�:. ,._.. �a.-t�t=�!�st;a,1�is � : �t w.��=ir�is�l�-M�� �A#oiM-�anh lia� �! Lvt �, Arditrrt�. �70. ;:.:��:,, .��...��A77,.z-�a �«,, ,�t4 a�+�►,:���+a►-�iM-�.--�-�wl ilt�,_r : . : . : ..,: l.0. *�+i►3'!� - Mss�mt it.. ra�tl� �id� lt�t 0�tsia�► ft. t� �tl�th :t. . . - l����Atistti Nt.. .i�ohl� s�i� i�riri J�M�i�t 4tMt�:.Co !!a� ., � t.0.. f443lA� • lranic it., leotb sides l�roet Marylsnd Ave. to &oa�e. �• `` l�.0. `#Z44191 • Aaluth St,, rsst side frao Marylaad An. to H�nrthorn� Aw. l.0. #l441S7 • �thora� Awe., botk sides ftoa tar2 St. to �raak St. �.Q. #Z4407� - Ar� Iqn�., aor� s�de, isom,:��tt-st. ,ts th� ea�t li,� af � . Lot !g, Elk. �, Clapp ?hcoss�g Pltal�n Additioa snd on tlut - . . . sO+ee�::sida:�o! t�ct�,s �tve. lsos-lb'r�e'a! s'C. to C�rp�ss� Sti. a.0. f241►1a7 Qzax��. A1e.,'bath �idss ira. sszi at, .to l�aok �t. ; �?.0: #�Jl�3 + ` � iii�s�.ar.t St.' rd�'tfa� �lrer e�t:�sn ae. �ro,�Dirintti '8t. COUNCILMEN � � 1 1972 Yeas ��.,Nays \� Adopted by the Couneii , CC�NWAY U � LEVINE � �R 6 �972 MEREDITH - S r R f`,f=KA APProv e: ` � N1cCARTY, � Tn Favor n, ayor v� Against , � FoTm x.2 za� iasa S� PUBLISHED M 11 1972 �� l° � � � . . .. � . . .. .r . .. � ., ��- ' . �. : • ,y , .. .. . , . . . . .. . � . . � . . � . . . .. . . . . � t �` ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��/'S�� (Fr��7 '� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIaNER OF FINANCE �� Report of Completi,on of Ass�esament � , In the matter of the assessment of ��� i11�� IIM� �A�i �!' i��M +1rt � �i�a +at i� +�t �1t �� � 0�, 7w��, i�� M�. 3, �r� f�. 3, � . �.;�; ���M��! • Dir1�tY St.� 1r�R1t std�a !"awr J�sarLs� tw�. t� �fl�vlsa �r. ' !.1'k_:�4.1�A6 • lra�ait lt., i�1�M sLM� txa� lMuirtlrM �. t�1 �r A�. - T.Q.�f�4t1l1 • �1+� �t.. wst ai� tx�a� tl�arylMt Ahr ,�� � M�rr Aw. l.0. t►l�41S7 • Harth�rat �w., b�rt4 s�d�s tco� �ti �a�k �t. t.o. �Z�4on • vr.�. �nr... e.�t4 sid� l�r.. �'sr.sR se. r�Y. .a.t tsa�. .t Lst lA, 11k. R, C1+eM '1'I�a� �ta �dditiea a�d �e tlr�r� Nl�t�! �f� O� t�i'i11� w�M. ��'A ZOZ"�� �t. �� C�rN �i, s.o. fL1�tu7 - ora�+ A.�.., b�tY s�iaa lra� sari fs. t. l�r..k st. :.o. ,t2M►!os - a,ruk :e.�, *•�#� .!M M4tr�!.Oeir+�._�1!�!t.ti +�!�! ��..�plt� �@ tt. �.. . " �.l�:�'�'�':�lS'���twt lt.. ��iK ��11i"�ne� Aslitr�taa �. !a tbi�o! xw►. ri et t�e wst •ii� e! ��d�t�a �!. !�'� Atli�ta�t r+/!�,, to t1Nr M�'th . .. � ., _. . , . ._ �, _ , �liw i#`Lv� "�, iGiditi�"r �i"�. l�7f1. t.0. ��40T7 • i� �. lio�Y sf.diis lsar rir �t. ta �aI !t. .: . �.�►.�: :!�'�S'!��'`= Nir�et��;� .;�it'l���i�:�i �!'s►�ii���tii �t:i tii�ai��i..�i: =_.- _ , . . '�" � , ?.0���.l�� • 3�a1� �., bot14,.��.,r�� t�+�, J��s�e �. to ll���a Aw. T.Q. �l4�l� - rirrk �t., 1w�t �Ldu �s�w �L�t lli�.' 1t� Lowr�r /lw. •�.0. �'�i1►1i1�• �'La� ft.�. � �r3� !� il� �w. t� �er� iri�e. l.0. fl+i+I1S7 • 11wEhoatis A�w., M►tM +�iM� lro� i�s'i =t. Ef traak �t. t.0., �Z4t07i •.t��caa� �ine.. aort4 ai�is tr� �+�rea�rt =t. t� .tb� ust li�r �! � �t 2�, alk. '.t. Cia}i ?l�arrs�n► �hiln �fti�r � oa tlr�e � ` �q�► �r� i� CNra�� �. ira� l+�rist it. tm C�e��s st. t.4.;��4�itlT - �:'r�i �., "l�t t� �i!u► tx� '�sl ft. eo �r�qk it. 1.0.. /��I►l�t� • 'Nat�an�t Bt.� sa�Ib �idi tror W�l�iw tt. t� Dr►1t�tA ft. Court costs for co�nfirmation . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . � i� —� Comptroller's Costs 126 00 TOTAL EXPE'1VDLTU&ES . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . $ 22,045 �[� Charge to . .... .. .A9.z4-461.. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. . $ 3�386 �(t_ . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .Nan-Asses�ah�e..... . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,294 ��., Net Assessment . .... . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .... . $ 17,363 87 Said Commissioner further reparts that he has asaessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit• the sum of $ 17�363_87 upon each and every lot, paxt or parcel o� land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca.se of each lot,part or parcel of land in aceordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto atta.ched, identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assESSment as comup�leted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Co such action her as may be considered proper. Date� ?.ebruary 2, 1972 Commissioner o���,. Form R-2 2M 30-68 8�