257557 , OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK �5�55� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. ,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNC RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE '�j DAiF RESOLV�� That the proper persor�s be �ut�horized to pay to Bishop To�ing Service, the swn of �510.00� for services rendex�d in pulling the Parks and Rscreation truck out of Como Lake when it broke thru the ice in the process of preparing the Lake for the Wipter Skating Program. FUR3�TER RESOLVF�f� That the above s�un is to be cha.rged to the Parks and Recreation Departmentis Athletic and Sports Fund, Code No. 0719-2�9 �EB �9 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��- MAR 11972 � pp 19— (�o.-lann �rs-i.-u`'-6—� Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco F M P GV ' Mr. President, McCarty sst. Corporatio -C wns i PUBUSHED �WAR 41�72 �� ` _... o���;�„���� 25'755'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL o�o�uNa� NO. � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL �ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM : �MMI IONER n�� ��. ltitt � phP�" P�'�t bo a�tfil�si��d 1� �yr 1�er � !� �n�: �r � � �'10.vo� �rr �a�a� r�nrd�� ` �a :�il#�'�ir l��tr �sA �4s�r� � � �,t �wrr �stir �n - it turlo� ilunt t�r iM !a� �s p�nr�r at pen�r�wrf�t� #� t�lo� ter � ti�s �RLa� lx�o�r�r. l�'1�l�ilt �!'�fJl'l��, ?l�r� � abrrr� �r i1r !o bi o1�1�`� � ?axld� and "i�+ra�lAa ba�aswsAt��M Ai����tie a�t �i '�d� , t�L �a a?1�'tb' _ 3 FE6 �9 1972 COUNCII�N Adopted by the Counc>> 19— .,; Yeaa Nays �.- MAR 11972 �. A=tmrnoa�rl 19_ Le°ine Tr Favor Meredith n ', J �� Sprafka (J A��t Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��