257553 � OrI�(nal to City Clerk � � ' ORDINANCE � � �4 , �� o ��� ��/-� COUNCIL FILE NO PRES�NTED BY � ORDINANCE NO � �� � �"" AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN AN ENCROACH- MENT INTO THE PLATTED R16HT-OF-WAY OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE, ABUTTING LOTS 8 THROUGH 11 OF BLOCK 7, CAPITOL GROUNDS ADDITION. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That permission and authority are hereby granted to the State of Minnesota to construct and maintain an encroachment into the platted right-of-way of University Avenue abutting Lots 8 through ll of Block 7, Capitol Ground Addition, said encroachment to consist of footings for the Central Maintenance and Operations Building in the Capitol Complex which shall encroach a distance of eighteen (18) inches under the City sidewalk of said platted street. Section ?.. That the permission and authority granted herein is made expressly subject to the following terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall construct, maintain and remove said encroachment entirely at its own expense; b. That said permittee shail maintain vertical and lateral support to the City sidewalk and street during construction, maintenance and removal of the encroachment; c. That said permission and authority is granted expressly for and is limited to the footings of the referenced building and said permission and authority shall terminate automatically upon the removal of the building; d. That said permission is to be a term permission, for the life of the building, except where the Council of the City of St. Paul , by due process, determines that the public necessity or a greater public use requires the revocation of the permit and the subsequent removal of the encroachment in which case the permittee shall voluntarily comply with all Council Orders at its sole cost and expense; e. That said permittee, for itself, its successors and assigns, shall agree and undertake to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of St. Paul , its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages , claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the existence of the encroachment into University Avenue and/or arising out of the permission and authority granted herein; f. That said permittee shall pay the actual costs of administration incurred by the Department of Public Works because of the undertaking up to a maximum amount of $200.00, to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. E-1131 ; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler Carlson � Levine Tn Favor Meredith SF�$ Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ♦ OrfQinal to CI�y Clerk , � • � � ORDINANCE 25��5� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO -2- g. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance; and h. That said permittee shall within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk; Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. MAR 15 197� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Councii B/v�t,t.t.1l,e,r,,.,, �G VAZ`YO�l1 `�7'L,c-2,''-C'�'� �/'� � Levine Tn Favor Meredith � � Sprafka Againat Tedesco MAR 1 1972 Mr. Preaident ( Appro At st:.-, City lerk Mayor ^�� . orm approved Corporation Counsel By P�IBUSH�D I�AR 1 � 1972 u.s�iesa a rrmtsr • . - � ORDINANCE 25`755� � COUNCIL HLF NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /c�d��' AN OROINAINCE 6RANTiN6 PERM1SS10N TO THE STATE OF HIl�NESflTA TO CE3NSTRUCT AND MAI!lTAiM AN ENCROALH- MENT i NTO TNE PLATTED R 16�iT-01�-MAY OF Utl t YERS 1 TY AYENUE, A�UTTfM6 LOTS 8 TNROU6H 11 OF eLOCK y� CAPlTOL G140UN@S M@iT10N, TliE COUNC 1 L OF TltE G ITY OF SA 1 NT PAl1L D�S ORDA 1 N: Section 1. That pe�ission and aathorit�r ars heroby 9raRtad to ths sta�e.of wt�,esots to coustruct ane! �si�taln sn a�cro�t tato tha pl�tt�d rfghtrof-wsy of tMt�rersitr A�re�e sbertting L�ots 8 throrgh il of itock 7, Csp i tol 6�ow� Add t t ioe�, sa t d ancro�ct�setit to cons i st of foot t�s .fsr the Csntrai Mainte�nsnce �nd 8peratic�s �f iding ta the Capit�l Co■�#�oc whieh shsll �ntro�ch a distaace of etghte�n (l8�' i�ches �der tt� Cit�► sid�tik of ssid platted strest. Section 2. That the �enNissto�a a�+d a�thoritp graAtai INr�i� is wads ax�rosslY sabj�t to the f�t lo�ring tsrws aad oondttia�s: a. That said peraittae shali construct, Miataln and r�rvs ssid �roaclr�snt s�tireiy at its own �xpsnse; b. Thst said per�ittes shall wsiataia +►ertical a�/ lat�nl sa�port to tha Citr side�wik a�d str�t ��iAy eanstruette�a, eriAtawMe�s +ae� cro�rai of th� +�cro�chasut; c. That said pe�+nission a�d se�thority ts grant� �xpnssiy fo� and is , Itwtted to tbe footings of the refe�a�c�d buiidtag �d sald pen�issia� and sutlror i ty shsl 1 tenai e�ate anta�t tcal ly upon the �emwa 1 of th� bu i 1 d t�y; d. Thst said penutssTcn is to 1» s ter� penuissic�, for ttn tife of tha bu i i d i ng, exc�pt whe r� tl+s Caanc i t of ths C t ty of St. ►aM i, bg► � process, det�n�ie�ss thst ths peibl te neeessity or a grwt�r wbi ie rss n�tros tbs rov�o�ativn of the permit ae� tt�e svbseq�t rewavai of tt�s a�ro�ch�at iA �fiich cas� tha pet�rittas shal 1 votunb�J ly c.a�ply wf th at l Cornci l Orrers at tts sol� cost snd sxpss�se; � e. That said per�ittee, for its�if, its saccas�s and �sigss, st+sll a9r�s a�d w�ds�take to fully indsamTf�r s�d hold ha�aless ths Cit�r of St. Psni, its ageats, officars aad ea�ploy�s fra� any and ali daaag�ea, ctaims., toss�s, judg�sats, wits or expeas�s arising veit of or ocessiaaed bp tas actsta�oe of . ths ee�croaebaia�t 1Nto University Avenus sAd/o� ari:i�g ort of tM psn�issio� � and suthoritr gr�l�d IIlhlp; 5 f. That said perwittee shall pay the actaat costs of ad�inistr.ation T�rnd by the Depart�t of Public i�brks becsuss of tbs wAds�takia9 d� to a �wci� an�o�nt of �200.00, to bs scaow�tsd for tmder Dspsrtwee�t of Pabl ic I�ks ProJsct t�. E-1131. Yeas Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Cound� Butler ��On Ta Favor Levine Meredith ro�iII6t �� Mr. Pteeident (McCarty) Approved: Att�t: City Clerk Msyor �� �' Form approved Corporat3on Pounsel By ,x:., ",_._ DqNe�b�o Prleb: ° . �, . , • + �, ORDINANCE � 25�7553 COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDiNANCE NO- I�d��'�' -2- g. Thst said penNlttN► shsll psy th� cost of pdblicatto� of this ordlnaeict; snd , h. That ssi� pe�ittee sbail witht� thirty (30) �ars afts� tbe passaga of this ordinancs fila a writte� sa�ptance thersof with the C,ity Cl eric; Saetion 3. This ofdt�snu shali tsic� eff�ct au� be t• forc� thirtr (3�� ds�rs fr� aAd sft�r its paasaga, spprcrrsl sntl pubi ication. - MAR15 � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � � � Tn Favor Levine " p�i�a a A�►inat Tede�oo Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Apprnved: Attest: City Clerk �ayor �� Form approved Corporat�ton Eouneel By ... _ . � ' � � s Saa.nt Paul, Minnesota, March 20, 1972 To the Honorable, the Ci�y Co�ur�cil., Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen and Mrs. Butler: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions o� Counc3.l File No. 257553, being Ordinanee No. 150�+, adcYpted by the Cow3cil on Mareh 15, 1972. S'1'ATE 0!' MINNESQ�A BY � � .. . • ��a"�"ae .� � ,����T � STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION �-. SAINT PAUL , ARCHITtCTYRAL AND � -;+ ������ BNOIN�l111NO DIVIfIOtl March 23, 1972 �:.���� �. . Mr. Harry E. Ma.rshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 3$6 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55102 _ Subject: Ordinance No. 150�.1� Dear Mr. Marshall: Attached for your files is the signed letter of acceptance for the above ordinance. Your bill in the sum of $1�.90 for publication costs is being processed and will be remitted under separate cover. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, '�� v`' , , � Paul F. Cummings State Architectural Engineer PFC/ch O I st � � � � 2nd �� L,zid over to 7 �S �>> 3rd and app —Adoj�+ed Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Bsi+fer' Carlson 25��5� (_�.A--y-�-�c� Levine � `Levine Meredi+h � �eredith Sprafka `5prafka l } V Tedesco �edesco Mr. Presiden+ McCart �r. President McCart Y Y O � i U � t h � Ndarch 20, z9T2 �t�.�;� of d���.:nn��a+�t�., D�partm�n� of Rdtn3.r��.�t�°��ian, St�,t.e �dx�.�.ictsatir_s°� ��'a1c�;. Atttn: Mr. R1cha.xd �3rube�Cher, Comsr. o�' Ad�nixiiat�atiAn. ��,r .�S.�ti, �n�e �zz��.��� �, 5�c�,�a�r �a�' (i�rcli�.�zace a��a� �.����r9 ���t-_ra.� '�1� �a�z�it to ��t�,te o�' Yf�in�n��t�t�. tcs cnr��tr�u;�� �ra(�. ��'�n,��i� z�� �ncro�,chzr.eni. into �}�e p��.���,�r� :;;'�, U:, �3�.��r�:x°s:ct,v `':��?°k�x�' �c�az.'����.�°�F° �.��`:>� ;- �hxous�h lI ��' �:s�.�ac;�x e'$ ���a�.��ts3, �'�x������ r":�.�it:tesn,; �.u�° :��.�_�w ia� �h� su� �::° �.��;,�•�'� v� ��wr�:� �:�� :��� �x �u.�1.�.����.^.�,�, �;f� �u��� �r�int.���. '�.� ca�..t y*aux; �g?c�ia1 a��'��i��:i�s.� ;°� ;�'�..r��^�'��s4 d. f�:�:` .;ection 2 wrk�ic2a �equiz��� t���-: ��,�.i�� a� ard acve�s��r�a.c� r��° ��,°� ��r�Ea� og this ord�za�xzce, trzi�.c�z a���-L- �a� �°il�� :�r� ��.�.s o�'�'3�ee, i;c�zn 3�ti, :;�ty �,3..1, wit3�i�a 30 r��. .�� nat �a ��3.c�c�,, ��.� ca�r�ia.��r:�� ��c��s vaid.. �er� �r�a�.;� ;t�urs, �.a.ty �1.erk ��