02-726�1-. <�. , : �. Presented By Referred To Council File # � c� -� a-� Green Sheet # ��J��! / Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the City Mazketing and Promotions division partnered with organizations to mount a successfixl t'�. �}� �� �qFreedom Celebration at Harriet Island on May 27`", 2002, and WHEREAS, the City Council thanks Clear Channel Communications and Minnesota Credit Union for their contributions of $7,193 and $1,284.75 respectively to offset costs of the celebration, WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are funds of $8,478 auailable for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2002 Budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the foilowing changes to the 2002 liudget; Current < Amended Budeet Chanees Bud et FINANCING PLAN Mazketing and Promotions GL 001-00252-6905 Contributions and Donations All Other Activity Financing Total Financing SPENDING PLAN Marketing and Promotions 0 484,413 484.413 8,478 8.478 8,478 484.413 492,891 GL 001-00252-0299 OtherMiscServices 71,500 8,478 79,978 All Other Activity Spending 412913 - 412,913 Total Spending 484,413 8.478 492,891 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2002 budget and on behalf of the citizens of Saint Paul, accepts the contributions for the Maleluca celebration. Requested by Department of: Citizen Services By: Adopted by Council: Date d Approv� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY�_ Form Ap By: � Approv y Ma r• Date • _BY� � Approve By: Council By: _ by Mayor for torney to �Yx : ty Clerk/Marketing & I ` 7/"26%02 CT PERSON ffi PFiONE f.'?n!=' T:.i l: �'.u�'T'�..'��3 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES oa-_�ta-� GREEN SHEET No 03444 ��.,�,��, y ���_ M I tlIYAiTOp1EY � GI'l4FPR 1H3' �+ — 4 � Ai1111CLIli6YVICFSGR � III�UIC111LaFRVHCClC �wrae�oawmsrum ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) The St. Paul City Council approves acceptance of contributed funds to offset the cost of the;�el�3euCG Freedom Celebration at Harriet Island. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION rtas mis a��� everwakea under a can�act s«mis aepanmem� YES Wo tlas this persoMrm Mer Eeen e cHy empbyeeT YFS - NO Daes this P��m D� a sbll not namal�YW%� M any airtent cilY emPloYee? YES NO' • Ia Mis PersoNfrtn a �er0etetl ventlaYl �_ s YES td0 r; ��...���.... �...����., �......� .............. � ......... ...... .. . -� .. � , Organizations donated monies to offset the cost of the mt�;a5�uc-q Freedom Celebration. These donations must be accepted by the City Council. ����I �+/ �� "" �Additional city funds would not be needed to cover the e� Nane- �_ —:-". _ �. ._ , �� , _ , City £unds would be needed to cover expenses. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S � 7 a COET/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO � FIINDIN6 SOURCE ' ACTPIISY NUMBER �� ZS� i�