257534 OR161NAL TO CITY CLQRK 25��34
, Februaxy 29� 1972
RESOLVED: That Application L-14660 for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage
and Cigarette Licenses, applied for by Re�ine►�1B. and Inez Meeker at 1021
Arcade Street, be and the same are hereby gran.ted.
Informally approved by Council
January 11, 1972
Old Location.
FEB 2 9 1972
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays �AR 11972
� CONkTAY proved 19�
Levine '�?ln Favor
Sprafka � �y�
A gainst
Tedesco �
Mr. President, McCarty AR 4 1
• t u C �
, . ' Cagital of Minnesota �n`J / �
�eart�nevtt o ub�GC'c �a et
� �
ro�c$ DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH
RALPS G.MEERILL,DeDaty Cammissioner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inspeetar
January 11, 1972
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Saint Paul, Min.nesota
Gentlemen and Ma.dam:
Reginald B. and Inez Meeker make application for
Restaurant, On and �ff Sale Malt Beverage and Ciga.rette licenees
at 1021 Arcade Street which is on the West side of the street
between Lawson and Cook Avenues.
This location has been licensed for a similar business
since 1935. The last license� Richard David Caxlson held the
licenses since Au�ust 19� 1971.
There are no other 3.2 places wmthin two bloaks. The
closest On Sale Liquor place is one block and the closest Off
Sale Liquor place is also one block away, The neaxest church
as well as school, are each two blocka away.
Mr. Meeker was a, bartendeP at Patientts Bar from 1962
� 1970. Mrs. Meeker has been working at the .American Linen Co.
for the past four yea.rs.
Very truly yours,
� � � �
Liaense Inspector
, �� � �
� � ���
o �
. �'+' ."�R�l+I�'�.,i1`fi' !3i I'ITP;LIC St►+LTY
' . IDat� �9� J� 19�
1. Application for 3 , /�'� e Q IL N/r 5� ��(� � A �� License
2. Name of appAicant `�
3. i�usiness address �Q f ,�R LR d o� �te:iclence ��/O ��1Z� /f P 2�
4. �rade nalne� if any ,1i1/C,Z q� �t-( S /�jFf/7�,
5. Retail B�er Federal Tax Stamp ts Retail Lir�uor Federal Tax Stamp�will be used.
6. On �ahat floor located �`�/�/�� � I�,umber of rooms used /'���
7. Between what cross streets ����,�� q� ,�,iq 1,l�1 S Q l� it�hich side of street���
8. Are premises notiv occupfed��dfl�zt business How Io�g
90 Are premises noi+r unoccupied�ios+r long vacant (� ���,5 Previous Use _ �-:2 �j fj1 �
l0o Are you a n�iv o�+mer/�/eS tiave you been in a similar busineNs before /j/(�
Where �tlhen
llo Are you going to operate this business personally �/ _�
If not� tioho �+rill operate it
12. Are you in any other business at the present time �j�
� _
13. Have there been any complaints against yonr operation of this type of place /'�_
When . . . Where.
14. Have you ever had any license revoked���'hat reason and date
15. Are you a citizen of the United States,L� '�Native l� �_S Naturalized
16. Where were you born�r ��_�p�� T �Date o birth �_1 7/�
I7, I am�marriedo I�fy (wife's) (�uei�wd�) name and address is ,* hl L L
�y�' ,S'�Ryk�
18e (If married female) my maiden name is
19. How long hav� you lived in St. Paul ,
20. diave you ever been arreste��`Violation of irhat criminal laiv or ordinance
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of Sto Paul Yes ���(p�� No
(Answer full.y and complete�. These a lications are thorou hl checked and an
falsification will be cause far deniaZo
22. Nu�nber of 3.2 places ;•;itl:in t���o blocl�s �,/��,/ ,� '
23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. Qn Sale J T�,( m L �Z Off Sale / �j �,�� �
24. Nearest Church �.�' 6�a L./(,.S Pe'eareut �chool� '� _�3,�Q c �{�
25. Number of' �mo�h,� Tables �� Cizaii� ,,,2 � Stools_1_��
26. What occupation �zave you follo�.ed ior tIie �a�t five yearu. (�ive names of employers
and da�es so employed.)
�A � I e Ts � �
�y�zs � . _ z ` �
�"� Pa�� l� �s�s-/o �
2?. Give names anc? ��c'�dre�ses o�' �;��o persons� residents of St. Paul� P�uinn.9 rtar�no can give
infornation coa�cernin� youe
N�une � 1:cldre�s_ � 9.5~ � /� � R N A Q�
Pdame_ .ODN as � � Z'i�„T �Ldo"lres� TI <� � C l �I.�S'� h L. f
� �
�i�n� re of �'�pplicant
State of ��iraxae�ota)
County of �mse� )
� 7 "�� '
��-_t z��2,.1 , /�l��f �`!�t`"�l �L % being first du�.y s«orn� deposes and says
up oath that k�e flz�s reac� the foregoing statement bearin�; hiu si�;nature and knows
tH content� thereo.�9 and that the same is true of his oiW�n I�noc�al�ct�e except as to
those matters therein s�ated upon information and belief and as to those matters
he believes them to be trueo
Si n re o Applica
Sub�cribed and sworn to before me
this +,��t-�___ day of ,,-r.� z 19�.�__ _
/ )
. — �- -� � , `?��f .�
No ary Public' ey County� Minnesota
My Commissfon expires Nohry Public, oakota Coun
� �D+�� Oct� Z6. 1973
(Notea These statement forms are in duplicatee �3oth copies must be fully filled
out, notarized� and returned to the License d}ivision. )
' . .nt���I�tYJIT �Y �i��'�IC�iI"���
. Y�ti
' , �,�'.�'1;�L L,,'^n C� LI�UC� LIC�1`_?,.ri�,'
�c: �?�Sale �. � � �c2 License
PJar�e of a���.ic�:rn�, E? f � ,
u�siness ac�czaes� �(�,Z / � J� C � , �
Are you the sole ol;�er vY �F�i� 1�u�i�e��: 1 ir��', �i r�o�;� i� i� u �artnership?
co��orat�on? �� .
p o�:a.�r?
Others ant�reti��cr� i�a ➢:��;�sP:e��y aa_c�ue;e t?�ose �y 2o�::n o�' *:lone�p propert�r or otherwise•
Tdame�n���.'r K S , T�, ��TUR C ;e��'�r���.e_L.�_� �,�[ �io�^�� 1�� 2�t�
� � /r�'
If a corgaoration' givc its r��,ric�
Are yo�a in�ere�-��d 3n any ,�r�y i� a�;r oi,��er r�tail ?�e�r or 3ic�uor busine,�s? �'/[�
As sole oevner? �,::�raner? ��oc?:?�oZc?er?
Ot�erivi,�e? (��rough �.o���� o�' r��n�;9 e�'�.�. �l��i�z) �j,�'%�/�
Address of sucl� Rsu�.a.r��ti,� �nc, n�.-��u�e o�' interest in ���m�
' � �-C�Z
ui�� re of ag�plican
State of h7innesota)
C�ty of Ra.t�sey , )
� �
'� ��� 'f '��` � �-�`���'�'' / '�eing first duly �atiorn de oses and sa s u
9 P y pon oath
t he has reaa the fore�oing affidavit b�arin� Iais ��.�;natiare ancl knocrs the contents
� ereof; -��a�t tfl�� ua�e is �ru� oY his otrn :�noe:�led�e� except �„ �to those matters ther�in
stated ur on infor�nation �.nd �beli�� ��nd a� to those m�t�ers ��ae ��1�eve� them to be true.
ua �ture of ��� ica
Subscr�,bed �nc� ���rorn '� t�c�ore ne _
t j �,rZ. day o f . 2C'L� � l g.��_
• -"Z- 7 -�Q., �`C�l-l-Z,-C,�
rlotary Public9 , ey Countyy h:inn�so�a
l�iy comm��ry����'l,����ba�ttt 19
� - / � � bein� first duly sworn' doth depose
and say that he makes this affidavit in cannection with appli�cation for
" Sale" liqu�r li�ense (°1� Sale" malt beverage licens�) in the
City of Saint Pau1� Minnesota; that y4ur affiant is a resident of the State
of Minnesota and has resided therein for �S� years� months9
and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fid� resident of
said State and that he no�v resides at ��,� S f'/2 V J'�..��..
+�Address ,�
� � ! hfinne�o�;ao
��City or To�vn
Subscribed and s�rorn toi before me
this J � �_, � day� o�� �� l � � 19 ��_,
� � -
- .
. j� � �-
��L�� .' L-sc i / �6 �- � �
N tary Public . R�ms�y County, P�linnesota
r1y comraigT�Se:k�4��FsK�
Notery Pubiic, Dako a Caunt , .
MY �corr►1�S+QO Fxpi� Qct.�6� 1SI�i
8-23-71 �
CI'�Y Gt� S:+IP�I� P��L'��
. DF.F'.:RTTAI�1`JT 0: PtTI'LIC St��TY
. �at e�,�/�/1J • �. 191�'T
I. Application for �, a - .f� � � �I {Y /�/tc� ��� �l��� License
2. Na.�e of appYicant �/Y e z ,�c..° G � �� � _ � .P� o �
�•--. ��--�--
3. I3usiness addresu /C .-�r �/� �' �C�� Reuic�ence ��� ��f� y k l° �'
, r
4. Trade name, if �.ny �� � � �
5. Ret�.il Beer Federal Tax Stamp 'ye S �tetail Lfc�unr Federal Tax Stamp�will be used.
/ J
6. On what floor located �,e G (/,{/ (� T��un��er of roo�s used C�JV�'
?. Between what cross stre�ts �/�' (; A�� �L p y(/s o /r ��Vhich side of street�i e�
8. Are premises now occupied���lh�.t busine�s How long
9. Are premises now unoccupiedN�SHo�a long vacant � 1�1�i� $ Previous Use,3%� ��'9 �'
lOo Are you a new owner%�e C diave you been in a similar business before /J�'-C
Where / ��hen
llo Are you goin$ to operate this business personally � G ,S
If not� who �vill operate it
12. Are you in any other business at the present time /y0
13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place �p
When . . Where ..._
14. Have you ever had any license revoked�_What reason and date
15. Are yoa a citizen of the United States Natfve ��/2 S Naturalized
� . r �����. .
16. Where were you born • �. P +� Date of birth n �� - f�2�
.._.�.1l� .
17, I am N C � marriedo riy (s,�s) (husband's) name and address is� �,
��� �f� � P � �l! �f �' L `
18e (If married female) my maiden name is �2 /2 ' " o
19. How long have you lived in �t. Paul �,s �J�E' ,S
20. Have you ever been arrested�Vialation of s�hat criminal laiv or ordinanc�
,� o �tv
21. Are you a registered voi;er in the City of Sto Paul �� Yes No
(Anstiver fully and completely. These a lications are thorou hl checked and an
falsification will be cause for deniaio
22. Number of 3.2 places =.•�itl:in tcro blocl�s /Y� /Y�.. '
23. Closest intoxicatin� liquor pla.ce. Qn Sale / I�LG � � Off Sale
24. Nearest Church �� �j�o �{c C 1"iearest school � f L � �=�S
25. PJumber of �cao����s Tabl�� .,� Ctz�ir� �v Stools ��
26. W�iat occupation have you fo��o�•,-ec� ror �tl�e �a�.�t five years. (Give names of employers
and dates so employed.)
� /1?ei° � � R /V' l �ne /✓ �/ � l'l� 3't� Sf �{ �feARS�
2?. Give names anc? ,�c�,?re��e� of �t�o persons� residents of St. F'aul, P��inn.y �ti*�ao ean give
information coa�cer�ain� you.
/� a-a-�-�6 y
Name �, L e C/ l:ddre�,� a'S � /� k � ��4 �C�
r � a��-����
�iarne /e 0 s i�ddress ��s �'1�, /1� . S L a I'(� —
Si�;nature ��pplicant
State of A�inneuota)
County f Ramsey )
being first duly si+�orn� depose� and says
upon oath t he h�s read the foregoing statement bearin�; his signature and knoi�rs
the contents t��er�of9 and that the same is true o� hiu oi�.�n kno�Jledge except as to
those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters
h� believe�s them to be truee
T //���-7 �
-,'�' �, :' ! /�.���t�-u
j �
Signature, Applicant
Subscribed and sworn to fore me �
this �t�__ day of `�, 19���_
!'' `=�'2-;�_� � � `�C -.'_-c`
No ary Public' Rm ey Count A4innesota
My Commission expires �0� �"�jc, Dakom County, Minn.
(Noteo These statement forms are in duplicatea Both copies must be fully filled
out� notarized� and returned to tkae License Divisi.on. )
8-23-71 �
. :.�� �z�.��rz� �� r��r��=��c��r,T�
• Y ViL
' . :�,��:.1L ��,R Gl� LI�UG� LIC�.1"'?N�
�e:o�ale .�, � �e � /�' Licen�e
Pdar�e o� a�g�ic�.nt �11�� � /�f � � � /�'
�usiness �c�c�res� �v � I � R � A t��
Are you the sole oi,�er v� �:��iN ?�u�ir�e.:»?i,�� 4 I� ro�, i� i� 2 ��r�ner�lzip?
corpor�t�.on`' p ot:.�r:,
Others inter�s�ec� i:a 3�u�i�e:��g a�yc�_u�;e t�:o,e �y Io�:n of r:�one;�, prope�rt�r or otl�er��*ise:
I�daa�e�/Y> YC'l�S�/ f;/� p ��:'.c���res�_�l� ��'1,D�.__ _ � � B I Q� i.o�<����
�l'� j--r-- �/��`�..�
Yf a cor�ora�ion' �ive its n�r:3e
Are you interested in �.ny ����ag a�� �.a�yr o�'i,�er ret�:ii beer or lir?uor busin���? /y,p
!i� sol� o�ti�ner? F�.ri,ner2 ��oc':..�;o3der?
Otheri.ise? (Throug��, Yo�n o� �.�aaa�;-9 e�c. �lain) /VG N E�
Address of such �usir�eN� an� n�.��,u�e o�' i�t�rest ir. uar�e�
�%n� i��°e.���/
��i�;na�ure of�plicant
St��:c of P��innesota)
County of Rarisey )
�� -� ��
��A ` �� ' �� ` �± i�'� -f��2- - �ein� fir�s� duly st�orn� deposes and says upon oath
that he s rea� thc f�re��ing affic�.�.vi-� bearing his signature an�l d:nows t�ae cnntents
thereof; �hat the same is urue o� l�is otrn s�noe�.�ledge� except �.� �o ��iose r�atters therein
stated u�on infiorr��tion �ncl beli�f and as to tlios� ��.t�ers dae believes them to be true.
�� , j
—.-�1'r.� ��j�t�';�: ���
Sign�taar�e,_ ap�licant
Su�scrj,bed and s«orn begore ne
thi.�s �� �{ day of � � C��-� � 19 l��-
.�:,•i'X_�l7 ,�,:> �;.�1�;1� �
Nota�y Publi� Ramsey County� A:inne�o�a
�Itsl�9�i�;�li�d@�'�Co��Rhl� 19
My Commission Fxpins Oct 26, 1973
� � �' � /1l N C� /l. � /z be�ng Pirst du�y awarn,, do�� depoae
—-- . ...
and aay �ha� he me►kes thia aPfidavit �.n coax�,o�tion�ith appl�oa�ion �or
" _+__� fiA].a" liquor lioense (,��z��s�le" m�lt beverag� licse�.ve� in the City
of Setir�� Paul, Mix�neso�a; th�t ypu�r aff'i.a�� i,s a res3deut oP the Si�e,te� aP
Minnesota and h�s residod th�rein for ,� � yea�'�y mon�hs,
and is now and ha� been Por the �iaue abtsve ment�i.vx�sd a bona Pide resider�.t of �
said State and tha� he r�rna �sidea at 7 �S ����E' F � .
r�►s s
� �,� �� L � ��.eao�. .
�.t� or � -
:, ;
� ,
;� . .
i, � .� ,� ?�.c c_,�t _
$ubsarib�d and sworn to before m�
thi8 ��c �ti_ _ day of , � �- i �lg �� _
1---- , ' -+�-.--
. iL� ��e � , �;
. �. � :� /��,, ._�, ,/ ,
� � ary blia,� ey County, in,neaota
My cam�unias3on, expirea
Notary:Public, Dakota County, Mirifl.
Mx �ommission Fxpires pck, ?b. 1973�
� ,
. �
aeaauar�r u, 19?a
Aoo. D�► Mea�+�diLh,
Caaasr. v! P�ibl3c SatotT,
101 8. lOtb. �t.,
St. Paa�]., Mima.
At'tns �r. It�aitl P. M�I+�o►tg3�lig
latar S�.rs
Tl�e City Coa�cit t�d�y into�nsally e�pmmed tbe qrplicstie�n
o� ReginaSd 8. �d Inez lteeker fc�r Restaour+eu�t� t�n mad 42"t �aSe
Malt He�nerage aad Cigerette 2ic�e at 1421 A��ca�a St.
Will rout plea�e pre�►are t.h� Cvsi:c�aty s�esol�tiotl4
Yerr tr�ly ya�rs,
City Clerk