02-725Council File # �a„ � `� '�S � Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �����{_ RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. i 2 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 10 ii 12 13 APPOINTMENTS Thomas Byrne - term expires May 1, 2004 Therese Kelly - term e�cpires May 1, 2004 Carrie Wasley - term expires May 1, 2005 REAPPOINTMENTS 14 Altin Paulson - term expires May 1, 2005 is 16 Heidi Welsch - term eapires May 1, 2005 1� Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date a ,_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Date • Y• Form Approved by City Attorney By: � by Mayor for Submission to Council _ By: Mayor's Office �MACT PERSON & PHONE Kurt Schultz 6-8512 s-o�-zooz GREEN SHEfT oa-�a-� "� 2p2286 August 7, 2002 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ������ ���_ 0 �,,.,.�„ ❑ �„� ❑ wuxp�ua�xxccxea. ❑ ww¢vaaEm�xcro � rsmaloawsmtart� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Thomas Byrne, Therese Kelly, and Carrie Wasley to the Parks and Recreation Board. Approving the reappointment of Altin Paulson and Heidi Welsch to the Parks and Recreation Board. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION (WM, What. When, �=""r-�.r�-. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION Has this perso�rm ever wwked under a contract tor Nis tlepartmerit9 YES NO Has thie pe'so�rtn ever been a city empbyce4 YES NO Does this person/firtn possess a slull not normalrypossessetl by arry curtent city employee7 YES NO ls Vus Perso��m a�ar9�� ve�MOlt YES NO CO57/REVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTIVITY NUMBER VES NO (IXPWN) C3 a.- � 2-S" CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Randy C. Kelly. Mayor 390 Ciry Hal[ IS Wes[ Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Telephone: 65I-266-8510 Facsimi(e: 651-266-8513 TO: From: Date: � Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Counc9lmember Chris Coleman Counciimember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayar August 7, 2002 Parks and Recreation Commission Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Thomas Byrne, Therese Kelly, and Carrie Wasley to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The terms of Mr. Byrne and Ms. Kelly will expire May 1, 2004. The term of Ms. Wasley wil] expire May 1, 2005. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Altin Paulson and Heidi Welsch to the Pazks and Recreation Commission. The terms of these individuals will expire on May 1, 2005. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications for the new appointments. Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regarding the appointment and reappointrnent. Attachments cc. Mike Rossberg - Staff Person, Parks and Recreation Commission � .�_. .., oa -`�a-�s Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13) governs the City's use of the informa[ion contained in this application. Some of t6e information sought in this application is private data under the AcL The requested information wi(1 be used by the appoin[ing au[hority to carry out the City's oFficia] appointmeut responsibilities. You are not required to provide any infocmatfon. Howevez, failure to answer the application questions may cause the appointing authority to reject your application. The majority of items contained in this application are public, including name, address, employment, skills, training and experience, and are therefore available to anyone requesting it. The remaining items on [he application form are classified as private. T6e private data is available only to you and to other persous in the City who, because of work assignments, reasonably require access ro the information. Name Home address Telephones Pleaseivclude E-mail add� Planning District Council Preferred mailing address Occupation �e�-�CQd Place of employment Employment address Committee(s) applied for City Council Ward � y page 1 of2 What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? Perso Name Addre da ,'12-S Telephones � j j - �,qq ' Z �(�v Please include Area Codes home work othec Name JhG�►�fi� L��? �'���t�ne � Address �� �j � 5�00.4 ��1M.� .. �� . Yau t M N SSIn C— Telephones {�S� •Z.(fi •R3.SS� Piease inclnde Area Codes home work other Name Address Telephones Pieaseinclude Area Codes home work other Reasons for your interest in this particular committee Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Date of birth 2 Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? page 2 of 2 .. w. l' �... , 1 $'� 0� Name: Oa PLEASE RETURN TO: LUCILLE JOHNSON CITTZEN SERVICE OFF7CE 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD. SAIN'C PAUL,IVIINNESOTA 55102 Phone:651-266-8690 �AX: 651266-8689 �lb � �U�. � Home Address: n M d Street: c�cy: _ zip: 5510�, Telephone Number(s): (Include Area Codes) Planning Dislrict Council: Prefermd Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employmeut: Comwittee(s) Applied For: Idl rwi �Sl City Counc7 Ward: � A'M� �� �i L. 5���5 — C'¢.��TN� 1<;4 STJ�� ��PA�tI L- �/kil K.S 4 ��G .�AiM M t S S 1 O t�l What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Ac�t. As a result, tttis information is not released to the general public. r vo I t �/_ —r�=ltnn —!CF s � n1°rv'i o F U.S. U t.i wt D�`C. 12N4 • L.'t"K. ; .. ,<, .,:. . . PFRCnNAi RFFEIZFNCES [Reminder to Include Telephone Area Codes] Name: o a -�a-s Addr�s: I 15 3 W• tl \ , Phone: Name: Address: Phone: jfiome) Name: Address Phone: (Homel (Workl �n S 1 " Z�oG' �� �d Reasons for your interest in tlris particulaz committee: Ll Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you aze making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee repzesentation reflects the makeup of oar community, please check the line applicable to yow This information is strictly voluntary. Wlute (Caucasian) Black (African American) �,_ American Indian or Alaskan Eskm►o Date of Birth: 4'� �- A� Disabled: Yes No �,_ If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Mate H'ispanic Asian or Pacific Istander Female �_ How did you hear about this opening? �"C !�- e0 �"� M i 5 51 U�.1 M F FT i r.2 �• (�ome) Lo51-48�1-C3'15 (Workl Cv�l- Z��- 8��� ' 6 � t � r .. da- � Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., 5aint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minpesota Statutes Chapter 13) governs the City's use of the information con[ained in this application. Some of the information sought in tAis application is private data under the Act. The requested information will be used by the appointing authority to carry out the City's official appointment responsibilities. You are no[ required to provide any information. However, failure to answer the application ques[ions may cause the appointing au[hori[y to rejec[ your application. The majority of items contained in this application aie public, inciuding name, addrexs, employment, skilis, naining and experience, and are thereforo available to anyone requesting it. The remaining icems on the applicatio¢ form ace classified as private. The private data is available only to you and to other persons in the City who, because of work assignments, reasonably require access to the information. Name Home address N 7'elephones 6 S(- '1�y - y3Q,� 6S1'Z96 -Y6�Y Please include Area Codes home work tax E-mail address Planning Disttict Council s City Council Ward_� Pxefezred mailing ad� � Occupation� Place of employment Employment address Committee(s) applie� page 1 of 2 What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? aa _� a-s Personal References Name Addre Telephones ( S� (,�J- Zb6 $5.57 Please include Area Codes home work other Name Addre Telephones 6S�" �2 Q 2('J ( Please include Area Codes home work o�her Name Addre Teleghones�s(- v(' 4���( 6St-z66 Piease include Area Codes home work other Reasons for your interest in this particular committee Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application Tf so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee repxesentation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntaxy. � White (Caucasian) `t� � Asian or Pacific Islander � Hispanic �Black (African-American) � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �Male Female(� Dateofbirth � Disabled: � Yes No (�j � If special accommodations are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? page 2 of 2 . � !t �