257528 r �_�� ._ � _ : . _ . �� � T: 2�'7�8 � _� ' ��Fil'VAL O RDER �OUNCIL FILE Na ; _ . , By � - Y _ � File No. 2756+4•G ' In the Matter of ��� �} ��y� �� bit�daw�s ast�nrial a�! �e�at e�a�t�s aurb aad �lt+�r ea Ln�r21a sts�lrt fee� iti2soa � t�s Coa� �. Al�o �str�et swwr !ar stvs� �r pa�'Pas�s� ala�o �at t�strnr p�ri� +ceoelKt��ers . �C�I606�, -� : under Preliminary Order- �1 approv� ��e�t �#, �'�TI � Intermediary Order approv� " � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council � a having heaxd all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered � the same; therefore, be it z RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- � provement to be made by the said City is� �_ to �rai� aAi a�afi� nith Mtn�nprs wr�iai aod �voseriet eos�dc�t �w[i awd �ttMS ';� Conway Street to cul-de-sac, approximately 200 +�et Sout of Gbnway�' � �11a Sts+�rt #� ii��-,���-i�-�+Nw�'-stta�C. L2�o �al�ct s�w�' �OIe �sl�aa�s Stre�� 9 � �' �� � � � ��s ���j. � .� / � � ) . ' �JJ _ . . . . � . . � ( .�� '. ` . . � and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cornmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby inatructed and directed to prepaxe plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the makin� s�id improvement in accordance therewith. / ' �� FEB 2 9- 197r� COUNCILMEN 7/u 3 Adopted by the Council Yeas ,...�-=�-� ays �� 1 19� L--"'°'''�'�'�' _ Approve L'�'� �. :'� � � M�F;�DITH Sf'RaFKA �� Favor T�DESCO v yor r�°c �ARTY ae�.;r$t � �� �� 's� R 4197� �U . �s� . . s��� Amend the Final Order Grade and surface with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on LUELLA STREET from Conway Street to cul-de-sac, approximately 200 feet South of Conway Street. Also, construct sewer for storm water purposes and construct water service connections (G-1606) . Amend the Final Slope Order. Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slo�es, cuts and fills, including right of �emoval of lateral support from sub�ect land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in connection with said grading on LUELLA STREET from Conway Street to cul-de- sac, approximately 200 feet South of Conway Street. (G-1606) \ C--y, r� v � � � r � � _ .r ....,.�.�..... .,��� .....�....,:: :.._":...��,. ,....,..... ........_. ...,.._.._ .�._.. _... . _._._....�...�r..._�....�.....r.r.., ....�.,.,....+...._..,�. �......�.r: �� �+9912. a 2fINU1'�U Oi TI:�� CO'vi�CIL � 10:00 A. I:. � Au�u�t 10, i971 CITY COUPICIL �}�r'�t�iliJ�,1tS � �S''i".f H�'iLT� S; COUl�' �iOUSE � , . Sa:i.nt Paal, 2��uinesota The meet;.n� was cal].ed t� oraer a� 10:��5 A. M. by Mr. Vice Pres. IdereditY�. Present - Comsrs. Butler, Conway, Sprafka. Tedesco, Mr. Vice Pre�. MQredi�h...� Absent - Comsr. Levine and P�ir. Pres. McCarty...2 Cor.isr. Levine w�.s excusecl. Mr. PreG. t�icC�,rt;3* �xrived durin� �. poxnt in the mee�ing. ' Readi.r_g of the minutes t�ras dispensed with. _� F�1AL ORDER Tn the matter. of graclir,; and sux�'acing with bituminous materiFil. pxi�. const-ruct � eoncrete curb and gutter on Lu�ll.�, St, frarn Wilsor. Av�:. �o Gonwa.y :�t: A�so constx�a.ct sewer for sto��n w�ater p-�rposes, (G-1605), �,:nder P. C. 25265i, approved Febxuary 2�+, 1)71. , � FITT�J� OPTiFR ]TT COrrD��•�Il�'TZON Pi,OCEED.�1�iGS In the matter of conde�in� an� t�,king ar, e�,::emeilt in -��fe �and n��::ESS?..-ry� for slopes, etc., in the �ra,din� z.~?d s�rfacing ��rith bita�±.not�s m��;er.i�l znd . -�_ _--�. _.�r1 mi�i-nr 1�ri LiILLZr1,, St'i. from 4?�1.s�n AvE. �;o Corn�-:�.Y Augu�t 10, 1971 H�an. Roger M. Cam+a�Y, Ccaamnj.s�aioa�ex o�' Publ�.c Wark�a. I�e�.r Sixs 7�he Cauncil t�,jr 1�.� a�r fttdetinit�ly Fine1. Ord,cr�a �"car the gra�,n� ar�d �t'ac�n,g a�& ccoa,crete +�arb �nd �la,�ees c� Luella Street tar� W31arnr. to Ccmrora�y, e�nd an C+�mw�y i"rr� Luella to as�yne str�t. V'ery tx�F yotzx'�, Gity Cl�rk AA/2a� July 6, 1971 Hor�. Ftosa�.i� L. Butler Gbmsr, of Finartce Bui1.d�z� vear r�aam: `nhe t"�.ty CUUC�,c:il tnd�.y laid over to JuZy 13th the Fina7. 0-rders and Slones Or�.ers ir.► tla� �`c�].lowin� matt�rs: , ;:�radir� Ec sux�'acin� w�.th bitun�influs material, constructing concrete curb & gutter an �uella St. from Wilsan rve. to Comaay St,; constructing sewer for storm �rater �ux�aoses & water serv3ce connectians (G-1606) under P.O. 252651A 252652 approved Feb. 2�+' 1971. Gradin� & surfacin� with bituminou� material 8a constructing concrete curb b gutter an CONNWAY ST, from Luel�.a St. to Jay�ne 5t. 8� aewer for atorYn water purpo�e� ��•16]�B�A j wnder P.O. 252649, 252650 approved �eb. 2�+� 1971. Yery truly yours¢ City Clerk � �� 6, 1971 Ho17t• .RO�E,°Z' M. Conway Gomsr. of Public Warks ma.ildin� D�a:r Sir e The Cit,y Covncil tcacl�y laid over to July 13th the Final �r�ler and Slopes Order i�. �t�ie .f.aJ.lowin� r�atters: Gy�ic�iaa�; �� sur:faciaa�; with bitumi�au� rnr�,teriala eonstructing concrete curb F,� �u�ter on Luella St. from Wilson Ave. to Conway St�; constr�ctiz�g s�wer for starm water purpoaes and water aervice connections (G1606) u�c�er P.O. 252651, 252652 approved Feb. 2�+� 197],.. Grading So surfacin� with bitum3nous ruaterial � constructing eoneret� curb & gutter on ()ONWAY �T, :froz� I�uella St. to Jayxte ;Bt. &� setrer for atorm water purgo��s (G�..i�il$q) under P.O. 2g26�g�, 2g�bgQ approved Feb. 2�� 1971. V�ry �ruly your��, City Clerk ng Au�. 3� �.971 Hon. Roger M. Conw�y Comsr. of Publi� Works Building Dear Sir: The City Council today la3d rnrer on� t+eek to August 10 the Fina�. Order and Slap�� Order in the follawing matter$; Grading & surfacing wi�h bituminous material, constructin� concrete curb 8a g►ztter on Luella St. from Wi].�on Ave, to Conxay 3t.; conatructin� �ewer for etorm water purpose� & watex servic� connection� (G-1606) uader P.O. 252651 252652 apprarted Feb. 2�+� ].g71. Grad.3ng & �ur�`ac3ng with bitumi.naus materia]. 8a conatrueting concrete curb 8a gutter on OONWAY ST. from Luella �t. to Jayne S�. & eewer for storm water purpoa��s (G-161�iA) under F.O. �'�26�9a 25�54 aPProved Feb. 2�+� 1971.. Y�ry tru]y youra� City Clerk ng i �� � ���/� �J R r I, i i', .��i� . .. . . . .. . �... �y � .. � �'I�' . .. . ..._.'. . i i . . . ... . .. . � . .. .. . �.. . �.���1,,,.(✓!�.�°�� . J �/�\ � `%� \ , . . . . _ . . . _ .. . . � .I'i� . . e .. ..� . .. . .. .. � � G . ._. . . . �'�7�!� �. . . ... . � •. �7 .�' . �,�.C....r�""L'�, i, � .. ,�--��"``- I �� ��,-�CX._..�1�'�..`r�y �`...(� ��l" � y _ �--.���.. �.; ',.�1 ���t.l � .� ° ; �,.��� �� �-- i� � i � ��; �; ,,, . _ '� � u� � � c���. � � � �� � �� � _ �� �-f� _-� .�_ - _ �, �---,�.--- , ,�� _ __ _ _ _ :` _� . _. __- _ �I _ � _. �'eb. �� Z�72 i��i�f�� :f.(.1tb�%.�' 3A� Rv'a.>���.��F �s,�`iL�a"iiE"i.T'� �:-i .i;111.7��C •'��?:C.'::1°i ,�il�.iiC�:Lia;;:; .i�t;ilZ' ::i�_.'°: '�he� Cit;� `�uncil �oci�y r����edule�M �"�.r. ��,�slic hearing �a� r�`c��^tx�'r�,; �.��� 1�1'�l t:ze ��w1.lo;air� ' ':':.ri?�.. �rder�� ;�-��za�n� ��x�. sus•f ac�.n, ��.ra c^�rb .�.��' �,�a.-t�:.�.;�^ �n Lu�lla S�t. �"rom W31�on :ve. to Conw�y St. �.nu s�c��:�x�; �rd�r th�:refart r�ncle�� ��,4. �5�'6�i and 452�y2> Gr�.di�n�� �aaad surfacing anc� curb s�►ac3 �;�t�er can Cozlwtxy :it.4 frs�m Luella St. tv Jayxx� Ave. �nc3 slopes �rder ti��er��'t,x,�' u�zder P.Q. 2�26�+g and 25�6�0. �Tery �ru3�r your�„� � Ca�ty Clerk ng� Feb. 4� �9'7�' k�on. F�s�.1i�. I�. ���et�.er ';c:7r.x:�.ss�.c>t�.F.�.. :;�" �:4t��y�:� .t�.�t.a.,6.�..!�.L.�2.:� � . 5�:.�.,i� r i.:.:.....a "'�,,� ru3t�1� VC%1].Ylr.i� �nci�y ��.�apt�d a rnotic�n r��che�.ulin� ,,_.._ �he �.�'c�l],c��•;iri�; :'i.r�al Orcl�rs fnr �u�r1�.0 �z��.�^�.n�a on Fcbruary 2�, �,�;'" Grac'�.��r �r..��: s�'.rfaciz�� a.n�. cur�a r-�nd ;tat�:�� c�n ��x�lla St. fror� �•1i�s�n �1a�. �o Con`d�,� �1:. t�nri slapes ��rd;�r th�refc�r, �.dQ�: �s^J♦ ��G(��1 �'1 �SC��C� . Gr�,d,ing and surfacing az�.d c�b anc� �ut�er c�n C�nw�y St. frc�m Lu��la �3t. to Jayne Ave. and slap�� c�s 3�r �therefa�� unct�r P.cs. 2�2649 arid 2��6�4. Wi11 y�t? p���v� senc� raat�.ce:s to nr�per.�y own.�rs ox" t��.es� hcaring�: Very truly yau�rs� City Cle?'lz. �