257526 ORIGINAL-�'�'O CITY CL6RK 25'7�26 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTE�BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the Mayor's Manpower Planning Program, a federally funded program, has been designated bq the Mayor to eoordinate the Emergency E�ployment Act (PEP Program) for th� city of Saint Paul and county of Ramsey; and WHEREAS, through th� necessary expansion of staff for the prc�per ope�►ation of both of these programs it has beeo�e necessary to provide additiona]. offie�: space; and WHEREAS, space is not available within the City Hall and Court House; Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that authority is hereby granted by this Couneil for the rentai of snfficient spatce to properly house said staff operating said program in the Lowry Hotel at a rental of $533.33 per month; and be it FtJRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Comptroller is hereby authorised and directed to pay the monthly rental due and owin� from and after th� first day of Febru�z+y� 1972 to the Lowry Hotel for the occupancy of said p�emises by the Mayor's Manpower P3anning Program staff from the fed��al funds of which the Comptrcaller is the custodian. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council F E B a'8 19� 19— Yeas Nays �- FEB 2$ 1972 `�� � r 19� Levine�'—"`� V n Favor �Meredith —�� �Sprafka ayor �Against T�escv \ PUBUSHED �A 41972 Mr. President, McCarty � o,��,�,��R,,.� 25'7526 . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRBSENTE� COMMISSIONEQ DATE WHEREA3, the Mayor's Manpower Planning Program, a federally funded program, has been designated by the Mayor to coordinate the Emergency Employment Act (PEP Pro�ram) for the city of Saint Paul and county of Ramsey; and WHEREAS, through the n�cessary expansion of staff for the proper operation of both of thsse programs it has becom�e necessary to provide additional offiee space; and WHEREAS, space fs not available within the City Hall and Court House; Now, Ther�fore, be it RESOLVED, that authority is hereby granted by this Couneil for the rental of suffici�nt space to properly house aaid staff operating said program in the Lawry Hotel at a r�ntal of $533.33 per month; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Comptroller is her�by authorized and directed to pay the monthly rental due and o�wing from and after the first day of February 1972 to the Lowry Hotel for the oecupancy of said premises by the Mayor's Manpower Planning Program ataff from the fed�ral funds of which ths Comptrollsr is the custodian. FE8 2 8 197� COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Coun��i 19— Yeas Nays �- fEe a e �s�2 �, Approve� 19� Levine Favor Meredith / Sprafka / Mayor ��' � Ag�ain8t Mr. President, McCarty ��