257506 / y� � 25'75�6 6RIGINOL 70 CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST:'PAUL FCOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' f � CO CIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE ATF Wf�REAS, this Council, by its Resolution, Council File No. 240735, adopted and approved October 25, 1968, determined the necessity for and did approve the application by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for a Program Reservation from the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development, for 600 units of low rent housing for the elderly which application was subsequently approved by HUD as Program Reservation No. 1-G; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota under Program Reservation No. Minn. 1-G has approved Development Programs for Project Minn. 1-26 for 208 units of hi-rise construction for low rent elderly housing at a total development cost of $3,743,112 at the St. Paul Bible College Site, and for Project Minn. 1-27 for 186 units of hi-rise construction for low rent elderly housing at the Raymond and Ellis Site at a total development cost of $3,459,253, both sites being located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, described as follows: Minn. 1-26 The Northerly 309.2 feet of Block 16, College Place East Division, together with:the Easterl�v ha�f of � vacated Hubbard Avenue abutting said described part of said Block 16, Minn. 1-27 Block 1, St. Anthony Park South together with the public alleys lying within said Block 1, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the � office of the Register of Deeds Ramsey County, Minnesota; _� �� and ,.. ;; WHEREAS, said Authority has demonstrated to the Council that there is a need Qfor such low rent housing for the elderly which is not being met by private enterprise � and that a gap of at least 20% will be maintained between the upper rental limits for `� admission to the proposed low rent elderly housing, and the lowest rentals at which _ � private enterp�ise is providing a substantial supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � OR161N`L TO CITY CL6RK ,' ; 25�5�ps , CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " � - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF -2- through new construction and existing structures. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota does hereby affirm its prior determination and that of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota that there is a need for the low rent elderly housing projects being proposed in the Development Programs for Project Nos. Minn. 1-26 and Minn. 1-27 which is not being met by private enterprise and that a gap of at least 20% will be ma.intained between the upper rental limits for admission to the proposed low rent elderly housing projects and the lowest rents at which private enterprise is providing a substantial supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing through new construction and existing structures, and does hereby approve the provision of the Development Program Project No. Minn. 1-26 for 208 units of elderly low rent housing in hi-rise construction at a total development cost of $3,743,112 at the St. Paul Bible College Site, and for Project No. Minn. 1-27 for 186 units of elderly bw rent housing in hi-rise construction at a total development cost of $3,459,253 at the Raymond and Ellis Site. C.'t ' ,., �> :� �; • >- - o n - � 0 J �� � J� J Q L F E8 2 5 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays �R � 1972 �,� ve 19` Levine � —In Favor � Meredith - -" -- Sprafka � yor �Againat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBUSHED MAR 71972 � � �- 25�,�� DU*LICAT[TO MtINRR � � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ' " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN�tAL FORM .�r��.�r COMMISSIONER DA*L iiHSREAS, �his Counaii, b� its Resalutioa, Council Fils No. 240735, adapt�►d +►ad spproved Octobsr 2S, 1968, daEaroiaad tbs nectasit� for aad did approw tha application by t�s Hous4�ag md Rad�wiop�sat Authority oi the City o! Sa�int Pan1. 1Kian�sota for a Pro�r�m R�aarvation froa tLs Unitad Slatu of Aurica� Depart�ant of Howing and Orban Dsvelop�ant, !or 600 units of lvv �ant bouaing for the �ldariy ahich application Mu aubs�quantly approvad by HOD u Progra� �a�rvatiou l�o. 1-G; and ii8$BEAS, tbe Housin� aad Sad�valop�rsnt Autborit� ot ths Cit�► of Satst Paul, Minn�saota nader PrQsra� Rasamstiaa No. Minn. 1-Q ha� appsa�rad Devtlopmtnt Psossar for Pro1act Atinn. 1-26 !or 208 units of hi-riae constzuction for lor rsnt eldsrl� howing at a total davalop�sat cost of $3,743,1Z2 at tha 8t. Paul nible Collega Sfte, aad for Projsct Mina. 1-27 for 186 uaita of hi-risa constructioa for lar rsnt sldsrl� ho�uing at Eha �nd and Bllia Site at a total devalop�ent ea t o! $3�439,253, both aita beiag locatad in th� City of Suint Paul, Covatp of �taasey, aad Stata o! Mimaaota� dsscribed u lollo�ra a Miim. 1-26 The Northerly 309.2 feet ot Block 16, College Placa East Divisian� togsthaz xi�h th� Bastarly hali ot v:aated Hubbard Avanw abuttin�g said d�acrib�d part of said Block 16, Ninn. �l-27 Bloak 1, St. Ant�ony Park South tog�th�r Mith ths public allsys lying vithia add Bloak l. all acoordi� to the plat thereof on fils aad of recosd in ths offiee of the R�agistsr of Deeda Ramsey CotwLyr� Mizmvota; and Wti8B8AS, aa3.d AutLosit7 bas dsaonstrated to tba Comta�tl t&at th�rs ia a as�d l�or sueh le�r rsnt howiag for the aldsrl� Mhiah i.a not bai�g �t bp privats �ntsrpriint and that a �ap of at laaat 30X Mill ba ma3,ntsi.ned batwa�a tha vpper rental lisita for ad�isaioa to th� proposad 2oM rsnt aldesly hou�i�, and tha lan+�st rantals at which privats ant�� is providing a snbstantial tuppl� o! d�asnt, saf� aud saaitar�r bonsiag COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Coun��l 19_ Yeas Naya Butler Carlson ApprovetL 19� �°�e Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r A auin8t Tedeeco Mr. President, McCarty �� '�� � 25'� o��,�n,��� �7 ;i 506 CITY OF ST. PAUL c�o�uNCn NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` ' ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GEN�tAI FORM PR�ENT��Y COMMISSIONE� DAT� -a- tbrougb nwr coastru�tion and exis�ing iCructuru. NOW, T�t�, BE I? BS30LVBD, that the Covacil ot� ths Citp of Saiat Paul, Minne�ota doas hareby atiirm its prior datermiaation and that oi tha Honsiag and jtadev�lopaeat Autbo�iq of ths Cit� of Saint Paul, I�tnn�sota tha�t thera fa a nud !or ths lar sent ald�rly howiag projects bsi:tg pxop��d in ths Davelopa�at Zrogra�s tor Pro,��tct �c�. Mitn►. 1-36 and Mism. 1-27 which ia not being ast by private satsrpriaa anct that a gap of at l�t 20x aill be w�iatainsd bet�rsan ths �ppar rental limit+� for ad�ission to ths propo�ad ].o+r nnt eldarly houain� projacts and tha lawat rents at rhi¢6 privatt �atarprias i� providiag a aubataatial supply o! daaeat, sal� aad aanitar� howing through aw aons�ructian aad �si�tiag structur�s, snd dau bsr�b� spprcros ths proviaioa o! th• Dsvelop�snt Psogra� Projsct �To. l�litm. 1-26 for 208 smita o! sld�rl� lo+► r�at honsing in hi-�cias constructian at a total devel+�pasnt cost of $3,743,112 at tha St. Faul Bibls College Site, and for Pro�e�t No. I�L3�an. 1-27 tor 186 uaits of alderly]o�► r�aat heusiag in hi-ri�e construction at a total devslopatnt coat o� $3,439�253 at the R��ymond and 811is Sit�. FEB 25 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»++ei� 19— Yeas Nays --�R �� 3 ��� �. Approv� 19� Levine T� Favor Meredith �� Sprafka � A�inst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� 5� East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 (�1. Edera�.�r�i N.�lel�eld,exec,��tive director. phone 223 5� 18 � � � G� 1 � ! � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTNORITY �� T�iE �ETY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Honorable Ma.yor and City Cotmcil February 23, 1972 % City Clerk 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Develo�anent Programs Minn. 1-26 and Nlinn. 1-27 Dear Members of the Council: Transmitted herewith are Develo�xnent Programs for Project No. Minn. 1-26 for construction of 208 units of hi-rise elderly laa rent housing at the St. Paul Bible College Site with a total development cost of $3,743,112, and for Project No. Minn. 1-27 for construction of 186 tmi.ts of hi-rise elderly lvw rent housing at the Raymond and Ellis Site with a total development cost of $3,459,253. The Projects are pro�osed under Program Reservation No. 1-G issued by the Department of Housir�g and Urban Development to Saint Paul for 600 imits of elderly housing and would co��lete o�nstruction of all units available under this Program Reservation. The detPr- mination of necessity for and approval of the Authority's Application for this Program Reservatio� was made by Resolution, Council File No. 240735, adapt�ed and approved October 25, 1968. Under Act of Congress, the Authority is required to notify the Council of its estimate of the annual am�unts of payments in lieu of taxes which will be made for the Projects and of the amp�t of taxes which would be levied if the property and i�rovements were privately ooristructed, awned and operated. The Ramsey County Assessor's incca��e approach formula for this ty�e of tmit on private awnership (28� of $125 per month rental times the ntur�ber of Lmits ti.mes 12) for the 208 tmits at the B�ble College Site produces $87,360 t� revenue per year. The Statutory paymz�zt in lieu of taxes for lvw rent housing (10� of $27 per ironth renta.l times the ntunber of units times 12) for the Bible College Site prod.�es $6,739.20 in tax rev�nue per year. This sitre is presently on the tax exem�t rolls. 'I`he Assessor's fozmula for the 186 timi.ts at the Raymond and Ellis Site produces $78,120 in tax re�nue per year. The laa rent housing Statutoiy forrnula produces $6,026.40 in tax rev�nue per year. The 1971 taxes payable 1972 for the Raymond Ellis Site are $7,812.94. Anthony A. Danna, Henry R. Thomas, Rosalie L. Butler, Orville E.Anderson, Donald P. Del Fiacco, Roger M. Conway, Kenneth J. Lynch Chaiiman f � ! -2- Tn�ile the differential appears large, the fact is that the private market cannot c�struct this type of housing at rentals within the means of the City's law inccene elderly, and has not atte.�ted to do so in a supply touc,hing the lawest level of need and deanand. The Cotmcil is requested to o�nsider the Develo�nt Programs for Iaw F�nt Housing Project Nos. Minn. 1-26 and Minn. 1-27 and to approve the pravisiari of the Develognent Progrants for these Projects. Yours v�zy truly. � Ec�aard N. Helfeld Executive Director