258839 � ORIOINAL TO COUNCIL No. 2�8839 _��{CLLRK GITY OF SAINT PAUL. FILE � r ' APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTE SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY VICTOR J• TEDESCO ,� MAy LF3� 7L COMMISSIONE ATF 19 R E S O L V E D � THAT THE FOLLOWING 7RANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROV[DED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO pR. CR. 751-101 Building Inspection $9,403.00 0757-116 Housing Inspection $9,403.00 Transfer from savings in 0751 due to not hirina full complement from the bek;inning of the year. Transfer needed to finance Supervisor of Housing Inspection which was being financed in the Health Bureau budget. YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS MAY 3 0 1972 Butler ADOPTED BY THE COUNG� _79 • Conway Levine AP ° � � �7� 19 �IN FAVOR Meredith Snrafka � „ AYOR GAINST Tedesco COUNTERSIGNED BY ��� CITY C OLIER MR. PRESIDENT McCarty _ � � PtiBLISHED JUN 101972 Notic° . _ , to �' ���:s���� ��� s�t�. �58839 _�r�_nt��r cz�x o� ��. Y�;n ___.�___._ ____ ,?9___ I�T�ESO�'tt COLi�;C1.I, P,�;SC)LTJTIOT�i Re^,SOLs�'F�, tha� �ra� �;r�r..s�ers s;�ithin �'iu-id� o�' the vaa°aous Cit;r �?el�a,x�tments �-iezeto�'or� �,prroved '�y the �it;,T Compt;.rollex. �,s sucki tr.�ns�ers o� i`unas as of MAY 3 0 1972 are �_ndicated in doc�r�ents attac:�ed her�:-L-o �nd m�.�.� a par� k�c�a•eo�' lsy rFfier.er_ce, as �."'ully �.�� :,f the� sazne '�*ere sat i'ortY:. itit'L2y at�.a co�let�ly ?xere�n, a.re h�reby �,pprov'ed, c���.es of the �,fcxementioned. also 'k�ein� on t`ile :in t;he c:�"fice of �;he C:it�r G�.eri;_ and ir.� �he offie� o� the Cit;y Comp�roller, ��.��tPa uf ����� c�,.:��:�.� MAY 3 0 1972 1� JUN 1_-Y����— � Ci�y Gomptroller �_.�. .�Appro�;�d._i_ _._._ -�-9a__.._ . aY "�' PUBLISNED JUN 101972