258821 _� � , _ . _ 5�82�. r ,� �, ;� '-�• COUNCIL FILE N0. . ' By File No- �lST� ,� In the Matter of reconstructiag the sid�alk ���..��t�,. ,.�tlt i�t�;�t�= st�tk �S� •��: oget er w a areai►ays, coa • olee, trapdoors, tnnne s and othe�r under$roand facilities of everp descriptiaa amd prcwided that all persits beretofore graated by said City af St. Paul for the inatallation and/or msintenance of sach areana�s, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunaels and other uadergroasd facilities of e�ery deacrip- tion �ill be aad the ssa�e are her�by reYOked unlesa said areavaqs, coal-holna, trapdobrs, tn�mels and other s�aderground facilities of everp description e�ze , reconstructed by said per�i.ttees an ar before a date which is 90 days after the date of final approval of tt�is order; and that, fnrthsr, tha Departaent of Pablic ilorks, Chrough its G'kief Sngineer, is bereby authorized and directed to fill in and reaove anch areaaays, coal•holes, trapdoors, tuanels and other andergronnd — facilitiea of every description, tbe peraitt�ea o� which areaaa�s, coal-holes, trapdoors, t�ntnela aad other nnderground facilities of every description fail to i�� ; reconstruct thn saa�e to the satisfxcticm of the Cit� Bngineer an or beform the ;� � ,�°;::. abrnre menticmed date e�ocept nhera good and snfficient ponred sidewalks nar exist. _�°� __ _ _ _ . -. - _ _____ . ---_ -- � All orders in the above matter be and are hereby cancelled� annulied - ___ __ _- - .�nd re ci de I . -- : _. __—_ ,� tog er M t a 1 areaways, aoa - les, trapdoors, tnnnels and other mndergronnd facil ea of e�er� deseri.gtion an rovided that all �ersits eretofore granted � by said y of St. Panl for the ins llatian and/or �aintenanc of such areaways, eoal-holes, apc}oors, tunnels wnd othe uadergronnd facilities f everr descrip- tion Will bn a ttie sa�e are hereby revo unless said arearay coal-holes, trapdoors, tunne and Qther nnderground fac iea of every desa ption are recoaatructed by s d �erraittee oa or before a da ich is 90 da afta�r the date of final approv of tlais ord�r; and that, fnrthe the Hepart t of Pnblic Works, through ita Chi Engineer, is here�� authorized directed fill in and reneo�ve sueh area�►ays coal-holes, trapdoors, tnnnels and her unde gronr�d facilities of every descr tiaa, Che pereditteas of Which area�►a , coa1- les, trapdoors, tunnels and othe nderground facilities of e�rery dese iption f to recanstruct the same to the sa faction of tha City 8ngineer an o before the abovs mentioned date eucept Where good and aufficient p•ured sidewalka no�► �xiat. i�LUVy v r vn rn�.tc,, 1 I17�L LR@ (.ipIIliI11SS10 ei' Ul r uuuc ��vi n� eie cuau a� aaea aaaa�a ucceu caaau clirected to pre plans and specifications for sai ' provement, and submit same to Council for approval; that upon roval, the proper city offici are hereby authorized and direct ro- ceed with the making of sai improvement in accordance there ' . COUNCILMEN � �% � Adopted by the Councii MAY 3 0 1972 Yeas Nays ��`/' `-�1 BUTLER 1 �9�2 CON��daY Approve LEVIPvE NIE�;--^!TH S��2�,F'r;A n Favor � TE.�' ��'0 � McC�+R�Y Aroainat �"1 �f����i€� JUN 1019T2 , . �, r � > Dist. No. 4 ' .. ' `�'�"�� �/ �cj,�,�Q , E.S. Minnesota St. - 9th. St. to lOth. St. v.��' OFFICE OF THE CO��IMISSIONER (7F PUBLIC WGRKS 25�46`� REPORT TO CC�1NI�SSI(3NER OF FINANCE �K , _ Ap,3^i 1 7rt,_ 19 79 Ta the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Paulo The Commissioner of Pub1�.c Works, having had under consideration the preliminar�y orde�° of the Council known as Council File No, �5�9n� approved A ri1 .� �9 � 3r ,�— _ relative to and replace with integral curb and sidewalk on reconstruct' the sidewalk / the east side of��nnesota St. from 9th. StreQr to lOth. Street to�ether with all areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other unde:�;round facilities of every description, and provided that all permits heretofore �ranted by said City of St. Paul for the installation and/or m�intenance of such aresways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of • every description ��i21 be and the same are hereby rt�voked unless said areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tur.nels and other underbround facilities of everv description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a date which is 90 •days after the date of final approval of tnis order; azd that, further, t:e Department of Public Works, th:ough its Chief Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to fill in and remove such a:eaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tur.nels and other underground facilities of every description, the per:�ittees of which areaways, coal�holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date. wide and $f�0 per 1in, f t o f or s tanda�d s idewaik b �t, wic1�o and $1.60 per � sq. ft. for integral curb and sidewalk. � 2, A p1an, profile or sketch of s�id imp�ovement is here�o attached and made a -��-_ part thereof> , 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Worlcs X 4, Improvement is asked f or upon petition ����14314�5� 6 � � I� � pPR�72 ��� � �..I d ED p t. ,� �EC" ,�, Commissioner o� Publie Woz•lcs � DEPT. OF ti� t FINANCE ,Lcti'ti �,� �Z9Z�ti�°