258816 Ortaind to City Clerk �
. . � .
-� � . �. �� - OR� DINANCE
� � � ' COUNCIL FILE NO S� � �
An administrative ordinance relating to the
executive branch of government of the city of
Saint Paul; fixing the powers and duties of the
office of the mayor.
� _ _ _ _ _ - _ - Y
1. 1 Chief Executive. The ma or sha.11 be the chief executive
- and administrative officer of the city of Saint Paul.
Pursua.nt to the provisions of the city cha.rter, he sha.11 be respon-
sible for the coordina.ted and integrated direction and control of
all city departments, boards and commissions established by admin-
istrative ordinance. He sha.11 be the chief spokesma.n and official
representative of the city in all its affairs. It sha.11 be the
duty of the ma.yor to enforce the cha.rter and all laws and ordina.nces
of the city of Saint Paul.
The ma.yor sha.11 designa.te, with the advice and consent
of the council� an appointive officer or employee of the city to
serve as acting ma.yor in the absence or disability of the ma.yor�
which designation sha.11 be ma.de by written communication of the
mayor� approved by resolution of the council.
r 1.2 Administration.
� A. Functions. To provide for the ma.ximum efficiency of
-�—� operation� the office of the ma.yor shall be responsible
for the coordina.tion of the administr�tive heads of each department
of city government and for the review and ana.lysis of the operation
and administration of all departments, boards and commissions
established by administrative ordina.nce.
� `
. .
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ��'�:
Levine Tn �'avor
Sprafka - A�inat
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk M r
�� :
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
' t I, w . . , 1 . .
L1 � , � •
' • � • • • .CQ��. 2•
� ,Y-, ' B. �n��etia�. In oxdar tn c�rr,y �ut th� dutie�� and functz.ons pxo-
�Ti.d�� �or h�xein, the offic� a�� th� cr,�.ynr ��a31 hav2 the pow�r
. t� :in:��:;�.;t s�.z+,n bo�ks, ��p�rs anc� r�oA�d� a� �11 ca.ty d��rt�nts, b�:�rds
anJ. co�<amisn�.e�s as �►ay ba neces��ry_ for th-r prmpsr discl�x�e of t;he d�;ties
a�d responsib'tJ.it.ies �.n�p�s�d upo� suc� office.
C. R�_pox��. The offic� of �ayor sYiall h�.*re the powsr to
� administrative administrative
requix� a17. app�inted/off�.cers and/��playe�� of the cx.ty
ta furnish any anf�rivation cannscted with or rel�t�d to th�ei.r offia�al
nx as�i�ned �luti�s.
? D. Offiaial R�p�rt3. Ae��nually, at the r?que$t of the maypr,
all h�ads o£ d,egartments, boards and camm�.ssicns of �h�
citv �f Sait�� k�ul shall provide tha mayor with a comprehensive r�port .
�r.�l�rzzt�g th� co�d�.tions at�d ap�rations of the departraan�, sh�„I� rsc�m-
w�mr.�. �eaaur�s, �nd sha12 pxojeat need� far t�e ene�ai�g fi�cal ye�r�
E. Gity Aa�inist�tox.
� (i) 1Dsxt�es, �t� ordex to propex�y �r�si �ffic�.entl� c�xry
aut t;ae x��uirad f�xnut�ian� and @u-�ie� A�' t��� �Q�-
����, °��e s��yc�r s�ia.11, with �h� cAns�nt o� th� city aou�ci.l, a�poir.�
� �ity �dmini�tr�ta�r, ��rho s3lall b� it� t�a� unclae�i.fied se�vi�� of t'n�
�i�vyo H� sY�.a1I be responsible for
.y (a} the �.atual day �o c�ay supez^riezs�n atas3 c�m���ol. a
o�' ariministrat�.on,
��D� f;�'1� C0�1p7.��1�.'.�1'i 8ld]w g?��r'?X'�o3'^v;� �'s': Tl'?C`��£�xi�','31
d�ta tQ a.i3 the mayo� in his adminws�rativ� deax�ian�,
(c) c�ord�inatin� the �ayor's supervisimn �; and
�.�:�txucti��n� to the h��ri3 0£ the �.rioaz� d���rt�o�nt�
o� th� city.
� (2) Qua�i.�icrt�tions. The city adrninis�z�tc� sY�all ��
chosen on the b�a.sis �f hi� ex�;c�u�:�:v� as�d �d�i�n:ia�rstive
qt:al�fic��ions and sha�2 h�`e ex�rien�� and �Cmc��r3ed�� �.t� th� �r�a of
��r��n��n�z ar b�asin�s� ���ini�t�a�ion �r sb�a].l �� Pduc�ti�+nal:Ly qu�.li-
fied in gov�rr��ant or busxz��:�� �dminzstration, and shall have �au�n
o�n�r qualiiicatioh3 as �a;� b2 prc�vided bg ard�.n-�nce.
F . . . .
s r • ' ` �
' Page 3.
,� F. Administrative Aides.
�' (1) Duties, The mayor shall appoint, with the consent of
the council, administrative aides, who shall be i�t the
unclassified service of the city. Such appointments shall be made as
the need may be determined by the mayor and the council. They sha11
work under the mayor and assist the city administrator in carrying out
tihe duties and responsibilities required in the administration of city
(2) �ualifications. Administrative aides shall be choaen
on the basis of executive and administrative qualffications
and shall have experience and knowledge in the area of govertnnent or
business administration or ehall be educationally qualified in govertmaent
or business administration, and shall have such other quali£icatians
as may be provided by ordinance.
� 1.3 Budget.
A. Budget Director, appoi.ntment and qualifications.
The mayor shall appoint, with the consent of the council�
a budget director, who shall be in the unclassif ied aervice of the citq.
The budget director shall be chosen on the basis of his executive and
adntinistrative qualifications and shall have experience and knowledge
in the area of budget administration or accounting administration or
shall. be educationally qualified in govetnmental accauntiag, and shall
have such other qualificaCions as may be provided by ordinance.
B. Budget Director, duties. The office of the mayor, through
the budget director, shall be responsible for the prepara-
Cion, compilatioa and presentation of a complete financial plan £or tihe
citq of Saint Paul, as conteu►plated by the city charter, whieh ahall
include� but not be limited Ca, the following:
(1) An anaual operating budget.
(2) A capital improvements budget.
(3) A budget far all city-owaed utilities, facilitiea,
and self-supportiag departmenta.
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Pag�e 4�
The budgets shall be in such form as will oomply rrith sll
applicable provisions of law and shall be appropriately divided into
fuads and s000unta in 000rdination with the department of finance.
Exoept as otherwise provided by law, tYye requests of all
departmenta, boards and aommissiona of o3ty goverament shall be submitted
to t�e budget direator for inalusion in the propoaed budgets in aocordanae
with the budget calendar establiahed by adminietrative ordinanae.
The direotor shall provide for periodic aheoks on all aity
depe�rtmental budgets apd require periodia probe estimates from all depart-
ments, boards and commiesioas of the city.
He ehall aesist the mayor in the preparation of the annual
budget messa�e required to be submitted to the city oounail.
1.4 Researah.
A. Resear�h Aide, appoiatment and qualifications. The mayor
shall appoint, with the oopsent of the aounail, a research
aide, who shall be in t�� unolasaified servioe of the oity. H�e shall be
ohosea oa the basis of his qualifications and eaperienae or educatioa
in the area of reaearch teahnique and ehall have suah other qualifioations
as may be provided by ordinanoe.
B. Researoh Aide, dutfes. The researah aide �shall be reapotiaible
for the disaovery, development, compilation and refinement of ,
neoessary rese�troh materials to enable the mayor to oarry out his duties
as the ahief qxeoutiv�e and administrative offiaer of the oity. Such
research iqformation shall inolude fact findiag apd aaalysia of the pt�ysiaal,
sooial and eaonomic needs of the oitizens of the oity of Saint Faul, and
suoh other special pro�eots as may be sesigned by the mayor.
1.5 Comm�aicatioas and Prograams.
A. Commuaiaations and Programs Director, appointment. The �yor
shall appoint, with the consent of the aounail, a direator
of commutiioatioas and programs, who shall be in the unolasaif3ed aerviae
' . , , , .
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� ' ,- �� � . �. '��
, _ . , ;�;����
�se 5•
of the city. He shall be ahosen on the basis of his experieaoe and know-
ledge, or eduoation in the area of oommuniaatioas, public relations, or
governmental relatione, and shall have auoh other qua.li�ications ae a�y
be provided by ordinanae.
B. Duties. The oommunioations and programs direotor shall be
reeponsible for
(1) aesisting the �yor in exeoutive and administrative
programs for preaentation to and coordination with
the aity aounoil, commupitq groups, aod the oommunity in g^eneral,
(2) the coordination of and presentation to the publio
and to news media of acaurate publio information
aonoerning the administrative fuqctione, policies, programs and aativi-
ties of oity government, and
(3) the assembling of data and iaformation in 000pera-
tion with other dep�rtmeats, boards and oommieaions
of the oity of Saint Paul for all required publio reports.
1.6 Emergency Preparednese.
A. Director of Emergenay Preparedaess, appointment aad quelifi-
aations. The mayor shall appoint, with the oonsent of the
oounoil, a direotor of emergenoy preparednese, Who shall be in the un-
olaseified service of the city. He ahall be ahosen on the baeis of his
exeoutive and admiaistrative qualifioations and ahall have eaperienoe
and knowledg�e in the area of governanent or business admiaistration or
ahall be eduaationally qualified in government or businesa administration,
and shall have euoh other qualifications as may be provided by ordinanae.
B. Duties. The director of emerg�encsy preparedness shall be
reaponsible for�
(1) Coordination of all emergenoy preparedness funations
of the oity, oompatible with the functioae of the
federal and state governments and ad3aoent politiaal subdivisions.
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Page 6.
(2) Establiehment of policies for effeative use of manpower
resouraes and faoilitiea to desl with any ma3or natural
disaster or nuolear incident.
(3) Providing for emergency funotions to prevep�t and minimize
the effects of disasters on pereons apd provide for
the emergenoy re�ir of damage to public facilities resulting from enemy
attack, fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, or other natural oauses.
The apeQifio powers and duties of the direotor shall be provided
for by administrative ordinanae.
1.7 Other Functions. Ebery offiae, ag�enay or funetion of oity
government not otherwise provided for by the oharter or 'by
administrative ordinance ehall be inoluded in the office of the mayor.
1.8 City Counail. .
A. Geperal Appearanaes. The mayor shall have the right to
attend and p�rtici�te in aoupa3l meetings, With the right
to take part in tt�e disousaion. He shall make reoommendationa to the
aounail and deliver messages to the Qounail and the people. Any official
aommurrio$tion, resolution or ordinanoe proposed by the mayor or his desig-
pee shall be the first order of business of the oouncil follorring roll
oall and correotions of the journal. All auoh oommunications, resolu-
tioas or ordinanoes ahall be read in full by the council searetary,
ezoept as may be waived by the couneil.
B. �oi81 AppearanaBS.
(1) Bud�et Messat�e. Pursuant to the charter, the mayor
shall submit to the oounoil his reaommended budgets,
in aaaordanoe with the budg+et aalendar established by admioistrative
ordinanoe, and shall s000mpany suah budget r�ith a budget meseage outlining
the important features of the same With appropriate explanatory aomments.
(2) State of the City. As sooa after the beginning of his
term as praoticable, the mayor ahall present to the
oaaqai� a oomprshensive message of the state of the aity, Whiah shall
Orf�insl to'Cit�Clert ' �
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. - . -.�^�� . � . t7RDINANCE /
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include proposed legislation, state and city, proposed new plans
or programs to be carried out by the various departments, agencies
and commissions of the city and amendments or cha.nges in existing
plans or programs.
All ordina.nces and parts of ordina.nces, whether legislative
or administrative� and all resolutions heretofore ena.cted which are
inconsistent with any provision of this ordina.nce are� to the extent
of such inconsistencies, hereby repealed. The repeal of any
ordina.nce or resolution or any part thereof by this ordinance or
by any other ordinance or resolution shall not revive any former
ordina.nce or resolution or part thereof which ma.y have been repealed
by such repealed ordina.nce or resolution or part thereof.
This ordina.nce sha.11 be deemed a pa.rt of the Saint Paul
Administrative Code and sha.11 be incorporated therein and given an
appropriate cha.pter and/or section number at the time of compila-
tion of said Administrative Code.
This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage� approval and publication.
ti �JyT�
Yeas C�ouncil Hun� Nay� '�"x Passed by the Council AVW Z'T Lq��
�i�ler Konopatz►t� ;
a�lso Levine
L�v�n Mereditfi � In Favor
Me�, ith gp��fka
Spr a � gainst
Te ���Sident, Butled R�
si ent (Mc ) Approved:
erk r
Form approved Corporation Co�u�nse���
_. _ a.-..�=.---=_
�, � , Od�7ne1 W Cit7 Clerk , .. + � � �
»� : .; � . _ . , . . . . O � DY1V' A1�TCE 5��1s
,�; .�
`I � `��-t--� RDINANCE NO
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,i -
I c � '�_- � '�.� �s�'�t����
�,� �` n miniatrative ordinance relating to t�i,e�*exeoutive branoh
' of rnment of the oity of Saiot Paul; fizing the powers and
�� dutiea of the office of the mayor. This ia an emergency ordinance
',�� rendered necesaery for the preservation af the public peace, health
and safety.
i 1.1 Chief F�cseutide, The mayar ahall be the chief executive and ad-
ministrative offic�r of the city of Saint Paul. Purauant to the
� �� � proviaions of the city charter,'`:he ahall be responaible for tne 000rdinated
� and iategrated directioa and contrbl of ell oity departmente, boards and
j; __ commisaioas established by adminiatratave ordinar.ce. He st�ll be the chief
� spokesman apd official representative of �he city in a�l ite affaire. It
shall be th� duty of the mayor to enforoe the. oharter and all laws aod
ordiaances of the city of Saint Paul.
The mayor ahall designate, with the advibe and consent of the cour.-
cil, an appointive officer or employee of the city to'`serve as actir.g mayor
in the absence or dieability of the m�ayor, which designa4tion shall be �de
II by written communicatioo of the wayor, approved by reeolutian cf tne council.
!I 1.2 Administration.
;� �
9. Functions. To provide for the masimum efficiency af operation,
the office of the mayor shall be responsible for the cbordina-
; tion of the administrative heads of each department of city government �ann
for the review and analysis of the operation and administratioo of alI de+
' partments, boards and commissions established by administrative ordinanoe.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council _—_
'1� Butler
Levine In Favor
'� Meredith }'
Sprafka A gainst
Tedesco �
R Mr. President (McCarty) Approved:
City Clerk � Mayor
�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By_, ^ ,�� �E��"_"'�.�_,�,�,,,, ti_
--- __ __....�-�.:�._.
_.__ _ __... ._ .....��.,�4�....�.�:�,�.�,.,.�,.-,.__
.�.i _.. _. .. . . ._.._ .
. PAg'Q 2•
� . . B. Inspe,tion. In order to carry out the dutiee and funationa pro-
,t , • , . . . .
' , ';j � vided for herein, the office of the mayor ahall have the power
. i , .
j to ioapect such books, pagers and records of all city departmente, boards
I �
and commissions as may be nscessary for the proper diacharge of the dutiee
and responsibll:ties imposed upon such office.
� C. Reports. The office of mayor ahall have the power to
! reqUire all appointed officers and employeea of the city
I to furnish any information connected with or related to their official
� or assigned duties.
D. Official Reports. Annually, at the request of the mayor,
all heads of departmente, boards and commissions of the
city of Saiot Paul shall provide the mayor with a comprehensive report
analyzing the conditions and eperations of the department, ahAll recom-
j mend measures, and ahall psoject needs for tha eneuiag fisoal year.
I E. Cit,y Ad�inistrator.
I �
� (1) Duties. Io order to properly a�d efficiently carry
Iout the required functior.s and duties of thia sec-
�' tion, the mayor ahail, xith the conaent of the city council, appoint
� a ci+.y administrato:. who ehall be in the unclassified service of the
I ; city. He sha11 be responsible for
i, (a� the actual day to day supervieion ard control
�� of administration,
(b� the compilation ar,d preparatio❑ cf necesear-y
� � data to aid the mayor in his admir.iatrative decis�cr.s,
{c) coordinatir.g the ma�or's supervision of and
instructions to the heads of the varioue departmer.ts
' of the city.
(2j �,ualificatiors. The city admi�istratcr st�all be
� chosen on the basis of hia executive and adminiatrative
� qualificatione and shall have experie�ce ar,d knowledge in the area of
government or businesa adminiatration or shali be educationally quali-
j� fied ir. government or busineas administraticn, ar,d snali have euch
; other qualifications as may be provided by ordi�ar.ce.
� -
; �
e= -•,���
� ��S'=
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J� Page 3.
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',� F. Assistaot City Administrators.
'� (1} Duties. The maycr shall appoint, rrith the consent
of the city coupcil, four assistant city administrators,
who sha11 be in the unaiaasified aervice of t�e city. They ahall work
under the mayos and aseist the city administrator in carrying out the
' duties ar.d responsibilities required in the admiaistration of city
i; (2) Qualificat�ona. 6ssietant city admir.istrators shal�
� be chosen on the baeis of ezecutive and administrative
;' qualificatior,s ar.d ahall have ezperience and knowledge in tt� area of
� government or businesa administration or ehall be educationally quali-
;; fied in gonernment or buainess adminiatratior., a�d shall nave such othe:
qualificationa as may be pravi3ed by ordinance.
1.3 Budget.
, '
� A. BudRet Director, apoointmer.t and qualificatior,s.
� ' The mayor shall appoir.t, with the conseot cf ihe couoci'_,
a budget director, who ahall be in the unclaseified serv,:ce ef the city.
The budget directar shail be chosen on the basis of his ezec�±:ve and
administrative qualifica�ions and shall have eaperier.oe a�d kr.cwledge
ir. the area of budget adainiatratior. or accouniir,g adoir,�_st:-ation o:
shall be educationail3• qualified ir, governmental accounting, and shali
, have such o*::er qualif;catior.s as may be pro��ided by ordinance.
B. Bud�et Director, duties. The offi�e of the mayor, throu��:
the budget director, shsil be resronsibie fer the grepara-
tion, compiiat�on and presentatior, o: a coaplete finenciai pier. for the
city of Saint Faui, as contemplated by the city charter, which ah.sll
include, but r.ot be limited to, the followir.�;�
(1) An annual operatir,g budget.
(2) A capital improvementa budget.
' � (3; A budget for a11 city-oxned u�izities, facilities,
and self-supporting departm8nte.
- _ _- - -� - - - -- _ _. _ I
� s . - � _
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,F � � Pege 6.
'` .
(2) Establishment of policies for effective use of manpower
�! reaources and facilities to deal with any major natural
�� dieaster or nuclear incideot.
'� (3) Providing for emergency functions to prevent and minimize
_ ;� the effects of disasters on peraons and provide for
i! the emergency repair of damage to public facilitiea reaulting from enemy
j� attack, fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, or other natural causes.
�� The specific powers and duties of the director shall be provided
� �r
for by adm:.nistrative ordinance.
�' 1.7 Cther Functions. Every office, agency or function of city
�; government not otherwise provided for by the charter or by
�� administrative obdinance ehall be included ir the office of the mayor.
' 1.8 City Council.
I �1. General Appeeranoee. The mayor shall have tF.e right to
attend and participate in council meetings, w�th the right -
to take part in the discussion. He shall make recoomendatione to the
{ council and deliver mes�agas to the cnuncil end the people. A�y offlcial
co�unication, resolutiou or ord:nance propoaed by the mayor or nis desig-
;; nee shall be the first order of buair,ess of the counci� fei]o�,�ing ro�l
�;' eail and corrections of the journal. All aur.h commur.icatior.s, resclu-
!,I tioas or ordinances shall be read in ;ull by the couacil seeretary,
; except as may be waived by the council.
B. Special 9ppearanoes.
' (1) Budget Message. Pursuant to Lhe charter, the maycr
shali submit to the council his recommended budgets,
ih accerdaoce w��th the bt;dget calendar established by adminietrative
� ordinaoce, and ehall accompat:y suoh budget wicn e budget meseage outlining
!�' the important features of the same with appxopriate explanatory comments.
�i; (2) State of the City. Aa soon after the beginning of hia
u� term as practicable, the mayor shall prese�t to the
€�4 council a comprehensive measage of the state of the city, which 6ha11
' Orli�aal W Cit7 Clerk ' ' � �� - �
, . . . • • '� � � I � � � �.' � ;�vu���
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Page 7.
include proposed legislation, state and oity, proposed new plana or pro-
I�� • grams to be carried out by the vasious depsrtments, agenciea atid oommis-
sions of the city and ameodmenta or ohangea in eaisting plans or programs.
All ordinances and parte of ordinapcea, whether legislative or ad-
j' ministrative, and all resolutiona heretofore eoacted wnich are in000aistent
;' with any provision of this ordioance are, to the extent of auch incoosistenciea,
I', hereby repealed. The repeal of any ordinance or resolution or any part
I' thereof by this ordiqance or by arry other ordinance or reaoluti on ehall
� not revive any former ordioaqoe or reaolutioo or part thereof whioh may -
have been repealed by suoh repealed ordiaanoe or resolution or part thereo£.
S�cTlorr 3.
This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Administrative
Code and ehall be incorporated therein and given a❑ appropriate chapter andjor
' sectioo number at the time of compilatio❑ of said Administrative Code.
This is hereby declared to be an e�rgenoy ordinanca rendered neoeasar�,�
,� for the preservation of the publio peaoe, health aod eafety.
`A sECmzorr 5.
�a� �crzvE na� �
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after ita
� passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci3
' Carlson Tn Favor
Sprafka A gainst
Mr. President (McCarty)
Attest: Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsei By
. � �
I�t � � � * 2nd
. . � , j , �• , •
Laid �ver to
�3rd and. app.— �O _Adopted `� '�
Yeas Nays Yeas �`'Nays
Bufler Butler _�
Carison Carison ` +f, ..
� }�� /
� `�,;�
Levine �C�Q�1 (� Levine �`\
v� 1V
Meredith Meredi+h � J �
Sprafka Sprafka
Tedesco Tedesco
Mr. President McCarFy Mr. President McCarty
-. � '�r.ci '
1 c'� q..�d , - --' ---- .�'
. !
^� . . Adoo�ed '�� �
Y�is � Nays
�.E:i2F:�ITH �
\SPi.Fs iCA
"�'�'�' '
\NU�:e �RF�.S�DEI�� (BUTLER) '