258814 . .
o�s�.i s�c.t,ci�g, � -� �, ;
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An Ordinance Amending the Cha.rter of the
City of Saint Paul (approved by the voters
November 3, 1970) So As To Add Procedures
For The Vacation of Public Streets, Alleys,
or Other Public Grounds. •
Section 1.
Pursua.nt to Minnesota Statutes� Section 410.31, and upon
the recommendation of the Cha.rter Commission of the City of Saint
Paul, the Charter of the City of Saint Paul� as approved by the
voters on November 3, 1970� is hereby amended by adding the
following section to Cha.pter 13 thereof:
13.05-Vacation of Streets, Alleys and Public Grounds.
The council may� by resolution adopted by an affir-
mative vote of at least five of its members� vacate
any street, alley, or public grounds, or part
thereof, within the city. Such resolution shall be
adopted only after affected property owners ha.ve
been given an opportunity to be heard. Notice of
the hearing sha.11 be published in the official news-
paper of the city and ma.iled to the owners of each
parcel which abuts the street� alley� or public
grounds, or part thereof, proposed to be vacated,
at least twenty days in advance thereof. The
vacation shall otherwise be ma.de upon the terms and
conditions, and in the ma.nner, provided by adminis-
trative ordina.nce. The council may condition any
vacation upon compensation being paid to the city.
A notice of completion of the proceedings sha.11 be
filed with the proper officers in accordance with
Section 2.
This ordinance shall become effective ninety (90) days after
pa.ssage, approval and publication� unless the effective date is
delayed by the filing of a petition pursua.nt to law.
JUN 2 8 1972
Yeas Councilmen Nays ,x��� , Pasaed by the Council
Butler Hun� � ° � �'
onway Konopatz� �� �-_} Tn Favor
vine Levine � .��'
Me ed' h rn,,reditli � ��=''; � Against
T� a �7rafka JUN
Mr. Pr sid t (McCart��desco 9 �J7$
���me. Pre ' er'►t,��U�(�, d�
' City lerk 1�2ayor
�� Form approved Corpor�tioM �ounsel B °
May 25, 1972
T�he Honorable Charles P. McCarty
and Members of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul
The Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, at its
meeting held on Thursday, May 25, 1972, has adopted two motions
requesting that the City Council amend the new City Charter so
as to add a new Section 10. 16 pertaining to the borrowing in
anticipation of tax receipts and also a new Section 13.05 pro-
viding procedures for the vacation of streets, alleys and other
public grounds.
Enclosed and attached please find proposed ordinances
containing the changes recommended by the Charter Commission.
The Charter Commission does hereby request and recommend
that the City Council adopt the two charter amendments by
ordinance in the manner provided by law.
Very truly yours,
<<;��"�t �°.� �.�"�� �E:G�
(Mrs. ) Frances Boyden
Secretary, Saint Paul Charter
� � xoszcs oF�usi.tc a�rr�:
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Notice is hereby Siv '��;� �{�y
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Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City
of Saint Pau1, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on June 22nd.
1972 at 10:00 A. M. in the Council Chamber in the City Ha,ll and
Court House to consider the approval of �n ordinance, being C. F.
25881�+ amend.ing the Charter of the City of Saint Paul (approved by
the voters November 3, 1970), so as to add procedures for the
vacation of public streets, alleys and other public grounds.
The text of the ordinance is as follows:
_ ._. _
,•: - .�
��n Ordin�.nce :�nen�ing the Charter of the ^ :i
, City of Saint Paul (eppraved by the voters ,, q, "
November 3, 197Qj So ��s T'o Add Procedures }.
For The Pacation of I�blic Streets, Alleys. � ;, _ . ,
or Other ='�:�lic Grounds. � •
� Y
THi !,�C�Uivti�.i. OF 'T�-:4 �,I'I'Y ��' S��Iiti�i FAUL JOES OkBAItv': � �'
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� `,e�Li.on 2. � "
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; F'ursuant to i:innesota �tatutes� �ectio�i 410.31, and uFson � ;�
t:ie recoueaendntion of the �h..�rter CocFar�.ssion of the �ity of Sair�.t '. °�
� �'aul, the Chari.er �f the City of �aint x•aul, as approved by the i '!
i' voters on cJovem�ver 3, 1970, �s hereby amended by adding the ; 6�
� _ � foilawirtg sectio:. to Ghapter 13 thereof: � ;�
� 13.05-Vaca�ion of Streets, A11eys and 'tublic Grounds. � •� '
The council may, by resolutio� adopted by an affir- j '�
�' �� mative vote of at least five of its members, vac:ate � ;�
� arry sLreet, elley, or public grounds, or part 1 +�
_ thereof, within the city. Such resolution shall be ,; °-�
� adopted only after affected property owners have � =i
- [ been given an opportunity to be heard. Notice of ; Ei
� f the hearin� shall be published in tne official news- •
j �4
paper of the �ity and mafled to the ormers of each ,;
parcel which abuts the street, alley, or public j!
�rounds, or �art thereof. iiroposed to t�e vacaLed� , i�
zt least twenL-.y days in advance thEreof. The ; f
vacatior. shal� other�,ise be rsade upon the tenns and ; �� „
_ conditions, anci in the manner, provided by ar�inis- �` ,
trative ordinance. The council may conciition acry j :E �
vacation upon ccxnpensation beirtg �id to the city. 1 :;
_ A notice of completion of the ;xoceedings stujZi t�e �� "
{; �
` � i file�I k-ith tt-:e ,ra�er offa.c;ers ir: accc�rd�nce »i:F� � �
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- . � 'Thi� c,rdi__�::ce sn.��l. becora� effec�ive ninety ('�Ol 3ays aite: ' '
' ` �.-dssage, an}�roE�al ;�i:d E.ubl i. az.icn, unless the effective date is
�.: �
' ' •�°layECl by th€ fiii:zg or' s p�ti�ion t�srsuc�nt to 1aw. : .f
�•. 3 r..
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3une 22i 1972
Mr. Kenneth Fitzpatrick
City Attorney
�eax ��ir:
The �ouncil today 1�3d over to Tuesday� June 2'7ths
as: crdint�.nce rr��wmendi�;� the Ci.ty Gharter to a�3r", pro-
���,���;� �ar �h� vacat�or� of �ublic streets, al�ey�
an� other pu'��.ic �,Yraunds.
7.'!ze Couricil request� your �pinion prior to �"inal
Adoptio� on w'hether the Couricil may vacate streets! alley�
and public grc�unds by' the adoption o� a resolu�ion.
Very truly youra�
City Clerk
• �� �
i�+ O_ 2nd ,"
Laid ovar to
3rd, and app. � —Adopted �
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Butler Butler
Carlson Carison °V'��'�.,
�5��14 ��,.� �.:i
Levine Levine ` . �
� �
Meredith � Meredi+h� �
,:.�,:i .
Sprafka $prafka (%� � �'t'''`
Tedesco Tedesco
Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarFy
{`'���ZRB) LL.P1.�G�I5�2id �I .
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