258811 ORIGINl1i'TO CITY CLiRK /�11��� CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL N0. ��� �� ` r . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCI LU N ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RESOLVED, that the Council hereb:;T ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertainir� to the following listed property and as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals, dated NSay 10, 1972, a capy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A", is attached hereto a.nd made a part hereof by reference: Case No. Propert� Appellant 17-72-H Lot 1�+, Block 23 Richard E. Cottle Weed & Willius Addition 21-72-B 975 Dayton Ray Jastrow 16-72-H 62 So. St. Albans Soderberg Construction Co. by • Arthur Soderberg 19-72-8 1375 St. Paul Avenue Jewish Community Center --- , - by' � Burton Garr 20-72-B 933 Carroll Ruth Ben.ner FINA.LLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Register of Deeds. MAY26 ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butler �UN 119�:2 _ rov 19_ �Levine � � Tn FavOr Meredith � Sprafka yor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty .F ,�F' ' ' -D / ��-!�.�i%" _.._��`��?� A���t. ._:,r��:�..-�.U;� ,., ��. �Pl1BLISHED JUN 101972 ' �� • ���L�� '/1V/ r c 4 ,. .� � Neeting No, 6y �, � a. - MII�I'ES OF THF: N�ETIi�IG � SAINT PAUL BOARD bF APPEAIS Wednesday, Pday 10, 1972 - 1:30 p.m. ��(`�� �.� Room 210, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar Street Members present: Donald Wozniak � Arthur Tieso Ra,ymond Grove � Mitchell Kamin Estyr Peake Norma Sommerdorf James Voigt Members absent: none � Agencies present: Build.ing Department, Frank Staffenson, Glenn Erickson and Sam Blue Bureau of Fire Prevention, Dan Norrgran Bureau of Health, Dr. Paul Cox, Henry Stxeich ; _ � r-,� Others present: Richard Cottle, Irvir�, Rosenblum, I�,a.rion Christia.nson, i �,, � Donald Windish, Mrs. tidindish, Ruth Benner, Steve Ikeda, Burton Garr, Alan Stein, Arthur Soderberg, and from ; HUD; Tom Foley, Art Hultgren, Ji.m Bartlett, Bob Herbert � � The minutes of the April 12, 1972 meeting were approtied as mailed. ; � . � ; ,, : � < , � 17-72-H � Lot 1�+, Block 23� Richa.rd E. Cottle � Weed & Willius A ition � � � , SUBJECT ; Request to wa.ive Section 3�+:0�+-3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code requiring side yard steps to be not more �than 2�+" in height and 3' in width. . _ � APPEARAI�TCES ,, 5 `• Richard E. Cot�tle • ,:- , � ; _ ___ __...._ ...,..... . _ _ „ ,�.,_ ... ._... .. __,.. r...,,,. . . . . . . � ,r , �PROCEEDI�iGS � Due to the existing gr�.de, it would be desirable for side yard steps to be approximately �+8" high, plus railing, and 3` 6" wide. ACTION ° Motion by Tieso to waive the requirement that side yard steps be not more than 24" in height and 3' in width. Said waiver is granted to perrnit side yard steps to be approximately 48" high, plus railing, and 3' 6" wide. Seconded by Grove. i ; • ; TF� VOTE i Ayes: Wozniak, Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voigt. - Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. h4otion carried seven (7) to zero (0). � ! � I � 21-72-B 957 �Yton R� Jastrow j ,_ Sam Blue �1r,:� '`-+�'�'� � °�� � ��r�� r.����. � s . SUBJE�T � . /'P'�:��',,���� i � Appealing Section 12�+-a of the Minnesota State Code regarding approved joint � welding material.. � � APPEARANCES / ' s . � � Saxn Blue _ :� a i . � � PROCEEDINGS 1 The material in question is used for connecting two types of plastic pipes. 2he material is being sold extensively and is universally used by sma.11er ? plumbing companies. The code states that plumbing lines must be joined by a solvent or flzsion weld. The material in question produces an adhesive ' weld. The material ha.s informally been accepted by the Sta�:e. � . � ACTIOiV � a ; Motion by Wozniak to grant appeal on the condition that the purchaser be � notified by the Bl.iilding Department that this appeal was granted and the , reasoris for wa;iver. Seconded by Tieso. ; � . , � � i , . < � � __ . . ._,_ .-._..,..._.-.,-�.,-,....�,Fa,>.., • • y � T HE VOTE �� , Ayes: Wozniak, Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sominerdorf, Voigt. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Niotion carried seven (7) to zero (0). . 15_72_x • 742 Holly Irving Rosenblurm SUBJECT Letter c�ated h�a.rch 3, 1971 from Frank Staffenson to Irving Rosenblum regardin; Housing and Building Code violations. Mr. Rosenblum is asking for an extension of the April 3, 1972 date of compliance. yppEARANCES Irving Rosenblum, two tenants from 7�+2 Holly. • PROCEr�DI NGS A brief review of the situation was presented by Frank Staifenson. He stated that the City has suspended conder.ination on the proper-ty pending action by the Board. Rosenblum is buying the property on a contract for deed. He I f � is merel a i for itself. He has asked HRA for �-� stated that the buildind Y P Y � a 1ow interest improvement loan. He wi l l comp ly with a11 s pecifications upon receipt of such a loan. At this ti.me, however, most items mentioned on the � most recent {April l�+) letter from the Building Department have not been repaired. Electrical systems are overflzsed. Rosenblum stated that any dangerous item listed would be taken care of very soon. / . � ACTIOiV i � Motion by Kamin to continue the matter for 30 days based upon the representa- tions of Mr. Rosenblum that he will do and brin� a fli11 report of all those � items which he has corrected at the end of 30 days and to xeview whether or � not he has obtained financing for repair work. Seconded by Tieso. ; i � THE �0^1E � � Ayes: Wozniak, Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voigt. Nayes: none. � Abstentions: none. Motion carried seven (7) to zero (0). 0 � .t � a * . � � �'' 16-72-H . 62 So. St. Albans Soderberg Const. Co. , by � Arthur Soderberg � Y , . ; • � . • � ,.�-„_. ,.,...�., , _ . ._..,_.,.,,.�. . ' SUBJECT ��� � Continued from previous n:eeting regardin� feasibility of or.e caretaker �.:� apartment in basement. I�Lr. Soderberg is requesting a variance of Section 5�+:1�+-1 of the St. Paul Legislative Code requirir� minimum total window area in every habitable room to be 10�f of the �'loor area of that room. A.PPEARANCES Arthur Soderberg PROCEEDIrZGS Upon f�zrther inspection, it was noted that the proposed caretaker's unit woul.d have two means of egress and that ventilation would be provided in the bathroom.E` y�i�Ci+E�. ACTION � Motion by Tieso to waive Section 5�+:14-1 of the St. Paul Legislative Code ! regarding light and ventilation requirements. Said waiver is granted on ' cond.ition that the basement apartment be used as a caretaker's unit and that � no children be a.11owed to live in that unit. Seconded by Grove. i - , ` ` �._,r THE V TE . � � Ayes: Wozniak, Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sormnerdorf, Voigt. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Notion caxried seven (7} to zero (0). � � � � ' 5_71_g �7 No. Oxford Donald Windish SiTBJECT � ' Appea.].ing for variance of bathroom provisions as mentioned in inspection report dated 11-18-70 requiring the installation of two f1z11 baths to ! accommoda,te six persons per toilet facility. � APPEARANCES , Donald Windish, Mrs. Windish � ; . . ; . .. _....,,. _.. ... _..__- . .__._-,.--,-r:T.,�.... r• r • • � PROC��DIATGS ,_,: � ' On 2�iarch 22 Mr. Windish contacted Mr. Anderson regarding appeal for variance �..� to bathroom requirements. Not all items inclu.ded in the inspection dated 11-18-70 or on an inspection dated �+-19-72 have been repaired. The question also had arisen as to whether the facility is a Roomir� House or a Board & Care facility. Windish stated tlzat his tenants have never had problems with bathroom space. The build.ing has no provision for emergency lighting, open wiring over entryway, boiler not properly enclosed, no proper safety valve on � hot water 'heater, and plaster is in need of repair. 97 No. Oxford is now classified as a Rooming and Boarding Home. Under regulation, it must meet city food code ordinance and the city rooming and boarding ord.inance. Mr. • Wozniak stated that the Board can grant a variance to a licensed establishment. ACTION Motion by Wozniak to continue the ma.tter until the second Board meeting in June. Seconded by Grove. THE VOTE Ayes: Wozniak, Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voigt. Nayes: none. � Abstentions: none. idotion caxried seven (7) to zero (0). �� � 18-72-B 383 Wabasha Lad�r Fair, Inc. . � ' Alan Stein ( ` SUBJECT / . . ! Requesting a variance to parts of Section 12:12�+ of the Life Safety Code ' regarding the rnamber of exits for mercantile occupancies. Appealing for the utilization of downstairs space as a retail presentation area. The portion in question does not permit a 30" stairway or two mea.ns of egress. : � APPEAIZANCES ; � Alan Stein � � � PROCEEDINGS � � j Mr. Stein related that there is no feasible w�.y to loca.te another means of { egress in �:he basement. , . a ; � � . <� , , , _ . . _.. .., _ E : -- ,,.,. Y .._. ��._.,...___�__._. .,�..._. _�.,.�. . . �. - , ,• . ACTION �, ,r • i�otion by Voigt to deny appeal. Seconded by Peake. TI�E VOTE Ayes: Wozniak, Tieso, Y�a.min, Peake, Sorarnerdorf, Voigt. Nayes: none. Abstentions: Grove. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0). 19_� 1375 St. Paul Avenue Jewish Community Center � Burton Garr SUBJECT Appeal to increase the capacity of a nuxsery school facility from �+5 to 60 � childxen. � I - I AppEARAIdCE5 I� Burton Garr � �` � PROCEEDINGS i NIr. �Garr stated that the scnool is in operation 22 hours per day, 3 days per i week. Five adults supervise �+5 children fram 9:00-11:30 a.m. All children � � �rill be located on the first floor. The Community Center is located adjacent � to a fire station. Mr. Norrg�a,n stated that if there are 30 or more children in a facility, a fire alarm must be installed. He feels, however, that the � building is extremely fire resistant. � ; ACTION • P�iotion by Sommerdorf to grant the appeal, thereby allowing the Je�rish Comm�xnity Center to increase its enrollment from �+5 to 60 .children. Seconded by Peake. ', THE VOTE � � ; .�yes: Wozniak, Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Som~nerdorf, Voi�t. Nayes: none. ; Abstentions: none. �.otion carried seven(7) to zero (0). �-, , , _,.�. .�_. __ __..�--�-._-�.-.,�. ,.-.�.,___ ��.,;, . . � �'� �,. � � ' . 20_7�_S 933 Carroll Ruth Benner . �� SUBJECT • Appealing two items mentioned in a letter dated April 20, 1972 from the St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau to Sue Williams; (1) that an enclosed stairway be provided, and (2) that pre-school not use second flqor. ApPEARANCES . Ruth Benner PROCEEDINGS Mrs. Beimer stated that the Da.y Care Center is a p�rt of 1'roject Head Start. Under this program, fire drills are required once a month. P�Ir. Norrgran stated that the exi.t arrangement is not good. To install an approved enclosed exit wouZd cost approximately �20,000. RAP's Head Start Program could not assume such an expense. Mrs. Benner doubts whether Seton House wot�l.d hear the expense. . Mrs. Benner agreed to discuss the matter with the Seton House to determine the responsibility for a fire escape. ACTION � r�--�'" �--� Una.ni�ously agreed to continue the matter until the next meeting. ; ; � , ; • , i i , ; � . ; , , ��� . _........,.,,,�....z�____.. .. __ ..� � ...,.. ,�:>:4..,>=�.� �'.�..'....��>..___ . , _., _.�.�u r ..a, .. ...-_..- ......_. _.__ _ _ __ -- ----�. a.� . _ --__— — --- -- _._. .�.��.:-�_� r - . � � g � / � . June 15, 1972 : - City Attorney City Hall . . = Dear Sir: Reference is mad� to the attached C. F. 256�10 and C. F. 25881I, adopted May 26, 1972. The re�olutions have been returned to this office by the Register of DeeBs of Ramsey County with a comment that they can not be filed arithout a legal description for each property. In the past this is not the same type of resalution that has be3n filed with the Register of Deed�. The ones fil�d do incl.ude the I�ga�. description, and there �s usually a s�parate resolution for each property, and al�o a � provis3on that tha app�al will exist for th� life of the structure. Very truly yours, . City Clerk ml . j �.� .11a��y E. ManiiaU `, o`T,� °F , . Afbart d.�Isoe . . �iE�/Clerk and , Commis�ioner of Repief�ration _ .�� `� Councit Recorder . y ��_-��` . Gr}, - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAIN� PAUL y BUREAU OF RECORDS 188 City Aall St.Paul,Minnesota bb10� June 1, 1972 Mr. Robert Gibbons Ramsey County Register of Deeds Court House Deax Sir: The City Council directed me to transmit to you the attached copy of a resolution� Council File No. 258811, adopted May 26� 1972� pertaining to the property listed below and more fully described in the resolution: A Lot 1�+, Block 23, Weed & Willius Addition 975 Dayton 62 so. st. Albans 1375 St. Paul Ave. . 933 Carroll Very t�tzly yours, � b � � ��� � � � � y:�y,-� � City Clerk ! rig r� ��_ Juzie l, lyT2 P�Ir. lro�ert i�ibbons Rameey County Register of Deeds wur� Hou�e �ar :�ir: �.'he Ci�y �uncil d�rect�d sne ta trans�i� t,o you the �Lt�.ched c�i,�y o�' a r�:,�olutican, �unci.]. F�.le No. 2588�.1., a�aop�er� tF,�r �6a �9?�' P�rtaining �a ti�� �r�perty i.is�ec� ��3.ra�b ax2d mar� �'u7.ly desr.ribec�d �.n th� re�olut3oa�t i.vt 1�+, �31ocI�. 23, 6;eec� � �i�.I�us l�dd�.�ion c,7fi �Yt�►t� 62 Sa. St. A,1.bt�n� �.375 S�. F'si�,t2 tive. a33 Cerroll Very tr�tly yours� �ity Clerk ' n�