258810 OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRK - �O CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N0� i . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . CO R OLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Pau1 Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Builcling and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals, dated April 12, 1972, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A", is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: Case No. Property Appellant 13-72-H 2293 Hillside Gordon Investments by Charles Knudsen 14-72-H 1187 St. Pau1 Avenue Dorothy L. Canrpbell � by Gene Chapple FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and d.irected to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Register of Deeds. MAY26 �912 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler �UN 1 ��J72 ("ar� � r 19� Levine __In Fanor Meredith Sprafka J yor A gainst Tedesco rr A A.��..i,�Cl.t ` J/ Mr. President, McCarty • �sw t..rF x..-:.o,, .�- -- ' �� PUBLISHED JUN 10 �912 �� 4/12/72� . . ' iieeting T•do, 68 � �N,e�r A � � MINUTES OF THE MEETIi1G ,.��� . �� SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS - ���+� Wednesday, April 12, 1972 - 1:30 p.m. • Room 210, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar Street Members present: Donald Wozniak, Chairma,n Raymond Grove Estyr Peake Norma Sommerdorf Art�iur Tieso Members absent: Mitchell Kamin • James Voigt � Agencies present: Building Department, Frank Staffenson and Glen Erickson Others present: Steve Ikeda, Herbert Bleick, Gordon Fenner, Delbert Nelson, . _ Charles Knudsen, DorotY�y Campbell, Gene Chapple, Edward �: Devitt, Mr. Soderberg � . The minutes of the Ma.rch 22, 1972 meeting were approved as amended. � � 11-72-H 270 W. Seventh Street Herbert Bleick � Gordon Fenner SUBJECT Reinspection report of March 17, 1972 from the Building Department to Herbert Bleick, 270 W. Seventh Street indicating bathroom facilities at satne address . were not in compliance with the Housing Code. APPF�IRANCES , Herbert Bleick, Gordon Fenner ��� �_ �...__ -- _, _ .. _ ... . _ .. , __ _ __re,. , .. _ _ _,. .. .__ _ ._._ ...___._ __ ... , .�,,..,,.,..�... t � � . PROCEEDINGS Mr. Fenner stated that �.r. Bleick is 71 years of age. His only source of income is derived from this apartment. Most of the tenants are pensioners. Mr. Bleick provides a clean, kind, homelil�e atmo�phere for them. The building, according to Nir. Fznner, is structurally sound. In compliance witlz previous orders, improvements including fire doors, sprinklers, some plumbing and an approved incinerator have been made all totaling approxi- ma.tely $2,600. Mr. Bleick lives on the property. To comply with the listed items in the above-described letter would be a physical impossibility. The total complement of tenants is 23. Not all are on welfare; there are no children living in the building. AC`t ION Motion by Tieso to waive Section 5�+.11 of the St. Paul Legislative Code 4thich requires that each dwelling u.nit have its own bath facilities. Said waiver is granted to permit the sharing of bathroom facilities as described in the above-mentioned letter. Waiver is granted until such time as the property is sold or ar�y other right title or interest is transferred, at which time said waiver be nullified. Seconded by Grove. DISCUSSION Mrs. Sommerdorf suggested vacating one room, thus making space available for more toilet facilities. N`,r. Staffenson stated that it would take a major � ,? investment to upgrade this property. All bathrooms have access at all times-- � 24 hours a day. . THE VOTE �yes: Wozniak, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso. Nayes: none. Abstentions: • none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0). � 12-72-H 779 Dayton Avenue Delbert B. Nelson SUBJECT Letter dated A'farch 3, 1972 from the City Architect's Office to Delbert B. Nelson, 1365 No. Westexn Avenue (Apt. 24) citing code violations which must be corrected before a Certificate of Occupancy ma,y be issued for the property located at 779 Dayton Avenue. � APPEARANCES ,, , Delbert B. Nelson • � ; � ...;__ , __--�._. --.._„�,..� . ,. _,-�..�,.v_ „ . . _ � _ . _. ,. - • PROCEEDINGS ��� Mr, Nelson stated that the building was clean and orderly. The majo.rity of tenants axe on welfare and want a place where it is quiet. Fourteen of the fifteen apartment units are occupied by one person per apartment unit. The building has three floors with one ba�hroom on each floor. Mr. Nelson feels that it would be impossible to install a bath and toilet in 15 light house- keeping rooms. Each housekeeping room has a sink with hot and cold running wa.ter. . ACTION Motion by Tieso to waive Section 5�+.11 of the Legislative Code which requires that each dwelling unit have its own bath facilities. Said waiver is granted on the condition that all four items under the heading, Building on the above- described lettex be complied with. Waiver is granted until such time as the property is sold or any other right, title or interest is transferred, at which time said wa.iver be nullified. Seconded by Grove. THE VOTE ' � Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf,.Tieso. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion caxried five (5) to zero (0). !,� _ , �\�f 13-72-H 2293 Hillside Gordon Investments � - - � Charles Knudsen SUBJECT , Letter dated I�Ia.rch 20, 1972 from the Building Department to Gordon Investments, Inc. , 2214 Scudder, citing code violations which must be corrected at 2293 � Hillside. Items 16 & 17 (unit 1) and 1�+ & 15 (unit 2) and 12 (unit 3) are i�eing appealed. These items involve the installation of approved trap and vent on kitchen and lavatory sinks. � APPEARANCES Charles Knudsen . PROCEEDINGS Charles Knudsen explained that he is a realtor involved in the sale of the above- '� described property. The seller has corxected all electrical and heating require- ments listed in the letter. Pfir. Knudsen is appealing the plumbing portion of the requirements. Mr. Knudsen questioned the validity of a test in which a city I� ,':' inspector filled the sinks in question and pulled the plub out to determine ' - whether the plumbinJ fixture wa.s vented. Bubbles emerged as the sink drained, . � thus indicating that the sink needed venting. i�fr. Erickson assured P�1r. Knudsen � ; � � . . ` - __ ,�.... , _ �... . , _ __-_.t._ �.. . f�`. that this was an adequate test and that the plumbing was in need of venting. ��' Since venting the plumbing couid cost an excessive amount of money, it w�.s suggested by Mr. Erickson that an anti-syphon trap be ir�stalled at moderate. expense. ACTION Motion by Wozniak to wa.ive the plumbing portion o#'°-� �-described �ett� . with the provision that an anti-syphon device be installed. Seconded by Tieso. • THE VOTE Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0). 14-72-H 1186 St. Paul Avenue Dorothy Campbell � � � Gene Chapple �„_-,;,; SUBJECT — - �:-,% Appeal�for a variance to build a.n attached garage closer than 25' from the rear property line. APPEARANCES . Dorothy Campbell, Gene Chapple, .Edward Devitt � / . PROCEEDINGS ' Because of limited space and access, and in view of the fact that thexe is a vacated alley along the rear property line, Nlrs. Campbell proposes to build an attached gara,ge 9" from the rear property line. ACTION Moved by Sommerdorf to waive the requirement of Section 33.0�+, paragraph 2 of the St. Paul Legislative Code necessitating a minimum rear yard distance of 25' behind every dwelling in order to permit construction of an attached gara.ge to within 9' of the rear yard property line as proposed. Seconded by Peake. � , THE VOTE l�yes: Wozniak, Gro�e, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso. Nayes: none.• Abstentions; t.�.'�; none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0). ��. i � . � i ------- r-,_ �,. �,-. �-�--�� . -^-�„ ' . 16-72-Ii 62 So. St. Alba.ns S�;reet Solberg Construction Co. �.._.:.� " . � � . P�Ir. Solber.g SUBJECT ` Letter dated January 20, 1972 from the City l�rchitect's Office to James Boyd, County Trunk F., Hudson, Wisconsin, citing code violation of property located at 62 So. St. Albans ��hich must be corrected before a Certificate of Occupancy ma.y be issued. NIr. Solberg is appealin� �Lhe oxder to vacate two basement apartments due to being more than half below grade, habitable roorns less than lOfo light and ventilation. PROCEEDINGS bir. Soderberg purchased the build.ing in question in December, 1971. He is now in the process of rehabilitatir� it for sale as a six-unit condominium. He stated that a:ll items listed in the above-described letter have been or will be taken care of. He feels that the basement apartment would be ideal for a caretaker. The building is 69 years old and is constructed of sandstone a.nd brick. It would be impossible to install windows in the basement apart- ment. Mr. Erickson stated that the main concern shou7..d be that of fire access. Mr. Wozniak questioned whether the prospective owners shouldn't ask for the variance. P�ir. Solberg prefers the Board to approve one basement apartment as a careta._ker's �apartment and eliminate the other one. ACTIOi1j Unanimously agreed -to continue the appeal until the next meetin�. An inspector will examine the basement apartment to gain information concerning the feasibility of a one apartment caretaker uni�. / ; . i j _ i , ��" �:i.,. i � . ...__ ,___ - _ _ _ . _ ,. ,.: _ ;:.- , - _ . , _ .�. .,.Y ,.,.___,.,.�,,,.-.�...._,-.�-,•.,,,. �._ ,:.� q< . . �._�-.�...v.__._.......__.��_,._����.�u�_.:p,�-..:.��,�.. „�...�.�.�..;�:.w.e..___�. _._---. _ . _ _ -----___._,�.__._._�.....�........�;�e��._>, �—=-m' ` .-ti_ _j . ���� � � _ , _ � June 15, 1972 � _ City Attorney City Hall � . Dear Sir: - ReEerence is mad� to the at�ach�d C. F. 25fi8I0 and C. F. 25882I, adopted May 26, 1972. Z'23e resolutions hava �en returne8 to this offic� by thc Ft�q3ater of Deeds of Rainsey County with a co�ent that they can not be filed without a legal description for each prap�rty. In th� past this is no�. th� same type of ra�alutioa:that has b��n filed erith the Regi�ter of Deeds. - _ T::e cr��s fa1�3 do iz�c1�:��, thg ,l�qal description, and th�re is - _ u�ually �a JV��:Lata re�clurion for each prc�p�rty, and also a provisi�n tha� th� app�al will exist for t2as lif� of the structure. Very truly ycrurs, � . City Clerk ml - :-_ —_---- -..�.�.�.�.._.....o..�-<�,---.,.s.._ ..,. f Ha�ry @. Ma»ball 4,�'TY °F� � A:berf�.i�1.ar, �City7Clerk and .��' > *C�misaionsr of Regast�rat�ion ._:;v: ; Council F'iacarr�er � I;�:I:aa:;�;�;i wS � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER !( CITY OF S1�I1vT P�UL BUREAU OF RECORDS s88 City AQII St.Paul,Minnesotm SS102 June 1, 1972 Mr. Robert Gibbons Ramsey County Register of Deeds Court House Dear S3r: The City Council directed me to transmit ta you the attached copy of a resolution� Cou.ncil File No. 25881fl adopted May 26� 1972, per�aining to property at 2293 � Hillside and 1187 St, Paul Ave. as more f`u1.ly described the rein. Ve truly yours� . �. ; r� City Cler � ng ���,2 Jur.e 1, 1g72 Mr. �o'��rt �3bbons itir�msey Ca�ttaty Re�ister oi' Deeds l".�u� I�QU�a LL��..r Sir: 2'�z� �;i`�y Cc�uncil d�ected me ta tr�ns�i-� tc� you the �ttached capy of a resolut3o�2� �ouncil File No. 258820, adopted �+;ayP 26� 1972a �erta�in� to groperty at 2293 Fi:i.11sid� and lY$7 St. Paul Ave. a� more i'ully descr�.bed �1�re�nn. ��ery trul;,t yours� City Cler� �