258808 Ori�lnal to Cit7 Clert � • ORDINANCE , ����08 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � s��� Al�t ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF THE SPECIALTY MANUFACTURING COMPANX� MR. BRUCE A. LAWIN, TREASUxER� AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAtIL. THE COtJi�'CIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectioa 1. That the proper Ci�y officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out af the Tort Liability Fund 0035-�420, to The Specialtq Manufacturiug Com}�any, Mr. Bruce A. Lawia, Treseurer, the sina of $203.30, in full settlement of their claim for damages sustaiaed on or about Februarp l, 1972 as more particularly set out ia a communication to the Citp Council on March 17, 1972. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimaat upon their execution and delinery of a release iu full to the City ia a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damagee sustained in the maaner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordivance shall take effect and be ia force thirty days after its passage, approval aad publica.tioa, �IIN 141912 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Hunf �:�'�. ut er ;�; _fw� � Conway Konopatzcl7 � ��`?=� n Favor Levine Levine d "- � Meredith � Mereditti � Against Sprafka Tedesco Sprafka Ju� � 5 19� Mr. President (McCarty7jedesco A Mme. resid Butl� � , . �. - . �;. _._�__ . � ' .._.-. . ��.� `�--- ''�' -._ ity erk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED �UN 1 � ���� r D�sbe N Pd�br ` ORDINANCE r 25sao& � • COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO !�I a� Al� 4t�IAA1ICS SB!=LI11G ?ES CLAtl� OF TBB Sl�CLlLi? M�tEtlAC?t�ING 00�!!AllR� 1�. �Rt�CB A,. LAWI�� ?�BASDIt�l� AGAIltSY 1'� CZTZ OF �AII�? PAUi.. ?BIi O�AiCIL OB THB CI1T 0! $AI�? PAt1L DA�R ORtf�AI�t Sectia� 1. Tlut the propa�r CitT officera aza h�r+�b�r s�tbosissd aad dirscttd to pay oat of tb� ?ort Liabilityr F�sd tiG35-�2p� to ?he Sp�cialt� i�annfacttiring CosP+�7s �• Brnce A. I.svia, -?r�a�aset, the sa� of $203.30, ia fnll sittle�ent of tbair �elsi�a fos da�a��s a�stai�d o0 or abont Bsbraarp 1� 1913 as son pasticn1ar11 sst odt tit a cooa�micat�.oa to the City Coancil �a l�asch 17, 1972. Saction 2. ?bst ssid �n� slull be psid to ELe .ssid clai�sat npoa thair e�acotiAa a0d deliverp of a reiease in ��ll to Lbs Cit� ia a for� to be appro�ned b� the Corporstiai Co�ssl, for all ia�a��s sustainad ia tha �a�c sfoseaaid. Sectisn 3. ?bat this ordiaa�a shall taioe effect aad ba in for�e thisty da�s aftar its pasu8e. =PPro�ai aad Publieatio�a. JUN l 418T� ' Yeas Councilmen 1�lip�r+�t �':i�� Paesed by the Coun�il Butder Konopatzld ; � �� Levine ��� n Favor MereditFi ��1� Spraflca o Against �� Tedesco JUp 151912 Mr. Preaideat (McCarty�me. Fl�� Apprnved: Attest: : City Clerk Mayor �� � Form aR�roved Corporation f�ouneel By 15t 2nd 3rd : Adcpted Y�.as Nays \ HUPdT �ONOPATZKI . • , �EVINE � �REDITH s j ✓ �SPRAFKA \iEDESCO • \ . ' ' MMe PRESIDEI�T (BUTLER) � I st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted / Yeas � Nays Yeas Nays � Bu+ler Butler Carlson ��•��Q� Carlson � Levine Levine Meredith Meredith $prafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O