258807 Oris[nal to Cit�Clerk , � � ORDINANCE �� � 25�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �Q o � - � ORDINANCE NO ��0�� � AId ORDINAN'CE SETTLING THE GLAIM OF MRS. JAMES. BANSEN AGAINST TgE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF TH$ CITY OF SAII3T PAUL DOES ORUAIN: SECTION l. That the proper Citq officers are hereby sutborized aad directed to paq out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-420, to Aiirs. James Hansen, the sum of $11Q.OQ,. in full settlement of her claim of damages suataiaed ou or about February 14, 1972 as mora partictsZarly set out in a co�mmunicatioa to the City Couacil oa March 17, 1972. QECTION 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimsut upon her execution aad delivery of a release in full to the City ia a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for a11 dsmages sustained in the �anaer aforesaid. � � , SECTI�I 3. That this= ordinaace shall take ef f ect aad be in force thirty daqs after izs passage, approval and publicati.on. � . JUN 14 197t Yeas Councilmen N�y� ,�h Passed by the Council utler Konopafzi� V`` �. fi� Le ' e � Levine ` �``J n Favor Mer h � Mereditti � - ��c Against Spr ' Sprafka ' � � , T � Tedesco � _'""�,-,- ,.�� � �� �' ' Mr. siden (McCarty�me. P sident Butle A roved:�% �-��-�--�`f---���-��^�- tte t , �1 PP :;__�„ �n � � � ity Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By aU6��sH�� JUN 17 197? uw�e•a a r�.a� 1 �� ORDINANCE 258�� . _ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESH�TED BY ORDINANCE NO �I o AY O�DIl1A�fCS SB1`l'I.Ib1G =H8 CLAIM OF I�S. JAMSS Bl�SBbT AGAINSS TBE CI1? OF SAI11T PL�A.. 'tHE COi�iC'II. OF T� CI?Y OF SAI�T! PAIIL DOES ORDAINS S8�?I01� 1. Tbat the psopar City offic�rs are hereb� mthorised snd diractsd to pay out of ths Tort Liability Fm� �35-420, to Mrs. Jaaea Sans�an, t6� sna of $110.�, in fnll settle�eat of ber clais of da�ages 'sustainad o� or abe�t Februas�r 14, I97Z as aos� particnluly aet out in a 000naicatia� to the Cit� Coweeil �u Iiarcb 17, 1972. �BCTIO�i 2. ?hat aaid sna sball bs paid to the sa3,d clai�t npan hsr azecatioA a�d deliv�r� of a ralease in fn1l to the Citp in s for� to b� sppraved b� the Corporatioa Comu�l, for all - dsuges anstain� in tha �r aforesaid. SBCSIQt 3. That thie osdiusnce shall tsioe sf€eet asd b� ia fosce thirty dsps afts� its passage� appro�ral aad pablicstias. s � �p114 �12 Yesa Councilxnen Nays :.�.� Paeeed by the Counci� Butler Hunt `"� ��n IfonopatrW �e�re e- �� Levine n Favor Meredith Mereditli � ,__AgAinst T� Sprafka r�x. �resldent (r�cC�rtyT�edesco JUN 15 1972 me. Pxesiden#�Butl� Apprnved: Attest: . Cifi�r Clerk Mayor �� ' . Form appraved Corpora�tos �ouneel By . _ � . _ lst� 2nd . 3rcl Adopzed � Yzas �QY� HUNT KONOPATZKI LEVINE NIEREDITH \ U ; ' SP?�E'KA TEDESCO :Ulme PRESIDE�T {BUTLER) . � I st 2nd ` Laid over to � + � � 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas � � Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson Carlson Levine ti� `�' �Qi� Levine Meredith Meredifih Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. Presiden+ McCarty Mr. President McCarty O