258804 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK . � ■'A ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ;,;�i � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ COMMISSIONE ,\ ATF In the matter of improving KASOTA AVENUE from Raymond Avenue to Gibbs Avenue (City Project P-0531) under Preliminary Order, C. F. No. 256046 approved October 19, 1971, and Final Order C. F. No. 256780 approved December 22, 1971. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitte8 by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, That �he Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby dixected to advertise for bids on this improvement. � c G3i > c O �' � � MAY 2 6 1I97'2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19._ Yeas Nays Butler ,uN 1 �'72 �vrrGo-l�wfl jf--• �-- Pr 9� Levine � Tn Favor D�4ere�ittr � / Sprafka `� or A gainat Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith '��tg���y�� JUN 101972 � o� �n��� aSQ4 Y. . - CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .- � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEMERAL FORM PRESENTED dY COMMISSIONER ^ATE Tn t� a�tt�wi► o� i�ving EAWW�A AYSMti !'t�ea �q�aod Awm�t to 1'�b� �� tQ1�1► �r,1� 1�4531) wraMr lr�isai�.r�r o�e�r, �. s. xo. �6v46 � � l9, 19?1s +� l�na3. Or�Mr C. t. �o. �8780 �ora►�d �r 2Q, 19?].. ' �, '�� � ]'�� � sp�ailieattaar !+� tlr abvin� nrrd i�q��'�nr�t, as aa�dtt�d D� � Ca�asio�rt� a� h�110 Naelu, � and � sar ar�-3�u'sb0► ap�aro�ds a�! Li1 it lux�rs �YSD, i'dat t� hralwiu� /l�a1t �t and b� i� �► di�'aaNd 'tio a�d�r+�riiN tbs 'bid�1 at 1rLis lt�ac+�. � °�^� � 2 ''�-� QA ...,,..,� si►�.�i . . . . i47►cC': �'! . . ��� ���� �z� � , --',�� h� -�?�E r1AJ �� �-''�`?r— � � ��..-= :.� � Y ��� a �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the coUn�i��AY a 6 � is.—. Yeaa Nays �U N 1 �� Butler �� Approv� 19� Levine Tn Favor ue,,a:ati, Sprafka O Yayor A g�ain8t Tedesco . ; : �. �'rce President Mer�th ��