258797 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK 258'�9"7 CITY OF ST. PAUL F UNCIL NO LIC�:NSE CON�'IITT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU C RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE A� May 25� 19�2 I�;SOLV'raD: That Applic�tion M 1718 for General Repair Garage, applied for by Sunray D X Oil Co. at 1184 L. I�aryland Avenue, b� �,nd t�le same is �ranted, PROVIDE.D, HOti•1�V'LR: That the hours of operation shall be 6:00 A.N. to 12:00 midnight and that no repair ��;orlc be d.one after 8:00 P.l'��. Renew�,l Rr�STRICTIONS: (Orig. C.F. 241511, 12-31-68 Revised, C.F. 242210, 1-18-69 Revised, C.F. 245025, 7-2y-69) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� MAY Z 5 1972 s_ Yeaa Nayg Butler �A`( �i 5 ��+ �44�C ��� � P ° 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �/ or Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty ��-��� MAY 2?'1�Z ��