258788 258`�88 CounoII File No.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement bq the City ot 8aint Psul,v�i:.: ,,,.,.reconstruct,_,the,sidewalk.on.,the_nor�h„side of,Hawthorne . Ave. from Earl St. to ....................................................._........ the west a roximatel 120 ft._and_by__do . 11 ot rk which is n .. .. P� x.. .. ... in,� a her wo ....ecessary and .. ............... .... . . ...... ..................... ....... nci ental to complete said improvement. .................................---............_..............................................._............. ..........._.._.........-•-----•--........a......_................._..._...... ......____._.._..._ Dsted this...._..2l�th......dsy of.................................•-�a.il• ...................._ --.� 1� .7.2. ...... �..... .... l acilman......... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvemeat, vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the north s.�de of Hawthorne Ave. from Earl St. to . ........................... ........---......._.............--•--•............._....._........................._..._...... __: the west a��roxima.telX 120..ft: and by..doin,g..all other work which is necessary .and _... ..._. .____.--•-- ...•......................................................_ incidental to complete said improvement. ................___..........--•--•--...---................_..............._........._........_......._._.....---....................... .....................•-----.......---......--•---..............._............._......._............._...._......._.._....-�.-----.........__ 6aving been preeeated to the �Council of the City of 3aint Paul.............................................. •....................................... �herefore, be it REBOLVED� That the Commiasioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direcEed: l. To inveetigate the neaeeeity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eatimated ooet of said improvement� and the total coet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of 8aid improvement. . 4. To etate whether or aoB eaid improvement ie asked for on +the petitioa�of three r�r more owaers. l5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioner of Fiaanc�. Adopted by the ....................................M AY .2 5.197'�......... Counoil. Ysss Counc i lman But 1 er MAY 2 5 1972 �3,..x�� Approve�.........._.._ ...................•-..........,._:.... .---..._..._ Levine Meredith � Sprafka Tedesco ......... .................. .. _._....------ h1r. President McCarty -- �, �000 �-sq O pu��i�HEO MAY 2? 1912