258780 l ' Oti�inal to City Clerk ' ORDINANCE 25��80 � • COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � �1�6 � An ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: �'An ordinance fixi.ng the duties and responsibilities and the mi.nimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE ,CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for Carpenter Foreman--Fire Department, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following title, and specifications for Building Maintenance Supervisor-..Fire Department -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � C���� In Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCartyj Approved: Attest: City Clerk 2ayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � . � 258`78� i xtl� of c.i.<ss� �I�D / B�:)�L�W�,T'�� �-.i.r��.iV�'1�.�?r�,I�;C� Sx?P�zZV.�_�C�R--�,9'l;s LLP4P.7Zv:EN'� -�uties and respon���ilitit;:° �1ncl�r r�ire��tion, *o �ae z•�sr�an�z��i� f�r tt�� m�in�<:nan�e and regair of b��i1�i::�^� c�-�r.�:c; k�y t�z� ��xrca�, oi �'ire; and t� �erform relat�d worl: a� �.ss��ncd, ��amnles ��f w�i•l: �:::rfuz�aracr�< '�o c3ir.,ct r�i?d .^:u���.rvi.:e th�. �z��int�n.:lr_�e of fiie �tation� and tii�i�• .�.����t�ent �r�t�n.d�, �nd to :��;e �Ehat thcy are lcept in pro�,�:i• ronr�i�.:ior: To dire.>t t?ie �.�o��±c �f caxp�=.n��rs, �IcTmb�r., �.i�ctrici.ans, p��int:�•s an-:J ctt���°s en�a�;�c� in m-�':in� alt�z�.tions or repairs_ 10 periE�rYx� reZ��az ��o�lc �-�e�so��.l.ly �.>:�ere aequired, '�o �sti�r_�a�� �taanl::�f��s of r��zt��ial� n..�e��ary for rep��r jobs: 7'o revi-�w planr �°.ar }�;o�c�SC� �onstx�.�.tion pxojects� '�o ord��r and c]i�,�ribut� �le.>�ni.n� an�a ather surp�zes� �O YXI.,�:%' Y'('�O}'t^ <1T1� Y'EC.�X27IT]i32�L�cti."LOt35, �sin�murri ':i':.alzfs'.c��ti�n:� �-tigh sc,:��ol or v�ca'�ional :�tioal �ra�uation and four y�arSB experi�nce i1S � �OL:i7"Y125'1712I1 Cc7.i'�3CTl�ir7i� ?:lUTi.�.G—r' �c'11YR�1',Y'� Or �L�C'4T1��SI33 OT �a�h-, y�ars' e�:s��rienc�. �.n t,,zalclAn�; ��n�tru:tion c�r bt�slding maintenanc� invol.,�,;n� rc�n^ixuct�cin an�3 r-��aa;.:.. aZ_ i �' OriQinal to City Clerk ♦ � ORDINANCE 58�8� ' COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �D Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � -3- JUN 91972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council utler Hunt `=��`�" � ..:-�;,� +-��- nopatzk�' "'°`�`�"` Tn Favor L vine evine 0 Me ed' Mereditli Against Spr a T � Sprafka JVN 9 �� r. si ent (McCarty)Tedesco Ap ro At Mme. P sident, Butler f�� Ci er ayor �� � Forr�,approved Corporation Counsel By � l ' PUBLISHED JUN 171972 . �i�a�.a w r�.m ' ' . ORDINANCE ` �78� . 2�� COUNCiI FILE NO.�.. PRESHVTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordiaance smradiag Ordiaaace No. ?6t!?, eatitled: nAn ordissacs fi�dng th� daties a�d respos:ibilities aad the =aiaimam qnal�ficstioas for the fsriana elssses ad� positio�s fa the Ciaasified Service of the CitT, �' apprmrod Febra�rr 13� 1935, ss ame..��►►d�i. ?HE CAUNCIL O� SHE CiTY OF SAIN? PAUL DiE?�S ORD�AtN: • Sectioa 1. ?hAt.Ordiaznce NQ. 760T. spproved Febrassy 13, 1935, ss ame�ded, be sad the aame fs hereby farth�r ameadad by striking . out the title snd sgeeificstions for Carpenter FQrexnan--Fire �pustmeat, and b7 i�sertiag fn lien thsr�of the following title, and speci$c.a,tione for . , , Bailding Maintenance Supervieor•-Fire �pirtmsst _�.. Yeae Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counc�l � Butler � Levine � T� Favor , 8 eprafka ' A g8iri6t Tedeeco Mr. Fre�ident (�icCart�') Apprnved: Atteet: City Clerk yor � � �� : �...i . �'Ol�[l 8�1p?OVC� CO�t11'8�0!! �11318@i B� , , * � , V � 25��80 �.�itic of r3�.ss: � �� � � ��7Y�.�:i�i�_: I'�«.�Y��7'i�ivr3T�TC�' U�1�':=��VI�OR.--�';£RE D�P.ARTI�;.ENT -Duties arzc, �.:•e_roi�s�:�ili.tic�� � �.7nder cir��ction, to L�e lcspr,n�z�lc far the r��a.intenance ancl rcpaxr of ���ylcic�s o�vt,ec3 t�y t?z� �'��.��au. aa =t'ire; and to perform r�la&ed worl; au �.ssi�,z�c�l> I:;��m�ics �£ �.vor1: ;:�rfarrr�ed� To d�s•�+�t and sut��rvise the maintcn::�nCe of fii•2 stat%ons and t;��i� ad�ae�t�t �a•o�r.�.�, anr.l t� ��.:, that tnegT �are icept in pxo�,�r �r�nditY�n: '�o ci�.r�rt tl�e �:�o::Ic of ca�p�n��x•.;, �1.�xrnbe��, �:l�ctricians, �s�ti;�;��•s �.nc; eti�crs en;��;ec1 in m7'.;in� alter�tions or r�pairs: �'o �-�r���rm re;�a�ir �ao:k p� ��eoz�ally �:�':ez•� re�uired, �'o e^ti:n�f;: q�:�ai.t:ities of �r�.te�i-;�l.� ,������s�ary for r�}�air �ahs, To revi��w �-�lar�s :ax prr��,ase� constxt.�ticn p�oj�Cts,, � To ar.clez• and d;.s'�:i�autc: cie.anin� anc:� -�tta.er stz���l.zes� To IT,1CLIcy z��poj�ts �n� recomm�a�da�;i.���izs: '�;iinznium fi��z�Y,ti£i�c�t-�n€o F�ig�� �c��ool or v��caii.or.�l ��hoal �ra;�.u�tion and fotir year^° �xperience a� :� ,��c;rne;►rr�an �a=-penr�r, �Iurnl���x�r �Sainter, or etectrician; or e�gt;` y�ar�� e,:�,erience :ia� �uilclin� con�truction or bueldang maintenance in�+�o;x-xn� �on.�tx•u�taan an�3 rc�pa;-�. �Za . , ��a a r�r � � O � DINANCE y ���� ~ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO °� Section 2. This ordinsnce shall take effect aad be in fosee o�n the fir�rt da� of the #3rst psyroll period followi�g thirt�.dsTa sfter ita pa�sage, approval, and publication. "3" �N 9 � ` Yeae Councilmen � .�. Paaeed by the un�;� utler Konopatrld �-� � � ne .� lravar � }� reditFl � �V ro�inst 3 Spra;fka T Tedesc0 � 9 ��2 Mr. 'd t (McCart7G�me. President, Butleip Appmved: JUN Atteat; City Clerk �r �� Form app�roved Ca�r�oraiaton Couneel By ♦ ,.. ,� .�<. . . � Zst ____�,___— 2r.d •3rd Adopted Yeas N�y' \ hUNT �\\KONOPATLKI zEVINE J� �� � '� � �12EDITH � �SPRAFK.� �' . I � � ' ��TEDESCO • �� � ' Mme PR�SIP�NT (BUTLER) i . � / � , I st 2nd ' Laid over to 3rd and app v —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson Carlson Levine ��8�80 Levine Meredi+h Meredi+h Sprafka $prafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. Presiden+ McCarty Mr. President McCarFy O