258779 Oriainal to Cfty Clerk - ORDINANCE 2����1�, COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO ��� An ordinance amending Ordi.nance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DO�S ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where it appears under the heading Group A, the line Carpenter Foreman--Fire Department 7. 51 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. JUN • 9::197t Yeas Councilmen �T���S .;�;�� Passed by the Council tler � Konopatzki '=���� � Lev e evine � �- In Favor Mer i eredith G. v Against Spraf Sprafka T� Tedesco JUN 919T2 'Mr. Pr ide (McCart�jme. Pres' nt, Butlei; A est: C' Cler Mayor �� Form approved Corparation Counsel By — - ��BLISHED JUN 17 1972 . n.en�.a r,� • ` � � ORDINANCE - ,. COUNCIL HLE NO � PRES�ITED BY ORDINANCE NO �i � An ordinance amending Ordiasace No. 6446, eaatitl�t "Aa administrative ordinsnce fizing the com- pcnsatioa rstea of cer�►in citp positioas and employmsats," spprored Ja�osry 23, 1 q2�, as smesded. THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT�' OF SAS�TT PAUL DC)L�'S O�DA,ti�T: Secti� 1. Thst Ordinsace No. 6446, spgro�ed Jaausry 23, 1925. as sme�nde�, ber aad the same is her�iry fi�s#her iaane�ded b� �tr�kiag out of S�eti�II, where it appeu• m�der the l�ad�a� Gra� Ll, tha liae Csrpa�ter Forams�--Fire Dapartm�# 7.51 3eetioe Z. This ordiaaace shs11 1�ce effsct and bs in force on the first dsy of the fizst gsyroll period #ollawing thirty daya sftsr it� psessge. appsoval. sad publication. Yeaa . en Naya Paseed the Coun�;t ,�N � 19TZ bY }�� Hunt nopatrkl' ~:�K�' � � e evine �'`:�� n Favor � Mereditli = A�ainst Ted Sprafka 1972 Mr. iden (McCartp�eaesco JUN 9 Atteat: me. P�resident, Butlen Appr°ved: City Clerk Iayor �� . �'orm approved Corporat3o�i �ouneel By 1r,� , MaY 25� 197� Mr. Jolan H�,id�r Director of Pera�nnel Giv�.1. Service Bureau � I�ar �3r s The City Counci]. today �ave F3.r�t R��din,g to the 1o31owit� nrdi�ences which will come up far Third nead3n� on Jur9� 2nd., 1972 s C.�'. 25$7'j$ - Ae�ending �32�0 r� Carpentear Foreman�- rire Dept., i3uilding Ma,inten�nce Super- vis�or--Fire Dept. C.F. 258779 - Arnenctin� �64�6 re hourl.y rate for Carpenter b'or�--Fi�: D�pt. �.F. 2�?SU! - Amending �7d07 re Carpen��r �oreman-- Fire Dep�t. and Su33.d�n$ Nlaintenanc� Superviso�°-•Fir� I?�pt. Very tru]y yours� City Clerk � � 258��g . , This ordinance strikes out the title and specifications for Carpenter Foreman-- Fire Department, and establishes in lieu thereof the title and specifications for Building Maintenance Supervisor--Fire Department. . ,lst _� 2nd .— 3rd ` Adopted U Yeas Nays \��.. HUNT \KONOPATZKI � � � � \ �� LEVIN E � � �REDITFi , I ! �PRAFKA . . \ ��PEDESCO � • � Mme PRES:CPENT (BUTLER) i � � . I st ✓ �� 2nd / Laid over to 3rd and app � �4dopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson Carlson ' Levine Levine Meredith 25�`7'79 Meredith Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarFy Mr. President McCarfy O