258778 Ori�inal to City Clerk - - ORDINANCE 25���g � COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO '`' An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordina.nce relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " � approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 7, where it appears under the heading Skilled Labor, the title Carpenter Foreman--Fire Department Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting i.n Section 6 under the heading Manual and Maintenance Group, immediately after the material in Grade 42, the following: GRADE 43 � : Building Maintenance Supervisor--Fire Depa��nt :�- Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and b� in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its ?�;, ; pas sage, approval, and publication. APPROVED; ivil Servi Commissioner JUN 9 1972 Yeas Councilmen �a�� ..:.w,�� :,� Passed by the Council utler u � �.,=v.,�,, Konopa� -°�; Le 'n Levine � �- In Favor Mer ith Mereditli (�� (� Sp a Sprafka `" Against T � Tedesco � JVN � Mr. eside cCarty�me. Pr 'dent, Butle� Appro . At st: C' Clerk qayor . �O x .�t� Form approved Corporation Cotmsel B�+ RUBLISHED JUN 1719?2 Ddblk.s.�.Prm� � � � ORDIN�ANCE � ���jr�g . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESEWT� BY ORDINAN+CE NO � Aa ord3asace smeadiaE Orc�atea�ce No. 3250. +eatitled: "Au admiaistrative ordiaaa�e relstiag to fhe Ci�il Ser�ice Baresn of the Cit�r of Saiat Psnl, spprovisg a�d ado�isg rote+� sad reg�lstions therefor," sppzo�►+ed Angest 20, 1914, se ameaded. TH� COUNCiI. Off THE CITY OF SAII�Z' PAUL DK)ES Q�DAIN: Section 1. That Ordisaace No. 3250, spproved Augu�t 20. 1914� as a.mmsded, be snd the same ia hereb�r fnrther smended by �trik�ag ont of Sectioa 7, wh�r� it sppesrs m�dar the h�adiag S�illsd I�bor, tha titl� Csrpent�r Foreman--Fire Depsrtme�t Section 2. TLst said ordi�saee� ss amended, be aad the same ie hereby fnrther s�ended by inserting in Seetion 6 nnder ths hssding ldaanal snd �sialenaacc Groop, imariedistelT sfter the aisterisl ia Grade 42. the followiag: . GRADE 43 Boildiag Msiatanaace Snpertisor--Fi,re Deps�etmiat Sectioa 3. Thia ordiru�ace ahsll tske eff�c� and be ia force e� the �rst ds� of th+e first psyroll pericid foll�o�w�ag thirtY dzya a�ter its ps�ssge, spprova,l, aad pnbl�csti�. APPRO VED; , ril o�is sioaer Ycas Councilmen Naya Paeeed by the Coun�� ��H 9 �� utler Hunt :� � � � �!�.,,,,�,�,�a., Konopatzl� :.;� Yn Fanor � � ,� �Levine - � � MereditFi sro inst Sprafka JUN 91972 T T',desco Mr. i eat (McCarty) APPrnved: Attest: '. President, ButleF� City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpc>ratfoa� �ow�l By � � w~•�� � 25���8 � This ordinance strikes out the title Carpenter Foreman--Fire Department in the Ungraded Division. It also creates the title Building Maintenance Supervi sor--Fire Department in the Graded Division, which will replace the title of Carpenter Foreman--Fire Dept. l�t �� 2nd . ' Adopted � 3rd Yeas Nays HUNT KOr10�ATZKI LEVINE ' ,J `� __..� / �I � MEREDITH SFRAFKA � � �•J ' T�DESCO • � • . Mr,ie PRESIP�Nr (BUTLER) � � I st � 2nd ' • La�id over to 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bu+ler Butler Carlson ���•_-�^ Carlson �j �1 Levine � v Levine Meredith Meredith Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarFy Mr. President McCarl�y O