258772 • ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK ������ � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � C CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, A certain assessment �For street flushing was er- roneously levied against the property identified by the follow- ing code number: Code 02-2930-050-i1 WHEREAS, The property does not abut a street that is flushed; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the fee owner, Dan J. Person, be refunded $4.72, such amount to be charged to the Sprinkling-Oiling Fund 4201-482. � ' ' ' ��, �. `��4�� . 'f r r--�t,SSt i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� MAY 2 4 1'��9_ Yeas Nays Butler MAY 2 4 1972 XX�Fl�i61fi Conway e 19� Levine 6 Tn Favor dl�ei'�t4i't� Sprafka ,; ) or � A gainst Tedesco Mr. 1�ice President Meredith pt�LIgHED MAY 2 71912' �� � o�"�;n,��,� 258'�`72 �� . ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL ��N�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � ~ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR��!T COMMISSIONER nArF MMEREJI�. A �ertain ass�s�ent for str�et flushirs9 w�s er- �a�ea�us i y 1 w i e� a�1 nst the proparty i dent i t i sd b�r tM to i l vw- 1 n� oai� e�b�r; ,� coes oz-293aosa>> MHEREAi� Th� prop�rty do�s not abut • sRrNt that Is f 1�sh�d; na+. tMnfor�, b� i t RESOIYED. Thii tM fa a�r, D+in J. PersoN, b� r�tu�d�d �►.7�. weh awow�t to b� dwr�sd to th� S'rinkl ing-Ot i te� Fun�l k201-48Z. MaY a 4 �s�2 -- COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Naya Butler �Y a 4 19j2 � ��sy Approv� 19� �°�e in Favor .A�eree�it�r�-- � �Y� Sprafka � roOrSL;T1Af, Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith} ��