D00992No. D 1J�� Date: � � ��� 1� • CITY OF SAII�IT PAIIL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHAI3GE NO. 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Northwest Como Recreation Center Plav Area known as Contract 014435 , City Project No. L94-1�-18 , Arriqoni Brothers Co. , Contractor, is composed o£ the following: Remove sidewalk section and replace with new walk and frost footing. ADD $775.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in acaordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 775.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as • Contract 014435 , and which amount is to be financed from: Qriginal Contract Sum $223,900.00 Change Orders to Date 2,590.00 Amount this Chanqe 775.o0 New Contract Sum $227,265.00 APPRCI(7FTl AR T!1 FnRM Director of 7'/G_ �QG� . 19 � ec ea ion 19_ cc: City Clerk , Finance Department Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy C94-3J051-0862-34134 Arriaoni Brothers Co. Contractor By_letter dated January 8, 1996 f �� .�� � t �'� � ����5 � Dir ctor of Finanoe & Management Services `7�- f� , ���� Administrative Assistant to the Mayor Chief Engineer � �S"� `�4� 3�6�� OEPANT�ITAFFICE/COUNCIL ' DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE v Parks and Recreation �d-C('�. 7/11/96 iNmnware iNmwonrE CONiACT PERSON & PHONE m DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CfTY COUNCIL im Brewer 266-6421 A��N �C�TYATfORNEY �cmc�RK NW18EP FOR ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOUT1NG O BUDGET DIRECTOR Q PIN, & MGT. SEFiVICES Olq. NA ORDER OMAVOR(ORASSISTANn � Parkc & R TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALl IOCATIQNS FOR SIGNATURE) r ACTION REAUESTED: ' Approve Contract Change Agreement No. 3 AUG 0� 1996 Northwest Como Recreation Center Play Area and Sitework n REGOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejett (R) pER50NAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN/3 COMM��ION __ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1_ Has this person/tirm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartment? CIB COMMIT7EE YES NO A ST � — 2. Has this parwn/iirm ever bean a city empioyee? — -- YES NO _ DISTaICT CqUqr _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any current c'rty employee7 SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain ell yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPpRTUN1TY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Walk section adjacent to school cafeteria door heaved due to frost action. ����� Y �� s���. �� �� ANTAGES IP APPflO��D: Door will be operable. ���� �������� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None RECEIVEE� AUG 121996 CITY CLERi� DISA�YANTAGES 1F P10T APPROVE�: Door will not fully open. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ � 75. OO COSTlREYENUE eUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE YES Na FUNDIIiG SOURCE � ACTIVITV NUMBER C94-3J051-0882-34134 FINANCIAL INFORf±iATION, (EXPLAIN� �� 81/08/1996 10:16 ARRIGDNI BROS CO PAGE 01 �, t � . xu�aeR o�► r�caes ro FoLr.aw _�3_ '" � :'� �CA' � �'. s17 vANIIAIdA ST. 87. PAUL, MII�1S507A 35114 TEL�FIiO�NE i�3-9321 FAX 6�l3Z2 FAX TRANSHIITi'AL SHEET a�a./- $- 9'G r.m 'I� 3�+M 8 Q+�w z' 2 fROAt: � d i.. w o- S t9- R(; t 4-p �.-� / S{J�,j$�(,"r, f1/. Cd C u u.� u ' � � �. 6126459322 �_ r�x YovR xg�v�sr �ox Yoox nYxo�narr �1��_� � ,�" pa 2�wo�r dYr,�-.•� 4 G�o.ti e2dT� la.i. QO o a a � p d' w i4 (,.0 .9- p F�d ;�^I � �d2 Or3'7Kt.L !o J !� ca O U prnp r� a�,..rn+s o r-- ?��5_ -- . i �� }; f. 5 �� amono nor usmcvs �u.rwors oar�r�as roruouu.ru�sa c�u, n� sam�.