258723 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK f � 258`723 CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�ENC�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOiLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Purchasing Com�ttittee in the award £or �urnishing and delivering VITRIFIED CLAY SEWSR PIPB AND MBNQ�iOi�tlB CHTI�IlVEY BRZ�K ta various Cityaf �t. Paul DeparCments for a period of one year from April l, 1972 through March 31, 1973 tp Car�,i�g�Donohue, Incorporated as follows: PICK UP DBLIVSRY 1. {aj 200 Lineal Feet, more or less, of 6" Vitrifiefl _ Clay Sewer Pipe, standard strength, 2 feet lengths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $.96 $.96 (b) 100 Lineal FeeC, more or less, of 6" Vitrified C1ay Sewer Pipe, extra s�rength. 3 ft. lengths. $.96 $i.01 (c) 100 Lineal Feet, more or less, of 9" Vitrified .. Clay Sewer Pipe, extr� strength. 3 ft. lengths. $1.88 $1.98 (d) 50 Lineal Feet, more or less, of 10" Vitrified . .. Clay Sewer pipe, extra strength 3 ft, lengths. $2,13 $2.24 (e) 1,000 Lineal Feet, more or 1ess, of 12" ViCri�ied Clay Sewer Pipe, e7ctra �trength 3 ft. lengths. $2.76 $2.91 (f) 100 Lineal Feet, more or less, o£ 15" Vitrified . Clay Sewer Pipe, extra strength 3 �t. lengths. $5.11 $5.38 2. 30,000 Menanonie Chimney Brick (delivered by truck} Chaska Special Hard Burned cormnon brick. . , . .$68.00 per M pcs. total amount o:E contrac� appro�ciunately. . . . . . . . . . $5,0OO,OQ Te�s: 59'. - 30 l�ys _ �. at unit prices bid, in accordance with the specifications on Formal Bid No. 5002, the awerd being made to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications. �.'h,e Corporat�on Counsel is hereby directed to draft the proger form of co�r�ct. The proper City official� are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of � the City of Saint Paul. F. B. No. 5002 Letters: 2/9/72 AP D: THE F ' G COI�IITT88 AP OVFD: S F ! G �� � C�[-9��. C�RATIt�T UNSF�I. � URCHAS GBNT COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �'x Z� �19.— Yeas Nays Butler �Y �� ��� � Cornaay � Appro 19� Levine __1� Favor Meredith Sprafka J �y A gainst -�Fedesc� ' ' Mr. President, McCarty 5I11/72/Smith/jk pU��ISHED MAY 2 71972 ��