258716 ORIGINAI TO CITY CL6RK �„� [' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI UTIO — NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco May 23, 1972 COMMISSIONE • ATF WHEREAS, the City of 5aint Paul incurred charges of Four Thousand Four Hundred Forty-six and 50/100 Dollars ($4,446. 50) for emergency demolition work to protect life and property on the morning following the fire which occurred on April 11, 1972 at the Dale Stre�t Public Works Garage located at 891 North Dale Street; and be it hereby RESOLVED, that payment of the above amount be made to A. Kamish Company covering their d,ated hourly rate invoice totaling Four Thousand. Four Hundred. Forty-six and 50/100 Dollars ($4,446. 50) said costs to be charged. to the Public Buildings Revolving Fund Code No. 1700-256, to be reimbursed at a later d.ate from the Public Works ac c ount. � � �� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� �A� 19— Yeas lvays �AY $ � 1gT� Butler �_ pro d 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith or Sprafka � A gainst �etY�s�6' Mr. President, McCarty pue�isM�n MAY 2 719�� ��