02-702ORiGINAL ��� Presented By Council File #__ � Z, ��� a. RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 110147 INT PAUL, MINNESOTA aa Referred To Committee: Date i WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota, Department of 2 Transportation have negotiated terms and conditions for Traffic Gontrol Signal Agreement No. 3 83316R; and 4 5 WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul entered into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, 6 Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to wit: 7 8 To instail new traffic control signals with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing 9 on Trunk Fiighway No. 61lfrunk Highway No. 10 East and West Ramps at County State Aid 10 Highway No. 18 (Bai{ey Road) - Maxwell Avenue, on Trunk Highway fVo. 494 West Ramp at 11 County State Aid No. 18 (Bailey Road), and on Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp-Nastings Road 12 at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road); and install interconnect on County State Aid 13 Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) from Trunk Highway No. 10/Trunk Highway No.61 East and West 14 Ramps to Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hasting Road in accordance with the terms and 15 conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 83316R, a copy of which was before the 16 Council. 17 18 THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officers of the City of Saint Paui are i 9 hereby authorized to execute such agreement and any amendments, and thereby assume for and 20 on behalf of the City of Saint Paul all of the contractual obligations contained therein. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date � � For�A'Approved by City Attorney � Adopti n�ertified by Council Secretary /B `��� �j� By: Mayor for Mayor.c -'� �. : _ T_" DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNGIL Public Works Traffic Engineering �.� �1UST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DAT� ASAP DATEINfMTED IGREEN 6�2��2002 � DEPARiMENrDIRECTOR ASSIGN 4 NIINBEqFOp �CRYATTORNEY flOUTWG �FlNANCIAISERVICESqR OflDFA � MAYOR (OFi ASSISfAM) � DIVISION HFAp � / No 110147 �CfIVCOUNCIL — uCRYCLERK � �FlN.SEHVICESACCi_ � - TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP AI1 LOCATIONS FOR SIGN�A'fUREj ACTION RE-0UESTEO Approve the Traffic Conhol Signal Agreement between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, and the City of Saint Paul. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) A PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Staff PERSONAL SERVICECONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Hasthis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PFOBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI�: The State of Minnesota sequires a traHic signal agreement detai4ing the cost resporisibilities oE the va� p�r�s '� in the operating, maintaining, installing and providing power to a signal system. �,� ���< �'�rJ z �U� ��? l�U� � ��""g ��"�`� ��9 �� ADVANTAGES IF APPFiOVED: The costs to design, construct and inspect the signals located at T.H. 61If.H. 10 east and west ram s �} (Bailey Road) will be paid by the State of Minnesota and the Federal Government. '�'�� �,�� � � ��b2 DISADVAMAGES IF APPFiOVED: None. The City of Saint Paul will be responsible to pay the monthly electric bill associated �;the,;signal: `The cos;�iuiil be offset by the removal of the traffic signal at Carver and US 61. - DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPpOVE6 City will not receive State and Federal funding for the interchange improvements along US 61 and I-494. These improvements have been negotiated over the past couple of years. TOTAL AMOUNr OF TpANSACTION $'�' FUNDING SOURCE COSi/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) � r+o ACINffY NUMBER ' FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E:(PLAIN) oa- ?o� Department of Public Works Routing Slip To: John Maczko Traffic Engineering From: Jane Chada Date: June 3, 2002 G � J N� Remarks: Attached is a letter and copy of Traffic Control Signal Agreement 83316R from James Wiczek of MnDOT's Metro Division. I'm sending it to you for handling. Joyce Bluel would like a copy of the green sheet, resolution and agreement, after it has been signed by everyone and executed, for her files. Thanks. Attachment Da-7a�, i.634.2395 n i L634.2085 � �, i �tstate.mn.us �''i! I �; have fifl'+l:'. C � .r.� v. ♦� iV4V11 Metro Division Signal Design Pro}ect Manager c: Bob Sandquist — City of St Paul Don Theisen— Washington Counry An equal opportunity employer oa-7oa Instructions for Preparation & Execution of Resolutions and Signature Pages (1) Resolutions Provide a certified copy of the governxnent resolution with each copv of the agreement A photocopy of the resolution is sufficient, however it must be certi�ed by the official record keeper, usually the clerk, that it is a true and correct copy of the resolufion. This certitication must be an original signature. The typical language is, "I certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution presented to and adopted by the at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the _ day of _, 20_, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession." The resolution should also: a) state that the governmental entity wishes to enter into a contract with 1VI��/DOT and b) specifically authorize which officials can sign the contract. The signatures on the resolution must be verified by either notarization OR the governmental seal. One or the other is required, not both. The notary statement may be on the resolution signature page or a separate page, while the seal must be on the resolution page. Sample notary language is shown below in (3). Note: A proposed resolution, prepared by Mn�DOT, has been provided (in the blue original packet) for your use. (2) Agreement: Signatures The successfully executed agreement must haue original signatures, in ink, by the same officials authorized in the resolution. Generaliy there are two signatures required by the resolution (such as Mayor and City Clerk -or- County Board Chair and Auditar) (3) Agreement: Notarization or Seal The signahxres on the agreement must be verified by either notarization OR the governmental seal. One or the other is required, not both. The notary statement may be on the agreement signature page or a separate page, while the seal must be on the signature page. Sample notary language is as follows: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of _, 20_, by name , the title and name the title of the municipality%. Notary Public My commission expires Contact Jim Wiczek @ 651.634.2395, e-mail: jim.wiczek@dot.state.mn.us Minnesota Department of Transportation Rev. 6/19/Ol F�le name: AgreementinstrucUOns ����� O y > ° : <g �GFR)� Minnesota Departmeni ofTransportaiion Metropolitan Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B2 Roseville, MN 55113 May 24, 2002 Mr. Bob Sandquist St. Paul City Engineer 25 West 4�' Street � oa-� oa, Telephone No. 651.634.2395 Facsiznile No. 651.634.2085 E-mail: jimwiczek@dotstate.mn.us iti -- - _�:– �, - ;_ - ..� L � �nt..i .. . 600 City Hall Annex lO Floor '" "-- � i �J�L:!: t � 4 :;�'.�..' .. .,,. St. Paul, MN 55102 ' Subject: SP 8285-79 (TH 494 at Bailey Road and TH 61 at Bailey Road) Traffic Control Signal Agreement No. 83316R Dear Mr. Sandquist: Enclosed, for your review, please find a copy of Traffic Control Signal Agreement 83316R and recommended council resolurions. The originals have been sent to the City of Newport for execution. After they have finished execution of the agreements they will send them to you. Once the agreements have been approved, please present them to the proper officials for execution. Each original agreement must be accompanied by an original council resolution. Each original agreement and resolution must be executed in accordance with the enclosed instruction sheet. Please forwazd the executed agreements and resolutions to Washington County for zeview and execution When the agreements and resolutions have been fully executed by MiiDOT, original copies will be returned to Newport, St. Paul and Washington County. If you have any questions or comments, please call me. Sincerely, Minne�ota Department of Transportation � , / � ��'�'C 0 _ ` l.L"'n.c'a �asnes E. Wiczek `Metro Division Signal Design Project Manager An equal opportunity employer oa MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMEN`P 230. 83316R BETWEEN TIiE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTA�TT OF TEZANSPORTATION AND TAE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT AND THE CITY OF ST. PAUL TO Install new Traffic Control Signals with Street Lights, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 61/Trunk Highway No. 10 East and West Ramps at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) - Maxwell Avenue, on Trunk Highway No. 494 West Ramp at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road), and on Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road); and Install Interconnect on County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) from Trunk Highway No. 10/Trunk FIighway No. 61 East and West Ramps to Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road in St. Paul, Ramsey County, and Newport, Washington County, Minnesota. S.P. 8285-79 S.P. 82-618-10 and 82-638-11 F.P. IM-FIPP-TEA MN34 (115) Prepared by Traffic Engineering ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE Countv of Washinaton 518,908.53 AMOUNT ENCLTMBERED None Otherwise Covered oa-7oa, PARTIES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, (State), and the County of Washington, (County), and the City of Newport, (Newport), and the City of St. Paul, (St. Paul). RECITALS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to enter into agreements with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the Trunk Highway system. The State has determined that there is justification and it is in the public's best interest to install new traffic control signals including street lights and siqning, (Traffic Control Signal(s)) on Trunk Highway No. 61/Trunk Highway No. 10 East and West Ramps at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) - Maxwell Avenue, on Trunk Highway No_ 494 West Ramp at County State Aid FIighway No. 18 (Bailey Roacl), and on Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road at County State Aid Iiighway No. 18 (Bailey Road); and install traffic signal interconnect, (Interconnect) on County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) from Trunk Highway No_ 10/Trunk Highway No. 61 East 83316R -1- oa-7oa. and West Ramps to Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings i' • . . / Newport and St. Paul requests and the State agrees to the installation of Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption Systems, (EVP System(s)) as a part of the new Traffic Control Signal installations. It is anticipated that the Traffic Control Signals, Interconnect and EVP Systems work is eligible for 90 percent Federal-aid Interstate Maintenance Funds. It is considered in the public's best interest for the Sta�e to provide a master controller and three new cabinets and control equipment to operate the new Tra££ic Control Signals. The County, Newport, St. Paul and the State will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of the new Traffic Control Signals, EVP Systems and Interconnect. CONTRACT 1. The State will prepare the necessary plan, specifications and proposal, (Preliminary Engineering). The State will also perform all necessary construction inspection, (Engineering and Inspection). 2. The Cost of Construction, (Construction Cost) consists of the contract cost of the work or, if the work is not 83316R -2- oa.�o� contracted, the actual cost of all labor, materials, and equipment rental required to complete the work_ Construction Cost does not include the cosC of providing the power supply to the service poles or pads. 3. The State, with its own resources or by contract, will perform the Traffic Control Signal, the EVP System and Interconnect work pursuant to State Project No. 8285-79, State Project No.'s 82-618-10 and 82-638-11 and Federal-aid Project No. IM-HPP-TEA MN34 (115) with the Construction Costs shared as follows: a. Trunk Highway No. 61/Trunk Highway No. 10 East and West Ramps at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) - Ma�aell Avenue. System "A". Traffic Control Signal and EVP System. Estimated Construction Cost is $262,000.00 which includes State furnished materials. Anticipated Federal-aid share is 90 percent. Anticipated State's share is 10 percent. b_ Trunk Eiighway No. 494 West Ramp at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road). System "B". Traffic Control Signal and EVP System. Estimated Construction Cost is 83316R -3- Oc�r� b ol,, $137,000.00 which includes State furnished _ materials_ Anticipated Eederal-aid share is 90 percent. Anticipated State's share is 3.33 percent. County's share is 6.67 percent. c. Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road). System "C". Traffic Control Signal and EVP System. Estimated Construction Cost is $152,000.00 which includes State furnished materials. Anticipated Federal-aid share is 90 percent. Anticipated State's share is 5 percent. County's share is 5 percent. d. On County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) from Trunk F3ighway No. 10/Trunk Highway No. 61 East and West Ramps to Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road. Interconnect. Estimated Construction Cost is $14,000.00 which includes State furnished materials. Anticipated Federal-aid share is 90 percent. Anticipated State's share is 4.5 percent. County's share is 5.5 percent. 83316R -4- �-�oa, 4_ Upon execution of this agreement and receipt of State's written request, the County will make an advance payment to the State of its project costs. The County's project costs will be the sum of the following: a. The County's share (as specified in Paragraph 3) based on the actual bid prices and the estimated State furnished material costs. b. Eight percent of its share [Item (a) above] for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. 5. Upon completion and final State acceptance of the project, the County's £inal project costs will be the sum of the following: a. The County's share (as specified in Paragraph 3), based on the actual Construction Cost and the actual State fuznished maCerial costs. b. Eight percent of its final share [Item (a) above] £or the cost of Engineering and Inspection. If the amount of the funds advanced by the County exceeds the County's final project costs, the e�xcess will be promptly returned to the County without interest. If the amount 83316R -5- oa-��a� of funds advanced by the County is less than the County's final project costs, the County will promptly pay the balance to the State without interest. 6. St. Paul will be responsible for the cost and application to secure an adequate power supply to the service pad or pole (System "A"). Upon completion of this project (System ^A"), St. Paul will thereafter pay all monthly electrical service expenses necessary to operate the new Traffic Control Signal and EVP System. 7. Upon completion of this project (System "A"), the responsibility for the new Traffic Control Signal is as follows: a) The County will, at its cost and expense: (1) relamp the new traffic control signal, and (2) clean and paint the new traffic control signal, cabinet and luminaire mast arm extensions; b) St. Paul will, at its cost and expense: (1) maintain the luminaires and all its components, including replacement of the luminaire if necessary; and (2) relamp the street lights; and c) The State will, at its cost and e�ense, maintain the signing and interconnect and perform all other new traffic control signal and street light maintenance. 8. Newport will be responsible for the cost and application to secure an adequate power supply to the service pads or poles (Systems "B" and ^C"). Upon completion of this 83316R -6- da-�ca. project (Systems "B" and "C"), Newport will thereafter pay all monthly electrical service expenses necessary to operate the new Traffic Control Signals and EVP Systems. 9. Upon completion of this project (Systems "B" and "C"), the responsibility for the new Traffic Control Signals is as follows: a) The County will, at its cost and expense: (1) relamp the new traffic control signals, and (2) clean and paint the new traffic control signals, cabinets and luminaire mast arm extensions; b) Newport will, at its cost and expense: (1) maintain the luminaires and all its components, including replacement of the luminaire if necessary; and (2) relamp the street lights; and c) The State will, at its cost and e�ense, maintain the signing and interconnect and perform all other new traffic control signal and street light maintenance. 10. The EVP Systems (Systems "A", "B" and "C") will be installed, operated, maintained, or removed in accordance with the following conditions and requirements: a) All maintenance of the EVP Systems must be done by State forces. b) Emitter uniCs may be installed only on authorized emergency vehicles, as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 169.01, Subdivision 5. Authorized emergency vehicles 83316R -7- `Ga may use emitter units only when responding to an emergency. Newport and St. Paul will provide the State's Assistant Division Engineer or his/her designated representative a list of all vehicles with emitter units_ c) Malfunction of the EVP Systems must be reported to tihe State immediately. d) In the event the EVP Systems or its components are, in the opinion of the State, being misused or the conditions set forth a.n Paragraph b above are violated, and such misuse or violation continues after Newport or St. Paul receives written notice from the State, the State may remove the EVP Systems. � Upon removal of the EVP Systems pursuant to this Paragraph, all of its parts and components become the property of the State. e) All timing of the EVP Systems will be determined by the State. 11. All timing of the new Traffic Control Signals will be determined by the State, and no changes may be made except with the approval of the State. 83316R -8- oa-� oa. 12. Each party will be solely responsible £or its own acts and omissions, and the results thereof, to the extent authorized by law_ The State's liability is governed by the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3_736. Each party will be solely responsible for its own employees for any Workers Compensation Claims. The County's and the City's liability is governed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 and other applicable law. 13. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original Agreement, or their successors in office. 14. If the State fails to enforce any provisions of this Agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or its right to enforce it. 15. This Agreement contains all negotiations and agreements between the parties relative to this project. No other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 16. Minnesota law governs this contract. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this Agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 83316R -9- �a-�Qa� 17. This Agreement is effective on the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minnesota Statutes 16C.05, Subdivision 2, and will remain in effect until terminated by written agreement of the parties. The State may immediately terminate this Agreement at any time if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota legislature, or other funding source, or if funding can not be continued at a level sufficient to complete the work under this Agreement. 83316R -10- aa��a, APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Attorney COUNTY OF WASHINGTON � Chairperson of the Board Date: (County Seal) RECONINIENDED FOR APPROVAL: By: County Auditor County Highway Engineer Date: APPRO`IED AS TO FORM: City Attorney (City Seal) City Clerk-Administrator fiFi3� CITY OF NEWPORT By: Mayor Date:— By: 83316R -ii- . CITY OF ST. PAUL RECONII�7D FOR APPROVAL : DirecCor of Public Works By: Mayor Date: APPROVED A5 TO FORM: Assistant City Attorney DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Assistant Division Engineer COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION As delegated to Materials Manaqement Division By: Date: (City Seal) By: Director of Finance and Management 5ervice Date: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION � Date: Assistant Commissioner ATTORNEY GENERAL As to form and execution By: Date oa- 83316R -12- oa-Zoa., BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Washington enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to wit: To install new traffic control signals with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing on Trunk Highway No_ 61/Trunk Highway No. 10 East and West Ramps at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) - Maxwell Avenue, on Trunk Highway No. 494 West Ramp at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road), and on Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road); and install interconnect on County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) from Trunk Highway No. 10/Trunk Highway No. 61 East and West Ramps to Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 83316R, a copy of which was before the Board. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper County officers be and hereby are authorized to execute such agreement and any amendments, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations contained therein. CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota County of Washington City of Newport City of St. Paul I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Board of the County of Washington at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the day of , 2002, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession_ County Auditor (Seal) Od-7ca BE IT RESOLVED that the City o£ Newport enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to wit: To install new traffic control signals with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing on Trunk Highway No. 61/Trunk Highway No. 10 East and West Ramps at County State Aid Iiighway No. 18 (Bailey Road} - Maxwell Avenue, on Trunk Highway No. 494 West Ramp at County 5tate Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road), and on Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road); and install interconnect on County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) from Trunk Highway No. 10/Trunk Highway No. 61 East and West Ramps to Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 83316R, a copy of which was before the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized to execute such agreement and any amendments, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City all of the contractual obligations contained therein. State of Minnesota County of Washington City of Newport City of St. Paul I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of I3ewport at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the day of , 2002, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. City Clerk-Administrator (Seal) RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for tfie following purposes, to wit: oa-�oz.. To install new traffic control signals with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing on Trunk Highway No. 61/Trunk Highway No. 10 East and West Ramps at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) - Ma�vell Avenue, on Trunk Highway No. 494 West Ramp at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road), and on Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Roacl at County State Aid Highway No_ 18 (Bailey Road); and install interconnect on County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) from Trunk Highway No. 10/Trunk Highway No. 61 East and West Ramps to Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp - Hastings Road in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 83316R, a copy of which was before the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized to execute such agreement and any amendments, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City all of the contractual obligations contained therein. CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota County of Washington City of Newport City of St. Paul I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the day of , 2002, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. City Clerk (Seal} oa-�o� R�SOLUTION NO. 2002-35 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE TR[�FFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 83316R WITH MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WHEREAS, The City of Newport and the Mmiesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) have negoriated terms and conditions for Traffic Conuol Signal Agreement No. 83316R;and WHEREAS, The City of Newport entered into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to wit: To install new traffic control signals with street lights, emergency ve}ucle pre- emption and signing on Trunk Highway No. 61 / Trunk Highway No. 10 East and West Ramps at County State Aid fTighway No. 18 (Bailey Road) — MaYwell Avenue, on Trunk Highway No. 494 West Ramp at County State Aid Highway No. 18 {Bailey Road) , and on Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp — Hastings Road at County State Aid Highway No. 18 (Bailey Road) ; and install interconnect on County State Aid Highway No. 18 Bailey Road) from Trunk Highway No. 10 / Trunk Highway No. 61 East and West Ramps to Trunk Highway No. 494 East Ramp — Hastings Road in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 83316R, a copy of which was before the Council. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proper officers of the Ciry of Newport aze authorized to execute such agreement and any amendments, and thereby assumes for and on behalf of the City of Newport all of the contractual obligations contained therein. Adopted this 6'�` day of 7une 2002 by the Newport City Council. Motion by _��_��p� t�Z,��,P , seconded by 11 �h7��L ATT'EST: Larry Bodahl, A�nistrator � ��� b� � � C�'murr � nct� fpu� ' � 9