258680 ORIGLNAL TO CITY CL6RK t � ' • • • � � /5a V gO CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r.�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. UNCI OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RE50LVED, That the Gouncil hereby concurs in the action of the Contract Committee in the award of a contract for the lease of 39 GOI� CARTS, for the Department of Parks, Recrea�ion and Public.Buildings, Saint Paul, Minnesota, T0: HfyWARD W. BE'IMONT� INCOR- PORATED - percentage of gross receipts to be paid to Saint Paul to �e -- 41�, contract to be in �:ffect for three years as a res�u].t of Formal Bid No. 4970 and the specifications incorporated thereiz�, Howard W. Belmont, Incorporated be3.n.� the most advantageous to the City under the specifications, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to draft the proper form of contract and obtain the necessary performance and payment bonds. The proper City off'icials are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City' of Saa.nt Paul. Formal Bid No. 49?0 APPROVEDs AS TO FORM APPT�OVED: THE COI�RACT Ct�Il�'ITT� � ��CORPORATTO COtTNS C ONII2 0 , RPJCREATTO � & P'UB BUTZDTNCS C�dei ��Dp - .2g9 „ 1 _ ��� �v � �� � TNG 11AY i Z '� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � ` But�er �AY 17 1972 � Conway PPr 19� Levine Favor � Meredith Sprafka J yor �� A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PU�LIFsHED MAY 2 p 1972 4/26/72/ac/smitn ��