258674 � ' ORIQINAL TO CITY CLBRK ��C�� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ` :; .- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ' UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � I�, \_ COMMISSIONE � + ' l ATF WHEREAS, The Capital Improvement Budget for the City of St. Paul for 1969 contained allocations for two (2) projects in the Public Light- ing Bureau which have since been indefinitly postponed and an unspent balance in another project which has been completed. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recammendation of the Saint Paul Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget for the City of Saint Paul for 1969, as heretofore adopted by this Council and as amended, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: (1) That the allocation of $14,970.00 for the project "Lighting-White Bear Avenue - Omaha R.R. to Arlington" be transferred to the 1969 CIB Unallocated Admin- istrative Reserve; (2) That the allocation of $18,780.00 for the project "Lighting - Payne Avenue - E. 7th to Minnehaha" be transferred to the 1969 CIB Unallocated Admin- istrative Reserve; (3) That the Unspent balance of $257.00 in the project "Lighting - Mississippi River Drive - Pelham to Dayton"be transferred to the 1969 CIB Una.11ocated Administrative Reserve, for a net change in the 1969 Budget of zero. � �D F�RM PP 5�� ' _ c � t� � ou� � ASS�' C �Y 1 � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19— Yeas Nays Butler �rove MAY 1 ? 1972 1s` 1f�d�0� Conway � Levine __In Favor Meredith Sprafka �� � ✓ A gainst Mr. President, McCarty pu�ttst��n MAY 2 O 1� �� , 2586'74 DUP{.ICATt TO lRIN7�R CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�UNCIL NO ,�„ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRBSENTED BY COMMISSIONEe oAT� W��BAS, The Capital Improvemeat Budget for the City of St. Pava for 1969 coatain�ad allocations for t�o (2) projecta in the Public Light- ing Bus�sau vhich have eince been iadefinitly poetpoe�ed aad an unapmnt balaace in aaother project which hs• beea completed. RBS�.VBD, by the Council of th� City of Saiat Paul, upon tha recaemendatioa of the Saint Panl Long jtaags Capital Improvsmeat sud�st Com�eittae, that the Capital Improve�aeat Budgat for the Citq of Saint Paul for 1969, as heratofore aeb pted by this Council and ae a�ead�d� ia heroby farther �nded in the follo�ring particular�t (1) 17ut ths allocation of $14�970,00 for ths pro�ect "Ligl�ting-White Besr Awnw - Qeoaha A.�. to Arlingtoa" • be transf�rred to the 1969 CIE Unallo�ted Ad�in- istrative �e�erve; (2) That tha allocation of $18,760.00 #or th� project "Lighting - Psqne Aveaue - E. 7th to Mivashaha" be tranaferred to the 1969 t�s Uaallocat4d Atlo4in- iatrative �eserve; (3) That the Unspent balance of $257.00 ia the project "Lighting - t�ti�sissippi Siver DrivQ - Pslham to Usyton"ba transferrad to tha 1969 CIB Uaallocated Admiaistrative �e��rve, for a uRt changa in the 1969 Budget of sero. � � i �� �Y 1 � �7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the �ounciL 19_ Yeas Naya i Bu�� � MAY 1 ? 1�J72 ' � Comray APP��'� —18` � Levine Favor • Meredith i Sprafka 0 �� Againat j Yiedeecor- Mr. President, McCarty i ' �� I