258658 • �OR161NAL TO CITY`CLCRK 25�J658
RESOLVED� Tha.t the Mayor, City Clerk and Comptroller are
hereby authorized and directed to execute Agreement between the
City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota Department of
Education, School Lunch Section, pertaining to the 1972 Special
Food Service Program for Children to be administered by the City
of Saint Paul, said program to commence on the 14th day of June,
1972 and ending on the lst day of September, 1972.
As . o tio ounsel
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�AY 16 1972 19—
Yeas Nays
���Conway n� MAY 16 1972 19—
Levine �'J
�n Favor
Sprafka V y�r
- A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
PUBLI�HED MAY 2 0 1972
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;:�..�;ox�t s C ounc�i? on Youth Opportuiiit;;*
r.�.�.,�r �:r_ st,� r���.
cu��e �1�.0 -• Lo1�r� Hotel `
St, Pa�al, i�n. 5�102
Dear ;�ii•s, Is�ac,� :
7ia response to �ou_r r�quest re�arding the r�:,:nirn��,: f:�nd eo.�.�.it,:.��:�t to
s a:�.f.::s, ±,he follo:•ring fux?d�.r�U guidelines hav�. �e��n .;ece�tTe;� �r�:� �he �
i�iiu�.,re.s!:. �'.eeion Oifice, Chicago, UpS, I.e�.rt���nt of t�ricu�_tti;e4
ui;�c�, :s,wt;e r.a�r has a cc.��tment of funds �o r::�Ft. G:.oup I �zpplica— -
tiork., :i� �n �.ou7t that equais f,he state8s use o� fur.d:; ur�e.r a�f;s
Srecial. Surr�-ner F^ogr�:� ].ast year (Z971.} '
";�;:stes vrhir.n adz;:irzister �re ��rogxam srall u�i.l�_ze their c�..�.ir::� record�
-i� d�t.ern;ir:� last y�ar9 S fur.ds us�ge :ix� tot�l �r.a bv each Group I
ap�;I1.cant. ' ' , � ��
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�chan�_ Z,ur.�ri ���ct.icr:
. �tate of f�1innesota F 22•38(1-72)
De�artrr��n�of Edur.ation
S�hwi Lunch Section RFD I�o., City, State and ZIP Code). The same as entered on
r � AGREEMENT City of St. Paul thru TYPE OR PRINT.
Mayor s Youth 8ffice , Suite 340
SP�CIAL FOOD SERV1Ct PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN Lowery Hotel, $'t. Paul. Minn. 55IO2
INSTRUCTlOIVS: il l Signing of agreement: An oriyinal and one copy o` the appfication) on Schedule A of this form. If more space is
of this agreement must be signed and submitted with the appliration required, attach sheet. 131 Sponsor's copy: When this agreement is
(2) Use of Schedule A. Ttie Sponsor must enter approved,a copy will be returned for the files of the sponsor.
name and location of each service institution isame as entered in item 2 -
In order to effectuate the purpose of Section 13 of the National School 10. Purchase, in as large a quantities as may be efficently utilized in
Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1 7 51-1 7601, as amended, and the regulations the Program, the food designated as plentiful by the State
governing th= Special Food Service Program for Children issued Agency;
thereunder (hereinafter referred to as the "Program"). The State
Deoartment of Educatio�-School Lunch Section (hereinafter referred 11. Accept and use, in as large quantities as can be efficiently
to as the "State Agency") and the Sponsor, whose name and address utiiizad in the Program, toods offered as a donation by the
appear above, acting on behaif of each service institution listed on United States Department of Agriculture (herein after referred
Schedulz A of this agreement,covenant and agree as follows; to as USDA):
TH� STATE AGENCY AGREES THAT to the sxtent of funds 12. Maintain necessary facilities for storing, preparing and serving
avai{able, it shall reimburse the Sponsor in connection with meals food;or utilize existing school food service faci�ities�
served to children in the service institutions listed in Schedule A during �
the period hereinafter stated. Ouring any summer season "or fiscal 13. Maintain full and accurate records of the Program, including
year" ths amount of reimbursement for meals on beha�f of each service those set forth on page 2 of this agreemant, and retain such
institution shal: not exceed the lesser of (1) an amount equal to the records for a period of three years and three months after the
number of ineals, by types, served to children, multiplied by the rates end of the fiscal year to which they pertain;
assigned by tha State Age�cy as shown on Schedule A,or such other
rate as may be subsequently assigned by the State Agency, or (2) the 14. Upon request, make all accounts and records pertai�ing to the
cost of obtaining food. If the service institution has been approved to Program available to the State Agency, USDA,and the General
receive operating cost financial assistance in lieu of reimbursement for Accounting Office for audit or administrative review et a
rr,eals, the amount ot financial assistance will not exceed 80 per centum reasonable time and place.
of th?o�erating cost of the Program.
Tlie sponsor hereby certifies that each of the service institutions listed
TN�S?rJN�OFt REPR�SENTS AND WARRANTS THA7 it is (1) the on Schedule A of this agreement is nonprofit and exempt from Federal
yoverning bocly responsible for the administration of the service income tax under the Internal Revenue Code,as amended.
institutions listed on Schedule A of this agreement, or (2) it is a
nonprotit agency that is exempt from income tax under the Internal The sponsor assures the USDA and the State Agency that it now
Revenue Code, as amended, to which the service institutions listed on complies with and shall in the future comply with all requirements
Schedule � have delegated authority for the operation of Yheir food imposed by or pursuant to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the USDA
servica; and in order to qualify for reimbursement under this Regulations (7 CFR Part 15), including any subseque�t amendments,
agreement, in conducting the food service in the service institutions issued to effectuate that Act. Compliance will be consistent with the
listed i�Schedule A it wilL• objective ihat no person in the United States shall, on the ground of.
r�ce, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be
1. Oparate a no�profit food service using all of the income denied the be�efits of; or be subject to discrimination under any
tlierefrom solely for the operation or improverr�nt of such program or activity of recipient agency to which assistance is provided
senrice, except such income shall not be used to purchase land, by the USDA. Admission policies are understood and agreed by
to acq�ire or construct buitdings, or to make atterations of sponsor to be a part of such programs and activities. The soonsor
existing buildingr, agrees to be ob�igated by this assurance as long as it receives assistance
hereunder or retains possession of any assistance provided by the USDA
2. Sers�e mea�s v��hich me2t the minimum nutritional requirements or the State Agency. Should sponsor fail to comply with this
spec:fied in Schedule B of this agr2ement, during a period assuranca., the United States or the State Agency shall have the right to
desiqnated as the attendance period by the service institution; seek its enforcement by judicial or any other means authorized by law.
Federal financial assistance is extended under this agreement in reliance
;;. Pr;ce each mea�as a unit fif ineals are priced seoarately); on the repressntations made herein.
4. Sup�ly m�a1s without cost or at a reduced price to all children THE STATE AGEIVCY AND SPONSOR NIUTUALLY AGREE THAT:
v�ho are determined by the service institution to be unable to
pay tne fu�l price; 1. Schedule A on Page 3 hereof,listi�g service institutio�s approved
by the State Agency shall be a part of this agreement;
•5. Furnish a written staterc±ent of the policy followed in making
determinations as to �vho receives free or reduced price food 2. Service institutions may be added or deleted from Schedute A as
sarvice. Such policy, to the extent practicable, shall be need arises, and the references herein to Schedule A shall be
established i� consultation with public welfare and health deemed to include such schedule as supplemented and amended;
ayencies,and shall be consistent with the guidelines issued by the
Ser.retary on this subject; 3. The State Agency shall promptly notify the Sponsor of any
change i� the minimum meal requirements or in the assigned
6. Mal:s no physical segregation of or discrimination against any rates of reimbursement (which appear on Schedule A) or in
child because of his inability to pay ths full price of the meafs; other approved reimbursement. The State Agency shall not
make any change in the minimum meal requirements to
7. Claim reimbursement for the types of ineals provided to children become effective in less than 60 days after publication of notice
at the rates specified in Schedule A of this agreement or at such thereof;
other rate as the State A�ency may subsequently assign,or on an
operating cost basis,if approved; 4. No Member or Delegate to Congress,or Resident Commissioner,
shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement or to
8. Submit ciaims for reimbursernent in accordance with procedures any benefit that may arise therefrom;but this provision shall not
established by the State Agency; be construed to extend to this agreement if made with a
corporation for its gen�ral benefit.
9. Main�ain, in tha storage, preparation and service of food,proper
sa�itation and h�alth standards in conformance with all 5. For the purpose of ihis agreement, the following terms shall
applicah(e State and focal laws and regulations; msan,respectively;
, � .
F 22-3811-72)
Page 2 '
�(a) ,Service Institution:Means a private,nonprofit institution, Agreement by the State Agency shall be in accord with
' J or a public institution, such as a chitd daycare center, applicable laws and regutations. No termination or expiration of
�ett�:ment house, or recreation center, which provides this Agreement, however, shall affect the obligation of the
` day care, or other child care where children are not Sponsor to maintain and retain records and to make wch records
maintained in residence,for children from areas in which available for audit. Except that any termination of this
poor econom+c conditions exist or areas in which there agreement for non-comptiance with title VI of the Civil Rights
are high concentrations of working mothers. The term Act of 1964 shall be in accordance with applicable laws and
"service inttitutio�" includes a private, nonprofit regulations.
institution or a public institution that develops a program
providing tor children from such areas food service similar 7. The terms of this agreement shall not be modified or changed in
to that available to children under the Nation School any way other than by the consent in writing of both parties
Lunch or School Breakfast Programs during the school hereta
year, and includes a private, nonprofit institution or a
public institution providing day-care services for 8, The reporting a�d/or recordkeepi�g requ�rements contai�ed
handicapped children from such areas. herein have been approved by the Bureau o� the Budget in
(bl Cost af Obtaininq Food: Means the cost of obtaining accordance with the Fedaral Reports Act of 1942.
agricultural commodities and other foods for
consumptio� by children. Such costs may include, in RECORDKEEPtNG REQUIREMENTS
addition to the purchase price of agricultural commodities
and other foods, the cost of processing, distributing, The institution must keep full and accurate records respecting its food
transporting, storing or handling af any food purchased �ry�ce to serve as a basis for ihe claim for reimbursement and for audit
for,or donated to,the Program_ and review purposes. The records to be kept i�clude the following:
(c) Fiscal Year: Means a period of twelve calendar months �, Meals.
begi�ning with July 1 of any calender year and ending
� - with June 30 of the foilowing calendar year. a, Daily number of ineals served to children, by type of
(d) Meal: Mearu food which is served to children during their �a�� .
attendanca at a service institution and which meeis the b. Daily number of ineals served free or at reduced price to
nutritional requirements of Schedule B attached herem. children,by type of ineaL
(e) Operatinq Cost: Means the cost of obtaining, preparing, c. Daily number of ineals served to adults,by type of ineal.
and serving food.
2. Program Income(Receipts)
6. This Agreement shall be effective with respect to meals served
a. From children's payments,
for the period commencing the l�, day b. From Federal reimbursement.
of �TUne . �9�_, and end:ng the�_day c. From adults'payments.
of 19�2,; if this period extends into a d. From atl other sources,including loans to the progrem.
secor+ fiscal year Ithat is, if it begins on or before June 30 and
ends on or after July 1) the State Agency agreement to 3. Proqram Expenditures. lSupported by invoices, receipts, or
reimburse the sponsor is conditioned upon the continued other evidence of expenditure.)
availability of funds appropriated for Special Food Sarvice a. For food.
Program for Children purposes for such first fiscal year or upon
ihe appropriation of funds by the Congress for such second fiscal b. For labor.
year in a sufficient amount,and no legal liability on the paR of
the State Agency or the federal government for the payment of c. AII other expenditures, including repayment of loans to
any money shatl arise unless and until such app►opriation shall the Program.
have been provided. (Do not complete this section.) 4. Value of Donations to Program.
7his agreement may be terminated upon ten (10) days written a. Donated food, exclusive of foods donated by the
notice on the part of eitfier party hereto,and the State Agency USDA.
may terminate this Agreement immediately after receipt of
evidence that the terrtu and conditions of this Agreement and of b. Donated services.
the regulations governing the Program have not been fufly
complied with by the Sponsor. Any termination of this c. All donations other than food and se�vices.
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Date APz'l l 18 � 19 7 2 Date
BY���..-7> ����� �
Title . Date 4-18-72
, _....
Title : Cit Com troller�ate 4-18-T7 Q°ROVE1'a.
y—..�_ F�J�N1- � -� n
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DYPLICA7Z TO rltiN7tR 258658
RESOLVBD, That the Mayor, City Clerk aad Comptxroll�r ara
hereby authorized �nd dirtcted to ex�c.uts Agro�snt bstwasn tht
City of Saint Paul snd the Sfi.ate of Mim�tsota Dapart�ent of
Education, School Lu�ch Section, p�rtaini�g to th� x972 Special
Food Service Pro�ram for Childrsn to be administarad by t�he City
of� Saint Paul, said program to coamanc• on tha 14th da�r of Ju�e,
1972 and errdi.r�g on th� lst day of Septamb�r, 1972.
MAY 16 1�72
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»*+� 19—
Yeas xays MAY 16 1,72
��Conway Approv� 19.—
��e _In Favor
Sprafka � �aYor
�� a gainat , %
Mr. Preaident, McCarty
' �