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, - - R�esdl�utian ltatifying Assessment By
.. File Na 17�451
In the matter of the assessment of Ms�riits, e�t a�1d �s � �tt'Mlt�i�l� s st�'�e
s�r ta �� �'�» tirM ih#� it. to �+ra+� tt.; i� � !�. !`�� ��as �nn.
t� t+ntirst �t.; ia A�� ,�Mi. t�'�■t LS@ #t. M�t o� l+�s t� �rit�r �t.= ia
� 4�R. i�r �writ ft, � sr�Ys�r �t. a� fsw� li0 l�+� 11ut ai �s�oa�ar �t.
t� �roa� ��.; iti C�'!� A'M�. f�+M 2flf !�t wa�t � �r�rM �c, t� �o�i�r =t.; ie
� �t. �'�tar +�tEs�� �s. t� �r+urlt� #�r.; �a► �l �'2'� lraa �loelr l�loiry. to
�rt Ia�►.� !s M�s �'l',► tra. 1M�saa. �.�.. co MM.�k l�.� i. 1�M� all�r ot sxk. 1
rt� 2 � Riyt* t�aiit lyar�; fan t,lw► :1.1� �i atk. t, o! � !#irr�a l��arst �ia tM ail,�r
�! �1it. 1, o!� L��s's ll�alwt fi�r'�r�ne �dd.� �t !:� a� �a■�t � lMutl�rs t+e�# ��tas�
st tr� i�t�rs�tl� e! 1+o4n�s� �t. a� MraL�sit liah►. arrf �,� f.�an watnclY dir�i�rt ',
t� LtNt� l�tl�w a�d t�+rs�r wnClnrti� �r! Lt nr �as� tlrsw� l�M+t� l�tit iririttai� at
ths a�l� ei �a 1�a�1a+i�+j M�r �� �f-1�j a�ai s�tyG ie a �artl�rt�ci� �ira�etiis
tO • �S� '"�" aR ti� �ri�w ��rat �uwt �Cl►i�r'! t�i��. i11 ti 1� te�a � �r
�M�? �!!�t �!'�t, ��79�*i»L9lI�.
under Preliminaxy Order � ,approvec� D�irr �4;_!!i* ,
Intermediary Order 2+4� ,approve� ��-10� '�'!'� --.,
Final Order '�4�iT3 approve� Mtt�fi 1�, 1'l70 .
A public hearing having been had upo� �he assessment for the above improuement, a�nd ,a�id asseas-
� ; ��--m,-,....:::_._,. .�. _ : _ ; _ _ _. , _ ... .
ment having been further conaidered by the Gouneil, and having been considered finally�satisfactory,
be it therefore
RESO�LV�D, That tlie said assessment be and thQ same is hereby in all respecta ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distriet Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirm�tion.
BE IT FURTHER RaES4LVFD, That the said assessment be and it i� hereby determined ta be
payable �*+ °Z � equal installments.
Yeas ; �-_�`� Nays Adopted by the Counci� M AY 16 1972
_ ';,'f1Y
. ' `�� MAY 16 1972
� - --'�A Ap
Favor ��
� AroR1IISt
Fo� �2 Z� �0_88 8� PU�LI3HED MAY 2 0 1972
�► w:. � s"� --� a
�; ���!
� . ` i �_Y'vVli(s'
'•: - CITY OF ST. PAUL �8�VO
� r'. �
� " " Report of Completion of Ass�essm�nt F'ile No. ��' i
In �he matter of the asse�sment of Mrrlil6sR � +IM� � !�e' �Mti�/ a �
awN11t in � ;��. !�'M■t �ili! St. t� Iaro�r MI�.; iflt �� '�ffl'�. l�c+� l�a�M 4rrlt.
t� l�s+�at it.�' i�r �� +1�i. !'s+q� !!0 �'t. � t�' I!�+ It� l�rra��►�e#a�r tt.t it �
� �s � �� �• � �'i�ws �r � � 4�F � �� � � �•
� � ���.. � ���• � � � �i � � �• `� � ��; �
v� �• ..� I�. ��• � �� �:# � � �• � �� �• � ..
�r�M �r�t�� �a t�t� �'i f �r M�t+t�i �wt. '!.a #IIMt1�rtlt �j�; 1� fiM r1� o� �i��t• 1
aM � �s! �'� 1pe�ri� t�� � l�rs �2�► � SZt. I, �It � '�►�wrt ��+wr�i ir► t1Nt a�li�' .
•t i3�. 1, �!' ��r's lrst�l`�M'�rrM A�Md.� a�M #s +n� � d�srl�t �i�aias �itslc i��laia��
+qE tttr� �Mor's�i�rr � �M�eM►r1t �. � lAr�ril�dt llrr�. aM s�t� 3� a �ar1�rJ�� rtits�etiwt
t�o► �,rria 1�1a� +Nr! t�n� wt3�t� �i f�► +at +�ar�E i�es�� YIarL� !� M��� at
Ida �reLrt �t tlr �3'� i�r � �»1l4r� aM �� i�rt s ��s�nc��r iirr�stiw�
tr • �rMt '*i" w tlw� � � +�Mi iir� �trtl�.. �lt� t� Ms I�rt � Elwr
�il�! �i+qyt �. � '1''�'�""1'��!l�, .
under Preliminary Order � ,approve� � �• ��� ,
Intermediary Order �� ,approveci ��► �« Y� --,
Final Order _�'�T3 ;apProve� 1M�1M 13, 1'l7�0 ,
To the Council of the G�ty of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex-
penditures neceasarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impro�vement, viz:
�otal construction coats . . . .... .. . .. .. .. ... . .. .. . $ 485,345 24
Engineering . aad .Iuopect.f�.. .... .. .. . .... .. .. . � 47_�'�4 �c►
�.qal.�ult�oo.�esd..A�tsessaent .Services. $ :'��n �.0-_
. Posta� ca,rds . . . .. .. .... .. . . .. .. .... . .. .. .... .... . $ qn �,-
Publica.tiona . .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .. . $ tin� nn
Collection costs . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. .. ...... .. .... ... $ � �+� --01�-
Court cogta for canfirm.ation•. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. ....... $ �S �
C�ptroller's Qoats 502 00
TOTAL F.XP�TDI'i'ITR'E3 . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. ... $ 535,463 90
Chaa.ge to C.I;B. 92�0-402.. .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . . $ 400�000 S?S�
,.,,,, ,,1970,, ,0920-461 , , , ,, , , ,, , , ,, , , � 93,559 67
�,j�ac��� . .1971,,0920-461. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . $ 8,,.�58 13
N�t Asaessment � $ 33,846 10
Said Coxnmisaioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
`� � tained, to-wit; the aum of $�33,846.10 upon ea.ch and every lot, part or paxcel af land deemed .
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or paxcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Co�mmisaioner, and made a part hereof, is the sa.id aasessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the. Co r sueh action ereon as may be
conaidered proper. `%'
Dated s�ril 19, 1l72 Commissioner of 'n
Fo� x.2 zn� iaes a�