258624 �'�h Cterk -• • ,
.cSENTED BY ` � �_�' � ORDINANCE NO �" !� —
An Ordinance smending Ordinance Number 14786, entitleds
"An Ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a
corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota,
its successors and aseigns, permission to use the streets and
other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for
the purpose of conducting, distributiu� and supplqing gas for
all purposes for a term extending from the adoption hereof to
December 31, 1972, or during such lesser period as determiaed
herein, prescribing rates which the company may charge for euch
service, and determin.in� the amount which the companq ahall paq
to the City fnr the use and occupancy of its streets and other
public propertq." �
WHEREAS, Northern States 1'ower Company, a corporatioa organized
uader tYie laws of the State of Minnesota, being a public service
corporation conducCiag and supplying gas within the City of
Saint Paul uader Ordinance Nuimber 14786, approved May 13, 1971, did,
under Section 7 of said Ordinance, file its Petition addressed to the
Council of eaid Citq on Ju1y 23, 1971 for i�s reniew of the operatioas
of said ldorthern States Power Company under said permit and for said
Council's prescription, by ardinance, of re�sonable rates which esid
Northern Statea Power Compsaq may charge for such gas service within
said City as shall be thereafter furnished by said Company thereunder;
WHERF:AS, Pursuaat to said Petition of said Northera States Power
Companq, Robert J. 5heran was appointed heari.ng examiner, and in the
cvurse of his dutiee h�ard testimonq, reviewed exhibits, and evaluated
enidence presented by the companq and all interested parties, and
thereafter recommended Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law v�hich
hane b�en reviewed, both as to the basis and the content, and have beea
duly adopted by the Couneil; and
�1EIF.RF.AC� It has been determined that �o�encing on Maq 12, 1972,
said companq be eatitled to an increase in revenue of 9.4;G above the
1971 test year revenue, and to prescribe interim rates to provide
such additional revenues, ss of the first reading of this Ordinance,
which rates shall be the established rates upon the Ordinance's
becoming effective.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii
Carlson 7n Favor
Sprafka Againat
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk Ma
Form approved Corporation Couns y •
. ' • , .
� PAGE 2 ��'"�'� '``�'
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5ection 1.
That Ordinance Number 14786, approved May 13, 1971, shall
be and the same is hereby amended in the following particulars,
That Section 6 of Ordinance Number 14786 and Appendix A
attached thereto are hereby deleted in full and inserted in
lieu thereof is a new Section 6 to read as follows:
"Section 6.
"The Council hereby adopts and prescribes as
Interim rates as of May 12, 1972, the rates contair�ed
in Appendix A, attached hereto and made a part hereof,
and, subject to any procedure or approval applicable
under regulations of the Price Commission, the same
shall become effective as such Interim rates commencing
on May 12, 1972 or such later date as determined by
Northern States Power Company, and, as such, shall apply
to all bills of the Company based upon regular meter
readings on and after such effective date.
"The Council further prescribes that the Interim
rates adopted hereunder and contained in Appendix A,
attached, be deemed to be the reasonable, fair, and just
rates, and properly obtained by the company up to and in-
cluding the effective date of this ordinance and of said
company' s compliance with the conditions provided in
Section 4 hereof, and such rates shall continue to be
applied to all bills computed from regular meter readings
on and after such date and compliance for the remaining
period of this permit ordinance or until lawfully changed. "
Section 2.
That the second paragraph of Section 7 of said Ordinance reading
as follows:
"Rates contained in Appendix A hereof have been
adjusted from previous rates to cover only the cost
of increased gross earnings payments to be made to
City under this ordinance. It is understood that such
action shall not preclude the Company from filing, in
the calendar year 1971, a petition requesting the review
of its operations and rates as provided above. "
is hereby stricken therefrom.
Section 3.
The Council certifies that, pursuant to the proposals of the
Price Commission, and the guidelines it propounded, the following
apply to the increase of rates adopted in Appendix A, attached
" (1) The increase is cost-justified and does not
reflect future inflationary expectations.
OriRlnsl to City Clerk ' ' '
� �� -�' � � ORDINANCE ����2��
"(2) The increase is the minimum required to assure
continued, adequate and safe service or to provide
for necessarq expaneion to meet future requirementa.
"(3) The incYease wi11 achieue the minim� rate of return
needed to attract capital at reasonahle costa and
not to impair the credit of the public utilitq.
"(4) The iacrease does not reflect labor costs in excess
of those allowed by Pap Board policies.
"(5) The increase takea into account expected and obtainable
groductivity gains.
"(6) Reasonable opportunity was afforded for participation
bq a11 interested persons, or their representativ�s,
in these proceediags."
Section 4.
The company aha11, within thirty da.ys after the passage, approval
aad publication of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said
City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the
Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep aud
perform all the terms, limitations, conditions and pronisions of thie
Section 5.
This ordinance 8ha11 take effect and be ia force thirtq daqs
after its passage, approval and publication, and upon it� acceptance,
as provided in Section 4 hereof.
� MAY 31 1�J7�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii
� �'� n Favor
�� �l [J A gaingt
Sprafka l/
� A o��: JUN 11�7.2
A tM Vice Presi r "
Ci erk ayor �'
�� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By
����:� `��,��� � 1972 _
. , • t � � 2-A . .
Availabilitv Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer
for general use of natural gas service.
Rate First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ $2.07 per Mcf
Next 3 000 " " " " @ 1.07 " "
Next 5 000 " " " " @ 1.00 " "
Next 390 000 " " " " @ .96 " "
Next 400 000 " " " " @ .94 " "
Next 1 200 000 " " " " @ .91 " "
Excess " " " " @ .89 " "
Purchased Gas Adiustment In the event there is a change in the town border
rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there
shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the
above schedule the product of the monthly consumption and the amount per Mcf
to the nearest 0.1� by which the average annual town border purchase cost per
Mcf to Company, based on the number of days use of the contract demand neces-
sary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than
the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same
basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.410 per
Mcf per month and a commodity charge of 30.08C per Mcf. In the event the
total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087.
The average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with
the use of the billing demand units and annual volumes of natural gas purchased
from Northern Natural Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers
served by Gompany in its Minnesota service area, ad�usted to reflect normal
temperatures, for the calendar year preceding the change in the town border rate.
In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural G3s
Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company
under the foregoing purchased gas ad�ustment clause, such attributable refund,
multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the
Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until
. the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such
unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months.
Monthly Minimum Char�e $2.15
Gross Earninl�s Clause Bills sub�ect to the adjustment provided for in Gross
Earnings Clause Rider.
Heatin� Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic
✓ � � 3 _A
Availability Available on an interruptible basis to a commercial or industrial
customer whose maximum rourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and
who will agree (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, (2)
to provide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3) to
have available at all times sufficient standby fuel to maintain continuous plant
operation during periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder.
If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the
months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2) and (3)
above shall not apply.
Character of Service Delivery of gas hereunder shall be sub3ect to curtailment
whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as
Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements
Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months
fication Mcf Chart�e (See Note 1) each year (See Note 1)
AA $.74 $ 51.50 More than 1000 cu. ft.
per hour but less than
50 Mcf per day
A .58 155.00 50 Mcf or more but
- less than 200 Mcf
BB .56 310.00 200 Mcf or more
B .54 - . 620.00 �� �� �� �� 5 000 to 9 999.9� ' _._:
C .51 1 445.00 " " " " 10 000 to 19 999.9
D .48 2 685.00 " " " " 20 000 to 49 999.9
E .44 6 090.00 " " " " 5U OOO to 199 999.9
F .41 10 325.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more
Purchased Gas Adiustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate .
under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be
added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above
schedule the product of the monthly consumption in;.Mcf and the amount per Mcf
to the nearest 0.01� by which the town border commodity charge varies from
30.08� per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such
amount will be multiplied by 1.087.
Any revision in the purchased gas adjustment due to a change in the town border
rate shall become effective on bills based on regular meter readings on and
after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town border rate.
In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Com-
pany attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the
(Continued on following sheet)
! • � , - �-A ,
foregoing purchased gas ad�ustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied
by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the Company
will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas ad�ustment until the amount
of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction
will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months.
Monthlv Minimum Char,ge If in any month customer does not use the minimum amount
provided for herein because .of Company's failure to deliver gas wholly or in
part, the monthly minimum charge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount
of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use
of service during the period from November 1 to March 31, inclusive, each year,
the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be waived during said period.
Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% on the first $25.00 monthly plus 1% on
the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule
shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay-
ment within the discount period.
Gross Earnin�s Clause Bills sub3ect to the ad�ustment provided for in Gross
Earnings Clause Rider.
Unit of Measurement The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an
absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees
Heating Value From 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive) per cubic foot. If in any
month, the arithmetfc average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less
than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volume of gas measured hereunder during such
period shall be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease
below 975 Btu per cubic foot.
Priority Classification Class AA shall have first priority. Curtailment shall
begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA.
Term of A�reement Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one
year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated
by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. �
Note 1: pplies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been
Note 2: The above rate schedules for interruptible service are also sub�ect to
Company's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company from whom the gas
ontemplated to be sold hereunder will be purchased.
, . s-- �
Availabilitv Available to any residential, co�nercial or industrial customer
for unmetered gas yard lighting when such customer is using gas service at
the same location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service
will be billed on the applicable rate schedule.
Rate $1.70 per lamp per month
Gross Earnint�s Clause Bills sub�ect to the adjustment provided for in Gross
Earnings Clause Rider.
Special Terms and Conditions
1. Customer shall pay for the entire cost of installation including the
piping from the service to the yard light. Company shall own and maintain
the piping from the service to the yard light. Customer shall own and
maintain the yard light.
2. The gas lamp may be either a single or double mantle installation.
3. The orifice will be sized to a �t71 drill size.
4. Pressure will be set at 4 inches water column.
5. Yard lights with larger orifices or pressures higher than 4 inches
water column will not be pernaitted on this rate schedule.
. !J ' y '• r . . .. . . � -� � . . . „ � � .
Availability Available to commercial and industrial customers with requirements
of 50 Mcf or more per day.
Demand CharRe $4.26 per Mcf per month of Billing Demand _
Commodity Chars�e
First 2 000 Mcf per month @ $.61 per Mcf
Next 3 000 " '� �� @ .54 �� "
Next 15 000 '� �� �� @ .49 " "
Next 30 000 " " " @ .46 " "
Excess " " " @ .44 " "
Purchased Gas Adiustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate
under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall
be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above
schedule the sum of (1) the product of the monthly billing demand and the
amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1� by which the town border demand charge
varies from $3.410 and, (2) the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and
the amount per Mcf to the nearest O.O1C by which the town border co�nodity
, charge varies from 30.08C per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a
positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087.
- Monthly Minimum Chart�e The Demand Charge
Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5X on the first $25.00 monthly plus ly on
the remainder will �be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule
shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for
payment within the discount period.
Gross Earnint�s Clause Bills sub�ect to the ad�ustment provided for in Gross
Earnings Clause Rider.
Determination of Bi11inA Demand The demand in Mcf for billing purposes shall be
the greatest daily consumption in Mcf during the month for which bill is
rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less ,
than the daily demand in Mcf Company agrees to deliver as specified in the
contract between Company and cu�tomer, nor less than the demand previously
hilled hereunder.
Heatinst Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot.
Note: 'Gas consumed under this rate schedule must be separately metered from
�^-"'� customer's- other firm gas requirements.
• � . � �� � �,i,�
Bills rendered shall be further ad�usted by Company over a period
terminating no later than December 31, 1972 in an amount to allow Company
to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City during the year 1971 in
excess of a rate of 5X and which have not been fully recovered from Company's
customers in prior billings.
��� ���� 319��
� � rTsp
June 5, 1972
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota p �
Gent lemen: ���.. ' �
G'� t p
The undersigned, Northern States Pov�e� �
��i �
Company, does hereby accept and agree to abid��r, �
keep, and perform all the terms, limitations,
conditions, and provisions of Council File No.
258624, being Ordinance No. 15111 , adopted by the
Council and approved by the Mayor on May 31, 1972.
� By � .
Division Manager
And �
As is nt Secretary
. .,.. "-,,"G�. � � ,
�,,,,y,t Corporation Couns 1
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: "An .OsRdi�anee grssting to l�rth�rn Statea Po� Ca�P�7s g
: cerpe�ati�s or�ai�d �isr t1�e Zaws o! tl� StafC� ef L�tima�a,
its snce�ssors aad ssrigas. ps�issic� to � l,hs sts�et� aAd .
ot�wc pnbllra propest� 1�oeat�d in th� Cit� af 8sist Paal �a�c
. tha �nrpose of �osselu�ctiug, distrib�ting aad ��pl�ia� ;a� for
a11 pmrpoa�s �or s tssn �act�i.os fro� t.ha sd�rtiss h�!' t�o
. , D�c�ab�r 31, 1972, or dutiag soch lfsstr psri� �es d�t�d
b�reim, pr�ac�titiing ratfs wYieh tb� e�aa7 n� �fias�e �ot s�ch
sar�rice, sad dstprr3aing tbi a�m�t vLich th� �paa� �a3'Z pa�
to t6s Citp for the os� aad oat�► of its �►tra�ts asd ot�
pnblic ps�op�sty."
� Ii�ERS�i* �sthsta Stst�a lowt Co�spaa7s a c�spo�atl�'o�s�d
mrdas #iw la+N►� ef t�s �tate o� Him�ssota, baia� a prb]�e a�stios
ass�porati�n ��iag asd s�eppl�is� gas vit� t1�a Cit� of
Ssi�nt Psnl nnei�r O�td3w�c� 1#rber 14786, appr�r�ed �faj.13, igTl,� did,
m�dar S�ctian 7 of uid Ordi�aace, fiLs ita latit3�s a�rsssc�d to the
Comeil of sai+d Cixy on Jul� 23, 1971 fer ilts ra�far of tLe �tatio�s
of sai�d � S�at�s Ye� Co� �d�ar �d pet�ait sad to= �sid
Coasa3l'• p�ri�����os� ir� ��s�, er! s�aos�is r�at� �i� sa3d ' -
� � �� �7 �aT �hs�e f� �h �as ssr�s vi�i ;
` r;;•.- -� °�ai.-��;��51� 'b��tL�s�L�s' f�aia�sd by said Caaga�► th�remd��
-�� .: �
.._,.,. ,;� < ..
. ii�:�ha�mt b� I�aid Pstiti�aa sf sald �iost�nca Sta��.Prwr
' � Ce�a�, �irsrt J. ,SLfsas var ap�o�itts� h�arin� e�at, sad �ai !Ls
: �ostss o� his i�ti�s� h�as+d t�ati��, rsri.aw�d �sh�,i�ta, �i� a�t�i�t�t
. �d�s �rs�a� b'9_ths �ooPm7 asd ail iaterwtsd partiss, a�d
,���Sft�s r�oo�id�d ?i�dings of l�iato and Qsulusian�s of:Lar �
� �ivav� tii�s�n t�nr�NNid�, i�tb as .to the LasL a� the eoateat�l �ttid l�tr�►•�ss
dnly. a�pt�d L�► the Ce�neil; ana �
_ �. :
_ ' l�8iA8, Zt haps b�an detss�ised that �r+�sein� oa�t Ma� 1Y� 1�l�2, �`
�s�d � bs �atitl�d to sn 3a¢rease in rev�ave of 9.4x ativ�rs t1�
� 1g71 tsat �ssr sav�sw, a�d to presatiia iateri�a rat�s to pr�r#da
sn�b e+�#it3wal r�w, aa o! tbs fis�t zeading aF Wis Oic�I�s
�hi�h ratu stiall ba tLa atablisbsd ntea uPoa tha Ordinsae�*s , �
. b�eoatag e�tectiis.
_ �. .
� .
a � � �?�" s�
' I�AGE 2 �L�U�,��
�../ 11
section 1..
That Ordinance Number 1.4786, approved May 13, 1971, shall
be and the same is hereby amended in the following particula�s,
That Section 6 of Ordinance Number 14785 and Appendix A
attacned thereto are nere7�y d�Zeted in fu11 and inserted in
lieu ttiereoi is a new Section 6 to read as follows:
"Section 6.
"The Cauncil hereby adopts and prescribes as
Interim rates as of May 12, 1972, the rates contair�e d
in Appendix A, attached hereto and made a part hereof,
and, subject to any procedure or approval applicable
under regulations of the Price Commissian, the same
- shall become effective as such Interim rates commencing
� on l`�iay 12, 1972 or such later date as determined by
Northern States Power Company, and, as such, shall apply
to all bills of the Company based upon regular meter
readings on and after such effective date. •
"TY!e Council further prescribes that the Interim
rates adopted her�under and contained in Appendix A,
attached, be deer,c�d" to be the reasonable, fair, and just
razes, and properly obtained by the company up to and in-
cluding the effective date of this ordinance and of said
company' s compliance with the conditions provided in
Se�tion 4 hereof, and such rates shall continue to be
applied to all bills computed from regular meter readings
on and after �such date and compliance for the remaining
period of this permit ordinance or until lawfully changed. "
_ ^--i_ -_ ,�
`D�lest+t�Ps1aMr , .
.. �.` ,, � , � ORDIN � �IITCE .
,,, . - • . 2�8s24
�.- , ,
lt�GS 3 ,
"(2) !he iaarssa is tha �i�aiava rsqni.red to assure
� , avntiawd� sdeqvata snd safe s�arvie:� os to ps�c�+ridt .
!or as�c7 �paus3�os r.o utt f�twcs rs�gira�setts.<.
"(3) Zbe iercrease will achievs tha aSniaAa rats o r��
nad�d �ta attsact asp�tai st reasasabia cvs� a�d
not to .i�pair th� credi! of th4 pnblic �tility.
"(i) ?he inc�se d�s �ot refi�ct labor costs 3� a�zeess
af t.�os� alla�sd by Psy Eoa=� polici�ss.
� "(S) i'he ia�acaa'se tabas into ae�:onnt e:peated st�d ebtsinabls
prod�cti�rit�► gaias.
'�(6) Sieswnabl� oppos�ttiaity was a€fo=ded �or participittoa
b� sll �ntar�st«1 per�oas, or th�:lr rspr�a�atati��s.
itt these ptoa�diogs."
Sktioa 4.
th� e�paa3 shall, �rithin lhirty ds�s aft.�r tha pssssga, apts�ers�tl '
and pnbli�t3+on ei t�3s osdilssae�, file with tbt C�t�r Cl�rt of said
Cit� !ts �itt� ae�s tl�r�af in €ora t� be a�irrnd b� tht ;
Cetsporit�en C�l, aad tl�i8 sh�1.l sgs�s to ab3ds b�► tis} and
pesi`ora all ths -tas�s, 23aita�tiaa�, Qa�diti�oas aa� prvtisi�s�ts oi e�is
ordina�. .
_ : . _ - �
• Saetioa S.
ThLs msii�a�� sbsll tsica st�f�e� asd be 3n #osoa tbirtp da�s
attss it� passag�, a�prora�l aad gnbli�eattoa, aed spo� i�s aaeaptaaea� _
° u ps�o�id�d is �cttiat 4 h�r�cf. _ • �
�; :.
. ' � . .. . 1'i�F
_.__ . .. _.-__- . .. " '. � ��-•�
� . . . .. � �:1� _. . , ... . . .. . .. . . . �
. �
Availabilit Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer
for general use of natural gas service.
Rate First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ $2.07 per Mcf
Next 3 000 " " " " @ 1.07 " "
Next 5 000 " " " " @ 1.00 " "
Next 390 000 " " " " @ .96 " "
Next 400 000 " " " " @ .94 " "
Next 1 200 000 " " " " @ .91 " "
Excess " '► " " @ .89 " " �
Purchased Gas Adiustment In the event there is a change in the town border
rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there
shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the
above schedule the product of the monthly consumption and the amount per Mcf
to the nearest 0.1� by which the average annual town border purchase cost per
Mcf to Company, based on the number of days use of the contract demand neces-
sary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than
the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same
basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.410 per
Mcf per month and a commodity charge of 30.08� per Mcf. In the event the y�
total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087.
The average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with
the use of the billing demand units and annual volumes of natural gas purchased
from Northern Natural Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers
served by Gompany in its Minnesota service area, ad�usted to reflect normal
temperatures, for the calendar year preceding the change in the town border rate.
In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural G�s
Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company
under the foregoing purchased gas ad�ustment clause, such attributable refund,
multiplied by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the
Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until
the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such
unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months.
Monthly Minimum Charge $2.15
Gross Earnin�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross
Earnings Clause Rider.
HeatinQ Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic
• � .
Availability Available on an interruptible basis to a commercial or industrial
customer whose maximum rourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and
who will agree (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, (2)
to provide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3) to
have available at all times sufficient standby fuel to maintain continuous plant
operation duriag periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder. '
If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the
months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2) and (3)
above shall not apply.
Character of Service Delivery of gas hereunder shall be sub�ect to curtailment
whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as
Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements
Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months
fication Mcf Chart�e (See Note 1) each year (See Note 1)
AA $.74 $ 51.50 More than 1000 cu. ft.
per hour but less than
50 Mcf per day
A .58 155.00 50 Mcf or more but
less than 200 Mcf
BB .56 310.00 200 Mcf or more
B .54 620.00 " " " " 5 000 to 9 999.9
C .51 1 445.00 " " " " 10 000 to 19 999.9
D .48 2 685.00 " " " " 20 000 to 49 999.9
E .44 6 090.00 " " " " 5Q Q00 to 199 999.9
F .41 10 325.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more
Purchased Gas Adiustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate
under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be :
added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above
schedule the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf
to the nearest 0.01� by which the town border commodity charge varies from
30.08� per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such
amount will be multiplied by 1.087.
Any revision in the purchased gas adjustment due to a change in the town border
rate shall become effective on bills based on regular meter readings on and
after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town border rate.
In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Com-
pany attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the
(Continued on following sheet)
foregoing purchased gas ad�ustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied
by the factor 1.087, together with interest thereon, received by the Company
will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas ad�ustment until the amount
of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction
will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months.
M�onthlv Minimum Char,�e If in any month customer does not use the minimum amount
provided for herein because of Company's failure to deliver gas wholly or in
part, the monthly minimum charge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount
of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use
of service during the period from November 1 to March 31, inclusive, each year,
the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be waived during said period.
Promut Pavment Provision A charge of 5� on the first $25.00 monthly plus 1X on
the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule
shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for pay-
ment within the discount period.
Gross Earnint�s Clause Bills sub3ect to the ad�ustment provided for in Gross
Earnings Clause Rider.
Unit of Measurement The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an
absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees
Heatin� Value From 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive) per cubic foot. If in any
month, the arithmetic average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less
than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volume of gas measured hereunder during such
period shall be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease
below 975 Btu per cubic foot.
Priority Classification Class AA shall have first priority. Curtailment shall
begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA.
Term of A�reement Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one
- year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated
by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. .
Note 1: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been
Note 2: The above rate schedules for interruptible service are also sub�ect to
Company's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company from whom the gas
contemplated to be sold hereunder will be purchased.
Availability Available to any residential, commercial or industrial customer
for unmetered gas yard lighting when such customer is using gas service at
the same location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service
will be billed on the applicable rate schedule.
Rate $1.70 per lamp per month
Gross Earnin�ts Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross
Earnings Clause Rider.
Special Terms and Conditions
1. Customer shall pay for the entire cost of installation including the
piping from the service to the yard light. Company shall own and maintain
the piping from the service to the yard light. Customer shall own and
maintain the yard light.
2. The gas lamp may be either a single or double mantle installation.
3. The orifice will be sized to a 4�71 drill size.
4. Pressure will be set at 4 inches water column.
5. Yard lights with larger orifices or pressures higher than 4 inches
water column will not be permitted on this rate schedule.
, :
Availability Available to cotumercial and industrial customers with requirements
of 50 Mcf or more per day.
Demand Chartze $4.26 per Mcf per month of Billing Demand
Coamnodity Char�e
First 2 000 Mcf per month @ $.61 per Mcf
Next 3 000 " " " @ .54 " "
Next 15 000 " �� �� @ .49 " "
Next 30 000 �� '� " @ .46 " "
Excess " " " @ .44 " "
Purchased Gas Adiustment In the event there is a change in the town border rate
under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall
be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above
schedule the sum of (1) the product of the monthly billing demand and the
amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1� by which the town border demand charge
varies from $3.410 and, (2) the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and
the amount per Mcf to the nearest O.O1C by which the town border commodity
, charge varies from 30.08C per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a
positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.087.
� Monthly Minimum Char�e The Demand Charge
Promvt Payment Provision A charge of 5X on the first $25.00 monthly plus 1% on
the remainder will be added to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule
shown above, which charge shall conatitute a discount from gross bill for
payment within the discount period.
Gross Earnint�s Clause Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Gross
Earnings Clause Rider.
Determination of Bi11inA Demand The demand in Mcf for billing purposes shall be
the greatest daily consumption in Mcf during the month for which bill is
rendered, but in no event shall the demand to be billed be considered as less
than the daily demand in Mcf Company agrees to deliver as specified in the
contract between Company and customer, nor less than the demand previously
billed hereunder.
Heatinst Value Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot.
Note: Gas consumed under this rate schedule must be separately metered from
customer's other firm gas requirements.
. '� , r � � �
Bills rendered shall be further ad3usted by Company over a period
terminating no later than December 31, 197� in an amount to allow Company
to recoup gross earnings payments paid to the City during the year 1971 in
excess of a rate of 5x and which have not been fully recovered from Company's
customers in prior billings.
� t �
I s+ 2nd I�
. 3
�aid over to
3rd and app dopted �
Yeas �'��`"� Nays Yeas Nays
Butler �Butler
Carlson �2att�`
Levine ������� —�evrrr�
� Meredith -MerBdif�
Sprafka `5prafka J
Tedesco Vedesco
Mr. President McCarfy
(�1r. Vice President Meredith