257991 `N ORIGINAL--. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL '�-.A "TM"�" COUNCIL RESOLUTION F�� No. �fl�r 4060 FOR AUTH ATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. DA� 19__ • RESOLVE � That The City Council. hereby concurs in the action of the Contract Committee in the award of a contract for furnishing all labor� materials and equipment necessary or incidental to the CONSTRUCTION OF THE GRIFFITH - PT. �OUGLAS REL2EF SEWER 3YSTEM, St. Paul, Minnesota for the Department vf Public Works to LAMETTT & S4NS INC. for the contract price of 51,066�852.75 (P1us City Force _ Work - Traffic - �2,000.�0, Valuation and Assessment Servic�s - $3,100.00, Engineering ar�d Inspection - 10.59� - $112�019.53, Water Department - 55,000.0�� Collection or Misc. Charges - 56�928*�0, Non- Contract Items - Soft Borings - 54�000.00) as a result of For�aal Bid No. 4980 and the specifications incorporated therein, LAMETTI & SONa INC. being the lowest responsible bidder under the specifications and the Corporation Counsel is hereby direct�d to draft the proper form of contract and obtain the necessary perfo=manee and payn�nent bonds. Th� prop�r City officials are hereby author3zed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Baul. C.F. No. 257024 Contract No. 5-0984 P ED• TH NTRACT CC#�IMITT�E Formal Bid Nc. 4980 " - ION O PIT C WORK �VED: AS TO � G4 OLL e CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • ��Q{�p�8����p . pEpT',CpNT,�Np, �7-�984 ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION_ 1Qi5A : : � - i $ 1,12�0�✓.53 WATER DEPARTMENT COSTS " E �'QOO��U ENGINEER�S ESTIMATE: VALUATION AND ASSE35MENT SERVICES - - - - - - - s �'1QO�OO . : �'Q/�'OOO�OO OTHER CITY SERVICES -°'�Traff�.c,. . - - - - - - - a 2'� � �•(�� FORMAL BID NO. 4980 COLLECTION CHARGES - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - S 6 .i� Non-Contract Items - Soft Borings � . TOTAL - 9f 1 AA AQQ•�A NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUND8 AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER B�ORE PRE.SENTINCi TO�UNCIL FOR ADOPTtON. '����7 1'� � PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS POLLOW3: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - �- - - - $ ��y��✓�Q��� 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -- "0920-461 $ 3. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT N0. . $ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ` t �� BOND ISSUE-CODE $ 946,389��5 S. COUNTY AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' W�Rr1��1� ' �' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � 6. MINN. HIGHWAV DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT N-O. � y �. �. Coop. Con st. Agt. #S 7U44� M.H.D. � � s 98�,511.01 TOTAL ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � 1�199�300.2Si COPIES TO: 1 HEROY CtRTIFY TNAT THERE If AN UNENCVMBtRtD BAL- � � CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABL6 IN TH6 ABOV6 STATED ArPROPRtAT10Nf TO ���M��y��T� . COMPTROLLER ROMBURSE THB P[RMANOiT�IMPROV6M0iT REVOLVIMO FUND � . � .PUBLIC WORKS � IN THB ABOV6 AMOUNTf. � - PURCHASING � DATE FINAL ORD6R ADO�T� COMPTROLEPL BY ����MEN ' APR 6 197� YEAS NAYS ADOrT�D BY THE COdNCI� _ . BLl�1Qr N �AVOR "`� �� � ,�(17f� . . A l�. Conway Spraflca Levin� Tedesco "P""O1 •aw�r�sr Mesedith Mr. Prosidenfr MCC3Y'ty �" � 4/5/72/em _ oR � �O PUBUSHED APR $ I�